123D Circuits. 168.pdf. 2020 CHG MGMT Global Connect - Video Bundle | Association of Change Management Professionals. There are 24 pre-recorded Global Connect sessions, which consist of 6 track topics: Change Leadership and Critical Change Competencies; Change Management’s Role in the Future of Work; Empowering Change Management Success; Harnessing Collaborative Disciplines; Leveraging Technology in Organizational Change; and Research, Emerging Trends and Innovation. They do not include the Live/Opening session recordings. To view the full list of recorded sessions, please click here [PDF]. After your purchase you will receive a notification to download a PDF document, which will contain your link to the videos.
These videos will be hosted until May 14, 2021. (Downloading is not permitted.) The pricing for videos is: Conference attendees*: $99 Members: $299 Non-Members: $449 * If you were a Conference attendee and you would like to purchase the Global Connect Video Bundle, please send an email to conference@acmpglobal.org. 239512main_Calculator_Controlled_Robots. 3D Printed Exoskeleton Hands by 3DPrintIt. New Exoskeleton Arms >>> 3D printed exoskeleton hands that I made for a bit of fun. If you want to watch a video of it in use For the latest 3D printed exoskeleton updates visit The manual is in the .zip file. ***Disclaimer – 3D Print It will not be liable for personal injury resulting from negligent use of this product. Copyright (c) Alex Czech 2015. 5 Year Olds Coding Without Technology. Melissa Dann () is a prep teacher in Melbourne Australia who has begun exploring the concepts of coding with her five year old students. Yesterday she sent me the email below.
As she reflects on her own practice, I applaud her confidence in considering a blog post – way to take a risk! As such, I asked if I could quote her here in this space to get comfortable. Check out the really cool things that are happening! Hi Brian, Here is a quick overview of what been happening in my classroom teaching coding to 5 year olds.
Game : Robots and Programmers Children work in pairs. Language development is an important part of the activity. I kept it to a maximum of 10 steps as the children were keen to ask their robot to take 100 or even 1000 steps however we realised (by counting how many steps it took to cross the room) that 10 was about right amount for the size of our room. We have also played outside on the playground and this led to a lot more use of location language. Cheers, Melissa -Brian. About CS First | Google CS First. An Introduction to the Arduino. Arduino Projects. Arrick Robotics --- Robot Information Central.
Build a Paper RoboBee Model. Canadian Valley Professional Development Network Calendar. Cardboard Chassis for Cheap Robots 1: Boxbot. Previously I made an Instructable on cheap motors and wheels for robots, but wheels alone don't make a robot. If you want your robot to cruise in style, it's going to need a sturdy and stylish body. It's easy to make something rough but functional, but in my experience taking the time to make something look good usually makes it work better in the long run. A clean design makes it easier to add features, swap out parts, and generally keeps you from going nuts. That's why I'm not just focusing on the design of the body, but how it looks as well. That's right! This is going to be my first Instructable in a series that will show you how to make several different cardboard bodies for your robots. Now, break out the card board and plug in your hot glue gun.
For more Instructables on building cheap robots, check out my profile, or check out the links below! Motors and Wheels for Cheap Robots Cardboard Chassis for Cheap Robots 2: Bugbot Cardboard Chassis for Cheap Robots 3: Boardbot. Cheap flying Lego quadcopter - English. Classement Master Management et Droit de l'Immobilier, top 20 2020 des masters Management et Droit de l'Immobilier. Choisir un Master, un MS ou un MBA en Management et Droit de l'Immobilier - lumière sur la spécialité Le secteur du management et droit de l’immobilier Le management et droit de l’immobilier est un secteur dont l’activité est principalement francilienne.
Il emploie aujourd’hui près de 250 000 salariés et offre de belles perspectives d’avenir. Master/MS/MBA en management et droit de l’immobilier Chaque master, MS ou MBA en management et droit de l’immobilier dispose de son propre programme. Etre titulaire d’un master, MS ou MBA en management et droit de l’immobilier offre des perspectives de carrières intéressantes. L’œil du spécialiste : pourquoi faire un master, un MS ou un MBA en management et droit de l’immobilier ? Comme le souligne Isabelle Maleyre, directrice académique et de la recherche à l’ESPI, " la diversité et la richesse des métiers de l’immobilier et de la ville ne sont pas suffisamment connues. Travailler dans le secteur du management et droit de l’immobilier. Code Monster from Crunchzilla. <h2>Code Monster gets kids excited about programming. It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code.
<p> Code Monster use Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want the play with the Code Monster. Otherwise, Code Monster will not be able to play with you. </p><p></h2> I'm Code Monster! Getting Started Lesson 1 BACK How to Play | Lesson Sections | About | FAQ | Terms of Use | Privacy | Contact | © 2015 How to Play Code Monster teaches kids and adults a little about Javascript programming!
