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Cheap arduino boards

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Studio. Microduino: Arduino in your pocket, small, stackable, smart by Microduino Studio. A small sized board that packs a great punch!

Microduino: Arduino in your pocket, small, stackable, smart by Microduino Studio

The Microduino series is a 100% Arduino compatible open source hardware, compatible with Arduino IDE development environment and existing Arduino sketches. Microduino is small. Its size is about a quarter (25.40mm X 27.94mm / 1.0inch X 1.1inch), much smaller than the original Arduino board. All Microduino boards adopt a uniform U-shape 27-pin standard pin-out (UPin-27). Thus Microduino series can be easily stacked together through the UPin-27, and all modules are delivered ready to stack. Microduino configures the pinout usage table well so as to avoid any pin usage conflict between different extension modules.

We've benefitted from the open source community, and we're dedicated to giving back. Once you upload an Arduino compatible program onto the Microduino, you don't need Microduino-FT232R anymore. With Microduino, it's easy and low-cost for you to build your owner applications, realize your bright ideas and conduct low volume production. Diavolino [KIT11081M] - $13.00. Seeeduino Film [ARD129D2P] - $19.00. Can we place order of Seeeduino Film now the Units in Stock of Seeeduino Film is always 0, so Can we place order of Seeeduino Film now, and when will it be shipped after order?

Seeeduino Film [ARD129D2P] - $19.00

I'm sorry this product has shut down, and we don't sell it any more. Answered by Jacket Chueng | 2014-03-13 Was this useful? As apparent by your neglect of this product, you do not intend to sell it again. I'm sorry this product has shut down, and a new product "Xadow" may be smaller to seeeduino film. Jacket Chueng | 2014-02-11 Marcos Arruda | 2013-09-10 When does this product will be available again?? So much time without updates on this product maybe you can have a look at Xadow: Jacket Chueng | 2013-09-16 Was this useful? Christoph Ketzler | 2013-04-01 Can the uC get information about the charging state of the battery? Hi.When it is charging by solar panel,the led of CH will be turned on.But if it is charging by battery,there is no state indicator. Polymer Lithium Ion Battery - 110mAh - PRT-00731. Cheapduino (5Pcs) Introduction CheapDuino is the most affordable Arduino compatible processor in the world.

Cheapduino (5Pcs)

The price for each cheapDuino is almost 1/5 price of the Arduino UNO.It's aimed to supply an extremely low cost solution for any disposable projects, such as DIY projects, workshop, gifts projects, E-Textiles and education. For those students from second or third world countries who can not afford the official Arduino, cheapduino opens the door to the physical world. The cheapDuino integrates a ATmega8 microcontroller as Arduino NG. So it's available to program it directly with Arduino IDE via the FTDI programmer or USB Serial Light Adapter. Although the cheapduino has extremely low price tag, we do spent lots of time to consider every detail of the product.

The picture aside shows a simple temperature display application based cheapDuino. So just pick one up, get started to control your physical world with cheapDuino now. Editor’s Choice Award at Maker Faire Note: Specification Shipping List Documents.