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Jesus Radicals. Menno - Life, complete writings, doctrine, images and links. Church of the Brethren: Continuing the work of Jesus. Welcome to — GAMEO. Anabaptist Mennonites. Love Your Enemies. Bible Pacifism - Christian Pacifism is the Scriptural Position. Plow Creek Mennonite Church | home | Mission | Site Outline Jim's Peacemaking | Jim Fitz's Colombia Reports | War tax resistance testimony | Parable of the AK-47 Bible PacifismChristian Pacifism is the Scriptural Position by Jim Foxvog.

Bible Pacifism - Christian Pacifism is the Scriptural Position

Nonresistance. Nonresistance (or non-resistance) is generally defined as "the practice or principle of not resisting authority, even when it is unjustly exercised".[1] At its core is discouragement of, even opposition to, physical resistance to an enemy.


It is considered as a form of principled nonviolence or pacifism which rejects all physical violence, whether exercised on individual, group, state or international levels. Practitioners of nonresistance may refuse to retaliate against an opponent or offer any form of self-defense. Nonresistance is often associated with particular religious groups. Sometimes non-resistance has been seen as compatible with, even part of, movements advocating social change.

An often-cited example is the movement led by Mohandas Gandhi in the struggle for Indian Independence. Mennonite Central Committee. Peace and Justice Support Network. MB Forum: Index. Charity Ministries. Third Way Cafe - Third Way Media. Anabaptist. (didn't know I was) unamerican. Don Murphy's story.