☠️ UK-GOV. ◥ University. {q} PhD. ⏫ THEMES. ⏫ Police. ⚫ UK. ⚫ England. ⬤ London. ⭐☸️ MPS. ☠️ CPS. ☠️ HSE. Legislation.gov.uk. Legislation.gov.uk - UK Public General Acts. Casefinder | Tester site only. ☢️ CRIME. ⬛ PNLD. Citizens Advice - Police Powers. This information applies to England and Wales General powers of the police Many rules about police behaviour are set down in codes of practice, and there are also laws about some of the things the police can and can't do.
The police are also covered by the law about discrimination, which means it's against the law for them to discriminate against you because of: agedisabilitygender reassignmentpregnancy and maternityracereligion or beliefsexsexual orientation. If the police act in a way which does not comply with the law or the codes of practice, it may mean you could sue them, that they could be prosecuted for committing a criminal offence, or that they could be disciplined. This information does not cover every situation and, if you have problems with the police, you should always take further advice.
Back to top Stop and account The police can stop anyone in a public place and ask you to account for yourself. Stop and search When can the police stop and search you Can the police use force.
⚖️ ASB. ⚖️ Animals. ⚖️ Common Law. ⚖️ CJPO. ⚖️ CJA. ⚖️ CMA. ⚖️ CTBSA. ⚖️ CTSA. ⚖️ Consumer. ⚖️ DPA. ⚖️ Defamation. ⚖️ Equality Act. ⚖️ Emp Rights. ⚖️ Education NI. ⚖️ FOI. ⚖️ GDPR. ⚖️ HRA. ⚖️ H&S Act. ⚖️ H&S (NI) ⚖️ HTA. ⚖️ HSCA. ⚖️ IHCR (NI) ⚖️ Ionising. ⚖️ ISA. ⚖️ MU Drugs. ⚖️ Mental. ⚖️ Mental CA. ⚖️ MHU (ct) ⚖️ NHS. ⚖️ NI Act. ⚖️ Official S' ⚖️ Omb' ⚖️ PREVENT. ⚖️ PACE 1984. ⚖️ Proceeds CA. ⚖️ RTA 1988. ⚖️ R' Invest. ⚖️ Residential. ⚖️ Race (NI) ⚖️ Safeguard. ⚖️ Terrorism.