RCS is a Consulting service provider and COVID-19 equipment provider to help the world fight Coronavirus Pandemic, situated in San Francisco Bay Area, providing all type of Consulting services all around the world. We provide comprehensive medical supplies and sanitation equipment service provided by a knowledgeable and experienced consultancy company for both new and retrofitted hospital services.
Your Customized Service as a Product. Normally when you think about a product versus a service, you think about 2 different things: A service is something that you get that provides you with immediate, but not lasting value.
It is intangible, meaning that you cannot pick it up and touch it or view it.A product is something that generally has durable value – or is something you will enjoy for a while. It is also something that is tangible. For example, when you get your hair cut, you’ll look fantastic for about a day. After that, you’ve got to start maintaining it, so the immediate value you got from the haircut is not durable. What if we designed services with the intent of creating lasting value? While certain service businesses can productize their service offerings by applying the same customized solution set to each of their clients – which has its benefits in terms of scalability and predictability – not every business can do that. PPE: What Are Personal Protective Equipment. PE, or Personal Protective Equipment, are equipment and instruments that have the objective of minimizing the damage deriving from risks to health and safety at work.
Depending on the degree of risk of the work activity, the use of specific devices is envisaged, which in some circumstances may also be mandatory by law. The obligation to use PPE, in fact, concerns all cases in which certain risk factors cannot be avoided or reduced by prevention measures or collective protection means. In this article, we will see, in particular, what is the Personal Protective Equipment. PPE: what they are The Consolidated Law on Safety at Work (Legislative Decree 81/08) establishes that PPE in the workplace must comply with the rules laid down in Legislative Decree 475/92: Article 74 gives the following definition of Personal Protective Equipment : Among the PPE requirements it is expected that they must: PPE: categories Personal protection devices fall into this category: PPE: obligations of the employer.
PPE: What Are Personal Protective Equipment. How Should a Consultant Move to Find His First Client? The first customer never forgets.
But no, I don’t want to tell you the exciting story of how I found my first client. In this article I address all the new consultants, or even earlier to all those people who are planning the big leap into the world of web marketing consultant, who, however, immobilized by the fear of not finding a first customer in a short time, they hesitate to throw themselves, leaving, perhaps, a more comfortable permanent place behind them. It must be said that fears for the future aside, defining oneself as a consultant is not absolutely difficult: anyone with really expendable skills can actually do it. Ah, and – at least at the beginning – it costs little, very little. In fact, it is enough to invest a few hundred euros in business cards and in a personal website, and boom, you can sell yourself as consultants. Everyone takes a different path to become a consultant. What should a consultant do to find the first client? Digital Marketing Copes With the Coronavirus in the Company.
I am not going to tell you how the coronavirus supplies are being affected but companies are suffering and you all are experiencing it first hand.
Modifications, delays, cancellations, ERTEs … a desperation. But not everything has to be bad. Your brand is facing a unique opportunity to add value to society if you know how to take advantage of digital channels. Marketing plays a key role since we can add value to customers from a single point of contact with them. It is time to take over from the marketing department and run for all our colleagues who cannot do it. The impact of coronavirus on the company This crisis has surely had a great impact on your working life. The coronavirus may have stopped your factory, but it shouldn’t stop your brand. Ha, and who does it. With this article, we want to help you minimize the impact of this crisis on your company. Your client is more online than ever Create content that adds value to your customer Analyzes the behavior of users on your website. RCS providing medical, business, export & equipment consultancy.