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Peintures à la crème glacée - Othman Toma. Iraqi artist Othman Toma creates these paintings using melted ice-creams. If you look at his site he usually draws with pencils or paints with watercolours, these paintings are proof that you can produce art in a variety of unconventional ways. There are some out there that say that these paintings, could not have been painted with the ice-creams, Othman says that, that is what he used as his paint, maybe next time he should do a time lapse video to prove them wrong.

Robes sublimes créées à partir de pétales de fleurs - Grace Ciao. Grace Ciao is a young business student and freelance designer that creates gorgeous sketches and prints from flower petals. An alternative to pencils, the petals bring the sketches to life and give the dresses unique style, Ciao even claiming that "they help [her] create prints which [she] otherwise couldn't have thought of. " The 22-year-old first started using petals in her sketches when a flower she was given began to wilt. In attempt to preserve its beauty, she unknowingly created her signature flower-sketch process; for which her beautiful designs have gone viral. Personnages à partir d'objets - Gilbert Legrand.

Tout ce qui nous entoure peut être une source formidable d’inspiration lorsqu’on possède un esprit créatif. Preuve en est une nouvelle fois avec cet artiste hors normes qui transforme des objets de récup, destinés normalement aux poubelles, en de fabuleux personnages aussi absurdes que touchants. L’artiste à l’origine de ces splendides œuvres nous vient de France et plus précisément de Toulouse. Et son nom, c’est Gilbert LeGrand, un monsieur qui nous souhaite la « bienvenue dans un monde rêvé, peuplé d’objets du quotidien devenus stars d’un jour ».

Et quel monde ! Gilbert arrive à voir en chaque objet qui croise son regard, un petit personnage totalement déluré et énigmatique duquel se dégage à chaque fois une grande poésie. Explosion de couleurs - Hua Tunan. Hua Tunan is a rising artist in China. Combining the traditional elements of Chinese art and culture with a modern twist, Hua brings about beautiful explosions on the canvas. Based out of Foshan, Hua (also known as 画图男) does performance and street art in addition to his paintings. His work has gathered the attention of companies such as Volvo, who flew him out to Zurich to do graffiti art on one of their blank cars for a performance. As his art continues to stimulate viewers, we at Visual News will keep an eye on him and his work at Chinese creative agency NeochaEDGE. . ↬ neochaEDGE. Dessins Miniatures - Lorraine Loots.

Une peinture miniature par jour pendant un an, voici le projet de l’artiste sud-africaine Lorraine Loots intitulé « 365 Postcards for Ants » Dessins à la machine à écrire - Keira Rathbone. Take a look at Keira Rathbone's typewriter art - yep, she bangs out the images on a little orange typewriter she has been using since 2003. Wild. All images via Keira's Facebook page. Digital Art - Goro Fujita. Performance Sand Art - Kseniya Simonova. Born in a small town on the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, Kseniya Simonova has skyrocketed to international stardom following her 2009 win of Ukraine’s Got Talent. Her combination of story telling, sand art, and music has been showcased in over 200 performances over the past 4 years, including locales such as Ukraine, Russia, Norway, Japan, Poland, Austria, China, The United Kingdom, India, Italy, Germany, Kazakhstan, Malta, and others. She performs regularly for presidents, heads of state, and royalty.

Since she was a child, Kseniya painted, drew and designed alongside her mother and family. Kseniya would later become a fashion model, though she graduated from higher studies with a degree in medico-psychology. Her devotion to live sand art began when her now-husband Igor discovered her as a model. He was the owner of one of Crimea’s art galleries, and was hiring models for an upcoming art project involving sand art. In 2009, Simonova presented her first exhibition in sand art. Drôles de dessins en perspective - Husk Mitnavn. Créatures insolites et colorées - Alexandra Zutto. Créatures fantastiques - Wednesday Wolf. Jardins miniatures.

Effets de Miroir - Daniel Kukla. Daniel Kukla is a photographer who had formal training in biological and anthropological sciences. His educational background plays a major part of his artistic practice, and this can be seen in his clever project titled, The Edge Effect.

In the description and explanation of the project, Kukla writes, In March of 2012, I was awarded an artist’s residency by the United States National Park Service in southern California’s Joshua Tree National Park. While staying in the Park, I spent much of my time visiting the borderlands of the park and the areas where the low Sonoran desert meets the high Mojave desert. While hiking and driving, I caught glimpses of the border space created by the meeting of distinct ecosystems in juxtaposition, referred to as the Edge Effect in the ecological sciences. We love how the photos look like they’re of paintings of the desert placed within the desert.

You can find the rest of the photographs in the series over on Kukla’s website. P.S. Mix Dessin & Photo - Ben Heine. Compositions culinaires - Lauren. Lauren est une artiste qui réalise d’impressionnantes créations culinaires à base de légumes et de fruits. Elle transforme ainsi nos assiettes parfois bien fades en de réelles compositions colorées et esthétiques.

Un travail de food art à la fois ludique, gourmand et créatif ! Lauren Purnell est une artiste canadienne qui se passionne pour l’art et la nourriture. Elle adore tout particulièrement combiner les deux en créant de superbes compositions culinaires. Lauren joue ainsi sur les couleurs, les formes et les textures de tous les aliments pour nous offrir des illusions très réalistes. Tout cela nous a mis l’eau à la bouche, plus particulièrement le bateau fait de tranches de pastèque et la corbeille de fruits composée d’une multitude de légumes qui ont l’air vraiment délicieux.

Stimuli Synaptiques. Aquarelle & Objets - Christoph Niemann. Peintures à l’huile - Guan ZeJu. Illustrations sur CoffeeCups. Dessins au crayon et illusion de relief - Ramon Bruin. Most of these drawings by Ramon Bruin seem relatively simple, but at the same time, because of their shadows and some intriguingly placed real-life props in the photographs, the sketched images appear to be almost magically leaving the bounds of the paper they’re drawn on… (via My Modern Met)

Paper Art - Peter Callesen. Architecture en papier - Ingrid Siliakus. Sculptures de crayon - Dalton Ghetti. Nouvel artiste à ajouter dans la catégorie (toujours fictive) « Insolite » et néanmoins talentueux, voici Dalton Ghetti et ses sculptures de crayon.

C’est vraiment impressionnant et je vous invite à jeter un oeil. Depuis 25 ans, Dalton Ghetti exerce avec minutie sa passion. Vu la taille d’une mine de crayon en graphite, on peut dire que cet homme a une patience et une habileté impressionnante. Il dit lui-même que cet art peut être extrêmement frustrant lorsqu’il arrive à la fin de sa création et qu’il commet une erreur, donc j’imagine que souvent la mine se casse… Pour en savoir plus sur son travail c’est par là : Dalton Ghetti sur OddStuffMagazine Que pensez-vous de cet artiste insolite ? Merci à @Alois_Val pour ce lien Auteur: Gaétan Weltzer, comme toujours en fait. Partagez l'article et l'amour qui s'en dégage ! 3inPartager0 Articles qui pourraient vous plaire. Beard Art - Isaiah Webb.

Time to get your beard on! This is Isaiah Webb, also known as Incredibeard. Along with his wife, Webb creates a new 'beardo' every week and posts an image or video on social media. Webb began growing facial hair at the age of 11, but it wasn’t until recently that he delved into beard experimentation. As a result of his creations, he has garnered internet fame and opened an online marketplace where bearded gentlemen can purchase beardly products, such as specialized combs, shampoo, waxes, and oils.