ID3 Tag. PE COFF. Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format SpecificationMicrosoft CorporationRevision 8.2 Note: This specification is provided to aid in the development of certain development tools for the Microsoft Windows platform.
However, Microsoft does not guarantee that it is a complete specification in all respects, and cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. Microsoft reserves the right to alter this specification without notice. Microsoft will grant a royalty-free license, under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, to any Microsoft patent claims (if any exist) that Microsoft deems necessary for the limited purpose of implementing and complying with the required portions of this specification only in the software development tools known as compilers, linkers, and assemblers targeting Microsoft Windows. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Dwarf 3 Standard. The Dwarf Standards Committee has been meeting since November, 1999, to discuss revisions and extensions to the Dwarf 2 Standard.
The participants are people who are interested in debugging, both as compiler developers or as debugger developers. Participation is open to anyone who is interested. We plan to release a public review copy of the revised Dwarf specification in mid-2001. The Dwarf Standards Committee has decided that the modifications and extensions to the Dwarf 2 standard make complete upward compatibility with Dwarf 2 difficult and are sufficient to warrant naming the new standard Dwarf 3.