It's easy to play. Click on the Reset button if you really mess up your code and want to start over on a lesson. Code Monster saves what lesson you are on, so feel free to stop at any time and come back later. Have fun! About Code Monster from Crunchzilla is an interactive tutorial for kids that focuses on action. Projects start with simple boxes and colors, rapidly progressing into exciting experiments with simple animation and fractals. Sure! Terms of Use Oh my. Coping with uncertainty about workplace change | Dr Jen Frahm. Uncertainty during workplace change can be worse than the change event itself. Actually, most times. And it can be really surprising who in your team or immediate colleagues copes with the uncertainty and who doesn’t. Those that appear to be coping are probably doing so for four reasons: They have a high tolerance for uncertaintyThey are in denial – It’s not happening, there’s no point worrying about itThey have a high level of self-efficacy – doesn’t matter what happens next, I’ve got the skill set and attitude to get me through.They are very skilled at impression management during work hours – don’t ask what happens when they leave work!
This post though is aimed more at those who are struggling with uncertainty during change. There’s a lot of theory out there and research on coping with uncertainty. The following list provides a more practical focus on what you can do personally to cope with uncertainty in the workplace. CSTA - Highlighted Resources. Highlighted Resources Three New Videos from Code.org To help inspire kids to learn computer science, some of our greatest tech heroes have come together to record a short video message about how learning to code has influenced their lives and opened up doors. The message has received rave reviews in tests with students. For your convenience, Code.org has created 1-minute, 5-minute, and 9-minute versions. Please check them out. Please don't just show this in your own CS classes.
Check out these new videos at www.code.org/teach ! Microsoft Resources for Programming This document contains a large (but not complete) list of resources that anyone interested in programming and computer science education can download and use for free. Microsoft Research Profiles of Women in Computing This site profiles women researchers who are using computer science to solve some of the world's most vexing problems or technologists who are creating the next wave of paradigm-shifting products. Quizzes with a Theme. Curriki. Cut Out + Keep - Make and share step by step craft tutorials!
DESIGN SQUAD NATION . Build | Bristle Bots. Did you know? A Bristle Bot is a lot like a Pogo Stick. For example, you bounce up and down on a Pogo Stick. The pager motor does the same thing with the toothbrush head—it bounces it up and down. To move forward on a Pogo Stick, you tilt it forward while bouncing. Similarly the Bot’s bristles all tilt. ¿Sabías esto? El robot con cerdas es muy parecido a un cangurín tipo pogo. Digilent Inc. - Digital Design Engineer's Source. The Digilent Line-Following Motor Robot Kit (MRK+Line) provides the perfect starting point for those new to robotics, but has the power to be used for advanced designs and applications as well. The MRK pairs our powerful chipKIT™ Pro MX4 microcontroller development board with a rugged steel platform and all the motors, wheels, sensors, and other parts needed to build a complete robot.
When finished, the MRK+Line can be programmed to follow a dark line on a lightly colored surface. Using your MRK+Line’s powerful chipKIT™ Pro MX4, you’ll be able to add all sorts of functionality to your robot. Add some of our extensive line of peripheral modules (Pmods™) and you can design almost anything! Your chipKIT™ Pro MX4 can be programmed with either Microchip MPLAB® IDE or chipKIT™ MPIDE. Microchip MPLAB IDE can be downloaded for free from microchip.com. chipKIT MPIDE can be downloaded for free from. DIY Electronics Projects + Prototypes Made With littleBits. DSN_NASA_MissionSolarSystem_RoboArm. FD14J2SHHJOKQQU.pdf. First walker. Get Unity. Guides/pdfs/SketchITPlayIT.pdf. High-Low Tech. Hour of Code Unplugged: Computational Thinking without a Computer. Believe it or not, you don’t need to have access to computers to teach kids computational thinking.
Students can learn some important practices with just a paper and a pencil. Here’s a project kids can complete without any computer access. Even if you have your Hour of Code project ready to go online, you may want to keep this nearby as a handy backup in case the unexpected happens. Materials Needed Paper Pencils or pens Instruction Engineering: Kids create instructions on how to make something. How To Students are divided into groups of 2 to 5. They do not share their topic with any other team. The other team is to precisely follow the instructions handed to them with the goal of discovering what they are making, and to make it (if possible). Facilitator’s Job As the teacher, you may facilitate, but do not give out the answer. Share! Share your projects, pictures, and stories on twitter!
How To Build A Robot: Fun Crafts For Kids. The best thing about learning how to build a robot is you get to re-use household junk and turn it into great free crafts for kids. Building robots like this is fun and the delight kids show in making something that actually moves is fantastic. If you have a look at our homeschool robots, you'll see building robot body parts is really about raiding the trash can! Dinosaurs look really cool with plastic fork teeth and spray bottle heads and the techniques you'll learn when you make your own robot are great to use for all sorts of kids projects and activities. The credit for building those cool robots and teaching the kids crafts skills you need is definitely down to this book: Stephen Munzer Making Dinosaur Robots from junk The link takes you to the UK version, in the US you can get it here: The best way to see how to build robots is to start here: Look at our homeschool page on building fun dinosaur robots from junk in our page on homeschooling activities.
