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How to Grow an Endless Supply of Garlic IndoorsHow to Grow an Endless Supply of Garlic Indoors. Слънчеви очила от абанос, изцяло ръчна изработка, Clandestino Veneto. Compost tea calculator includes recipes and guides for brewing your own fertilizers. Straight outta Humboldt, this app is a great intro to the "art and craft" of brewing your own compost tea for boosting microbial activity in the soil and improving yields. Successful gardeners know they need to "feed" the soil for strong plant growth and a healthy garden, but all too often, novices resort to just applying readymade fertilizers from the garden store, which can add some basic plant macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) to the soil.

For a more holistic approach, which benefits not only the plants but also the microbial life in the earth, many gardeners turn to compost tea for building healthy, fertile soil and thriving plants. Compost tea concentrates and formulations of readymade compost tea are available at many garden stores and nurseries, which can take the guesswork out of it for those who aren't ready to make their own. "Our recipes have been formulated and field-tested in Humboldt County, California.

Bamboo built Froute Pod is made for stylish camping. As the spring season is finally making its appearance, some of us may be planning camping trips or looking forward to doing things in the garden. Some may like high-tech tents, or erect yurts out in the backyard, but these aren't all that exciting. Enter the Froute Pod: perfect for a glamping ("glamourous camping") or temporary backyard gazebo, studio or meditation space, this beautiful, bamboo-framed tent was inspired by the flowery forms of nature. © Giant Grass © Giant Grass Designed by Melbourne-based company Giant Grass, the Froute Pod is intended as a semi-permanent structure, to be raised off the ground on a platform, to protect inhabitants from ground moisture (recycled pallets were used in this demo).

Giant Grass founders are architects and Munir and Mittul Vahanvati, both of whom have extensive experience with bamboo building. The Froute Pod is based on an octagonal plan of 3 metres (118 inches) wide, the pod's interior rises to a height of 2.4 metres (94 inches) tall. Sell Your Crap, Pay Off Your Debt, And Do What You Love! This Makes It All Possible! There’s something strange happening around the globe… but it’s awesome! Lifestyles and needs are changing, and consequently, our houses are shrinking.

The tiny house movement has blown up in the past few years, shifting the traditional North American housing models towards a more practical, finance-friendly blueprint. The movement is garnering attention from people fed up with the current consumerist/utility-based lifestyle which has placed millions of people in debt. Now, the idea of living your dream is no longer a cliché. The typical American home is around 2600 square feet, while the typical small or tiny house is around 100-400 square feet. These tiny houses come in all shapes, sizes and forms, focusing on smaller spaces and simplified living.

“A tiny house is any house in which all the space is being used well,” he says. Let’s face it, who wants to spend the majority of their youthful years paying off such massive debt? A tiny house can cost between $15,000 and $80,000. References: Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More. Learn How This Family Grows 6,000 Lbs Of Food on Just 1/10th Acre. Ever thought of growing your own food but didn’t think it was possible? It’s more that possible! It might even be the way of the future. If the Dervaes family can do it while living in Los Angeles, I think you can to. The Dervaes family live on 1/10th of an acre 15 minutes from downtown L.A.. In itself that’s not strange.

What’s crazy is that they manage to maintain a sustainable and independent urban farm. Complete with animals! In a year they produce around 4,300 pounds of veggies, 900 chicken , 1000 duck eggs, 25 lbs honey, and pounds of seasonal fruit. What the family doesn’t eat they sell from their porch, making around $20,000 a year. I tried to figure out how big 1/10th (0.1) of an acre is in perspective to other things . Here’s the video… Enjoy! Dirt Full Movie. Обезкосмяване с билки – тотално премахване на всяко косъмче. Обезкосмяване с билки – тотално премахване на всяко косъмче 3.33/5 (66.67%) 3 votes Трайно обезкосмяване с билки Вече може да постигнете трайно обезкосмяване с билки и без да посещаване скъпи салони за красота. С малко средства в домашна обстановка може да се отървете от неприятните косъмчета, които толкова много ви дразнят и отнемат доста от времето ви за разкрасителни ежедневни процедури. Поразително гладката кожа е на една ръка разстояние от вас.

Трайно обезкосмяване с билки Научете лесната рецепта, която ви ще преобрази и ще ви накара да се чувствате невероятно всеки един нов ден. Гладка кожа – траен ефект Гладки на допир крака се постигат с билкови вани. Билките ще извършат чудеса с тялото ви. Оставете да ври за 10-тина минутки и свалете от огъня. Билкари в страната смятат, че най-голям ефект от тази лечебна процедура се постига с постоянство. Няма да израстват нови и нови, а вие ще спрете да се тормозите от болезнените епилации почти ежедневно. За да берете аспержи, засадете ги сега | Хоби земеделие. В България е съществувала добра традиция за отглеждането на аспержи до първата половина на ХХ век, за което все още свидетелстват подивелите растения по поречието на Марица. Сега това производство се възражда, благодарение на международния интерес към растението.

Аспержата се отглежда главно чрез разсад. Семената се засяват към края на април на открити лехи редово по на 25-30 см ред от ред. Те никнат бавно (от 2 до 6 седмици) и затова е необходимо да се осигури оптимален воден режим чрез редовни поливки. След като растенията достигнат 7-10 см височина, те се прореждат в редовете на 8-10 см едно от друго. Почвата трябва да е предварително подготвена Най-добри резултати се получават при засаждане на едногодишен разсад.

Подготовката на почвата, където ще се отглеждат аспержите се състои в дълбока есенна оран, с което се заравя и оборски тор. Растенията се покриват с 5 см почва. Брането започва едва на четвъртата година Евентуално появилите се "свещи" се отстраняват. Брюкселското зеле-отглеждане. Брюкселското зеле е зеленчук, който е често използван в ресторантьорският бизнес и в домакинствата. Ядливата част на брюкселското зеле представлява дребни зелчета с диаметър 2,5-5 см. Те се образуват в пазвите на листата по дължината на стъблото на височина 20-60 см. Зелчетата съдържат до 130 мг % витамин С. Броят на зелчетата на едно растение достига до 90. Те са нежни, крехки и с отлични вкусови качества. Относно отглеждането- брюкселското зеле се различава от главестото, поради това, че е по-студоустойчиво. Около месец и половина два преди прибиране на реколтата, крайните пъпки на брюкселското зеле се откъсват, за да се предотврати растежа му на височина и енергията да се насочи към развитието на брюкселското зеле.

Брюкселското зеле се прибира късно - към края на октомври, началото за ноември. Брюкселското зеле е храна, с изключителни полезни свойства. Семена от Тученица. These Students Invented A Low-frequency Sound Fire Extinguisher. 3-D printing gets a way to instantly recycle plastic waste into new 3-D 'ink' 3-D printers are getting cheaper and faster – this week the company CarbonD announced a 3-D printer that the company claims is 25 times faster than the average starting at around $2,500; meanwhile the Xyz home-oriented printer can be had for about $500.

As with regular printers, however, so with the 3-D versions – supplies are another story. The spools of plastic "ink" used in 3-printers are not so cheap – about $30 a spool – and depending on what the printer is printing, could end up as nothing more than an expensive blob of waste plastic. © ReDeTec Three students at the University of British Columbia – Dennon Oosterman, Alex Kay and David Joyce – have come up with a way to reduce the waste as well as the cost of 3-D printing. The ProtoCycler can then extrude new plastic filaments from the pellets at a rate of 5 to 10 feet per minute. There are still issues to resolve. Farms that save space for flowers give bees a boost. For over a decade, bee populations have been declining dramatically all over the world. There are likely a number of compounding causes, including pesticide use, viruses and global warming. But another major factor is a loss of habitat and a decline in wildflowers, particularly species preferred by bees.

Wilderness often loses ground to agricultural uses, but a new study from the University of Essex shows that farms can boost wild bee populations by saving room for flowers. The paper was published this week in the scientific journal “Molecular Ecology.” In 2005, England introduced incentives to farmers to plant more bee-friendly flowers on their land.

“A consistent problem in assessing the response of bumblebees to agri-environment schemes has been that it is unclear whether a high observed abundance of bumblebees was merely an attraction of workers to sown forage patches or a genuine population level increase,” write the authors. 10 plants perfect for a kids' garden. Intro Spring is officially here and although many parts of North America are still seeing winter weather, it's time to start planning your spring and summer gardens. If you have kids, introducing them to gardening and letting them help is a great way to teach them about where our food comes from and to get them excited about trying new fruits and vegetables. This year, how about letting them have their own little garden to take care of?

Many plants are well-suited for children because they're colorful, tasty, fast-growing and can take the abuse of imperfect watering. I've chosen 10 that should help turn your children into confident gardeners. A few tips: 1. 2. 3. 4. 10 reasons to go green starting NOW. With reporting by Manon Verchot You've probably noticed that green is everywhere these days--in the news, politics, fashion, and even technology. You can hardly escape it on the Internet, and now with the Planet Green TV network, you can even enjoy eco-friendly entertainment 24 hours a day. That's all great as far as we're concerned, but with a million messages and ideas coming at us from all sides, it can be easy to get caught up in the quotidian stuff--switching to organic foods, turning down the thermostat, recycling, say -- without thinking about the big picture of how your actions stack up.

Worse, you could even be suffering from a little green "fatigue" -- that is, tuning out the green messages due to their ubiquity. While it's easy to get overwhelmed, it's also simple to begin making a positive impact. The truth is that everything single thing we do every day has an impact on the planet -- good or bad. Plant carried on Earth Day march in New York City by Margaret Badore/CC BY 2.0. Global Forest Watch.