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Fractal Dimension Matlab Code. Edit MATLAB M code in Emacs 1.0 Matlab-emacs Major mode for Emacs for editing MATLAB code, and running MATLAB in an inferior shell.

Fractal Dimension Matlab Code

Edit MATLAB M code in Emacs 1.0 License - GNU General Public License (GPL). Fractal em Pascal. Aros Fractals. Fibonacci Spiral Generator. The Natural Intelligence Custom Fibonacci Spiral Generator allows the user to create his or her own large Fibonacci spiral images.

Fibonacci Spiral Generator

Each spiral is based on a small tile image, either from those supplied with the application, or one which the user provides. The CFSG application provides a control console on which the user may vary the settings to produce the final image, including the spectrum shift, brightness change, number of spiral parts, etc. The output file is saved as a .bmp image, which may be further processed using other applications. While creating images with the application, the user may access a Help Screen containing additional information.

The sample images below were all created using the CFSG application from the small tile images shown. Gnofract 4D. Fractal generator. Fractal software packages.