Free Crafts For Kids Cool Robots. How to Build the SimpleBotics SimpleBot! How-to-Build-a-Robot---The-BeetleBot. Howtoons. Hydraulic robots. Hydraulic rubric. Inch Worm Soft Robot. (Time-lapsed videos above of Inch Worm Soft Robot) A few months back, I saw the videos of Matthew Borgatti’s soft robots (videos below) and was really captivated by them. They inspired me to think about building a soft robot using pneumatic pressure for locomotion, but as a newbie to both Arduino and silicone casting, I decided to make a simplified version using more off-the-shelf, readily-available materials.
This inch worm soft robot uses a party balloon, a hacked blood pressure monitor (for the pump, psi sensor, etc.) and some sheet silicone and vinyl. And an Arduino starter kit, of course! This robot is still connected to the Arduino UNO (and connected back to a laptop), but I eventually will miniaturize it and transfer it to a Pro-trinket and house it within the robot. Also, I am hoping to be able to add a more powerful pump to get the worm to move faster... the videos you see are time-lapsed (10x faster). Updates on this to follow! Basic Arduino Basic soldering Basic sewing 1 balloon. Instructables.com. 56 46 25 146 3259 15315 24453 91.3K 3126 4190 108 121.2K 311.3K 652.0K 25686 22703 21912K 26583 291.1K 918.7K 18664 4199 28862 261.2K 411.9K 151.0K 642.2K 501.2K 1073.1K 5314 19823K 11796 761.7K 12800 34689 16503 591.5K 9882 19584 7429 381.3K 31894 381.1K 312.0K 19588 7532 311.3K 26829 21727 271.0K 191.8K 14624 33876 601.1K 321.3K 884.1K 401.7K 20962.
Invent to Learn Ideas & Links. Leandro Herrero. Make - Bare ConductiveBare Conductive. Make a Robotic Balloon Muscle. Step #1: Blow Up Two Balloons PrevNext Use the hand pump to inflate two balloons, leaving about 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12 cm) uniflated at the end. This is known as the tip of the balloon. Remove the pump and let out a little air (known in the business as burping the balloon). This bit of slack makes it easier to twist the balloon without popping it. Tie the neck of the balloon in a knot to seal it. Helpful hint: Before inflating a balloon, stretch it lengthwise a few times. Step #2: Connect the Balloons Take one of the balloons and pinch it gently about 3 inches (8 cm) from the knot.
Do the same to the other balloon, then connect the two balloons by twisting them together where they are already twisted. Step #3: Make a Hinge in Each Balloon To make a hinge in the first balloon, bend it in half. Twist it around three times, spinning it like a dial. The hinge should look like a knee sticking out in front. Step #4: Tie the Tips of the Balloons Together and Insert the Tubing. Makercamp.com. MakerClubPlaybook. MakerZone | Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Lego MINDSTORMS Project Resources.
Makeymakey. Me Arm - Version 0.1 - Ultra Cheap Robot Arm by phenoptix. MeArm - Build a Small Hackable Robot Arm | Make It @ Your Library. Motor Controllers for Cheap Robots 2. Motors and Wheels for Cheap Robots. My BIG List of iPad Coding Apps for Kids! NavSpark: Arduino Compatible with GPS GNSS Receiver. Nestling: diy Robot Wreath. NXT Base Set and Software Pack. Project Ideas from MAKE. Projects_Made with Code. RandomKid Home. Razor Robotics - Robot Guides for Beginners, Educational Resources, Careers Advice and much more! Remove a Servo Controller. Resources. Resources. Resources_Made with Code. Robot Basketball. Robot Kit - Norland ResearchHome of the Calculator Controlled Robot Kit.
Robot recipes: durable metal robot toys made with the cans from last night’s dinner #ArtTuesday. Robotarm_0.pdf. Robotic Arm - Edge. Scribbling_machines.pdf. Search - All. Simple Bots. Simple Bots: Buck | Make It @ Your Library. Simple Bots: Inchworm. Sphero For Education | Sphero. Store.boingboing. TakeItApart. The pencil drone. Tiny, Origami Robots Can Climb, Swim and Burrow. Untitled. Upcycling Ideas and Inspiration | Upcycle That. Upcycling Ideas and Inspiration | Upcycle That. Using GitHub. Videojug - Get Good At Life. The world's best how to videos plus free expert advice and tutorials. Weekend Project: Beetlebot. Weekend Project: Beetlebot.
Welcome to our Hour of Code™! | Hour of Drawing with Code. Worm Robot - from a CDROM Drive Door Opening Mechanism. Your-First-Robot. Épidémie de Coronavirus (Covid-19) -J'ai été en contact avec une personne malade du Covid-19 : que dois-je faire ?