◥ University. {q} PhD. ⏫ THEMES. ⏫ Police. {tr} Training. Ⓜ️ Training. Ⓜ️ Police A-Z. ⚫ UK. ⚫ England. ⬤ London. ⭐☸️ MPS. MPS - MSC Joining Documentation. Freedom of Information - Metropolitan Police. Special Constable Training - a Freedom of Information request to Police Scotland. How many hours did you do before Becoming IPS? Independent Patrol Status, how long? 'Numpty', on 29 Sept 2010 - 10:25 AM, said: I don't know what system I am on either. I was signed off the first time using a document called the Street Duties workbook. That was around June/July 2009. Around March/April time 2010 a new book was issued with added competencies. No the whole of the MSC has the same regulations re IPS now, that was the point of changing it all, to get a uniform standard. Anybody who was signed off pre-April 2010 lost their IPS. To clarify, if you were attested prior to April 2010, you do not have to complete the new workbook to get IPS, you just need to fill in the 3 page document which lists the required tasks you need to have completed.
Moving up the ranks - MSC. PAC & SOROC. IPS Status. After those are completed, are you allowed to patrol solo? We have a very comprehensive list of things to check off, most people do each 3 times, or until considered competent, before being ticked off on each. These include Initial investigation of MisPerInitial Investigation of Domestic incidentWitness/Victim statementsCommunication with commspatrol in accordance with prioritiesconvey to custodymake lawful arrestsstop/searchpremises searchesEndorsable FPNSNon Endorsable FPNSVehicle Defect Rectification SchemeVehicle StopsTax offencesRTC managementCrime scene managementIntel submissionsamong others which I am bound to have missedPNDsPNC checks Even after doing all the above, plus more, 3+ times over, I wouldn't be 100% confident in grabbing a set of keys and attending jobs.Just because you've done something 2 or 3 times, doesn't make you competent in it.
New SOROC. The SOROC book is annoying. I don't like it at all. The problem I'm having a lot is I'll fill part of it out then think, hang on I need so and so to fill part of this out. It won't be a while until I see so and so again and by that time he/she will have forgotten about the incident entirely. Also when I have had other people fill things out I've noticed that they don't understand the choose 2 behaviours from each of these lists in the back of the book bit. 'Bobby-Bali', on 05 Dec 2010 - 6:03 PM, said: personally i dont find it too bad to be honest. when bringing another 'happy customer' to be booked in after arrest, i just come down after doing my notes and wait until the custody sergeant has 2 minutes to fill the book in.
The non-crime part annoys me a lot. SOROC + PDR. Completing SOROC. I know the issue of old style IPS checklist vs SOROC has come up a few times, and I'm not looking to open that debate again. And I don't want to start the 'how quick can I get it done' one either. However, I'm just wondering how many hours it took people to complete the new SOROC book, either from the point at which you were given the book, since you attested or started operational duties (and yes, they are different dates as far as my Borough is concerned).
Someone today has suggested that I rushed through it, and I think that they are overlooking the fact that I might have done it faster than some of my colleagues, in terms of the number of months that I've had the book, but they are forgetting I've also been able to put in many more hours over the past few months…. So it all balances out in the end, and I resent the fact that it has been suggested I rushed it, because I didn't. Be nice to hear your thoughts.... SOROC Completion. IPS - Timeframes. 'PC Donald Duck', on 15 Mar 2011 - 3:01 PM, said: You and your pal are both ips, one did the soroc and one did the Check list. Your walking along really happy. its a sunny day and a sudden death comes out, you are the only unit free on the IDW so you get the call....
Now What?? Quickly show your self as Number 8 on the MDT? BAD TIMES! Unless I missed something, a sudden death isn't on the IPS checklist for pre-April 2010 officers... even those who are walking around with MDTs attached to their metvests We've had this discussion over and over again elsewhere on the boards; getting your IPS or your SOROC shows that you're capable of being a generic "bobby on the beat" who can handle the majority of common occurences by themselves (including simply until other officers arrive where appropriate). We need to move on and join together as one - pre-April '10 officers and those post are all members of the MSC. Time from PACs -> IPS. A Police Action Checklist, is a tool for assessing, measuring and recording a defined set of competencies for a specific activity.
S1 Person search for instance will list all the things you're supposed to do. Assessment of your grounds, a safe approach based on the cricumstances, engagement with the person stopped, GOWISELY, safe searching, to the extent required, contact and cover, record keeping and ending the engagement (or not).
It's designed to allow someone to a) know what they're going to assessed on and what's expected, b) allow an assessor to record their actions, c) communicate what went well and what needs work and d) provide a written record of it. A PAC is a tool in the arsenal for those doing coached patrols (or street duties) and their teachers/mentors/whatevers to use. I do find though that 600 hours and not being IPS worth questioning though.
PACS and SOROC. Coached patrol shifts @ CW. CW Officer here I have recently been through this process (attested in March) and yes it is hard to get shifts however it is not impossbile. Quite simply you need to keep a very close eye on MSConline. When the shifts go on you should have a chance of booking at least 2 months in advance which , if working each week, is roughly 8 shifts. This is ample time to complete the coached patrol phase for most people if you work hard. I must admit I had the site up almost 24/7 while at work in order to get those shifts but after a couple of weeks of constant checking I got what I wanted and was out on team in 2 months. Subscribe to the forums on MSCONLINE as well so you are notified when things go on.Also remember people will withdraw so dont wait for new shifts all the time.
The biggest bit of advice I can offer is if you are not out on the shifts then keep reading your notes or pick up a Blackstones Operational Handbook aswell if you can. 'Peteee', on 01 Sept 2011 - 3:05 PM, said: