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Dual Exceptionalities. Gifted students with disabling conditions remain a major group of underserved and understimulated youth (Cline, 1999).

Dual Exceptionalities

The focus on accommodations for their disabilities may preclude the recognition and development of their cognitive abilities. It is not unexpected, then, to find a significant discrepancy between the measured academic potential of these students and their actual performance in the classroom (Whitmore & Maker, 1985). In order for these children to reach their potential, it is imperative that their intellectual strengths be recognized and nurtured, at the same time as their disability is accommodated appropriately.

Assessment. Have you ever heard of a learning disability called Dyscalculia (also acalculia) Accommodations & Modifications ... Dysgraphia. Reading Rockets: Dysgraphia Accommodations and Modifications. By: Susan Jones (1999) Many students struggle to produce neat, expressive written work, whether or not they have accompanying physical or cognitive difficulties.

Reading Rockets: Dysgraphia Accommodations and Modifications

They may learn much less from an assignment because they must focus on writing mechanics instead of content. After spending more time on an assignment than their peers, these students understand the material less.