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Flower Essences

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Natural Stresscare: Intro To Homeopathic Flower Essences. One of the most magical healing systems I've encountered is the use of homeopathically-prepared flower essences.

Natural Stresscare: Intro To Homeopathic Flower Essences

They slowly, subtly and permanently erase the somatic and energetic traces of past emotional trauma. This gives us an important tool we can use to address the dysfunctional mindsets that take root in repressed feelings. Either alone or in combination with therapy they address the painful chains of self-reinforcing events set in motion by constant recycling of those old feelings. When used correctly, flower essences can speed and consolidate the healing found through conventional therapeutic processes. A Christian View On Flower Essences. This post may contain affiliate links.

A Christian View On Flower Essences

For full affiliate disclosure click here. Never miss a post! Join the Shelemah Tribe and get access to the free resource library! One thing Christian culture tends to do horribly well is being afraid of the unknown. It seems that anything natural health or quantum physics that doesn’t make sense to your average evangelical often gets labeled New Age, without any real understanding of what that term means.

While I have not really heard any objections to flower essences, I know that the unfamiliar can raise concerns and I want to help you understand instead of fear. Scripture tells us that we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). So while we do want to be diligent in our research and understanding of alternative health topics (making the unknown known), we don’t need to be afraid of anything.

Developing Positive Sensitivity. In trying to understand how Yarrow works, and works so well, Dr.

Developing Positive Sensitivity

Mesich thought back to the time before she began using flower essences. She was trained in aromatherapy and herbalism, so it was back to the roots of herbalism she went to see how Yarrow works. It's easy to "see" herbal Yarrow; it was the remedy used for ages and ages for "wounded warriors" suffering from deep cuts "down to the bone" (Yarrow has several common names and is also known as Soldier's Wound Wort and Knight's Milfoil.) As Yarrow literally stops bleeding and "knits" the skin together, in the case of a sensitive person, it stops the bleeding/merging of the aura—into the surrounding emotional environment—and knits it back together. Yarrow is a master, an amazing helper, and like herbs in general, "causes what it cures, and cures what it causes". All people have been wounded by living in our callous, overly-focused-on-money, overly-intellectual, alienating, stimulus-overloaded world. Dr. The reason Dr.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Mark Wells: flower essence practitioner. Tomato Flower Essence: “The Purposeful Warrior” - Spirit-in-Nature Flower EssencesSpirit-in-Nature Flower Essences. Chapter 16 Keywords: Strength, Endurance (excerpted from The Essential Flower Essence Handbook) 1/2 oz Qualities: Mental Strength, Endurance Message of Self-Mastery: Knowing there is no failure, only another chance to succeed; courage; belief in oneself; invincibility; psychic protection; stability; remaining unaffected by the diverse energies of crowds and traveling; hope.

Tomato Flower Essence: “The Purposeful Warrior” - Spirit-in-Nature Flower EssencesSpirit-in-Nature Flower Essences

Pattern of Disharmony: Fear; weakness; nightmares; withdrawal; defensiveness; addictions; shyness; minor hesitation to severe terror; defeatist attitude; instability; for the stress of city life. With strength and courage, I face all my trials! “My seven-year old nephew really likes taking Tomato. “I gained weight over the holidays. “I got very spacey and weak on a strict diet. “Tomato acted like an anchor for me. “I was bogged down emotionally for so long. “Everyone who comes to me for dental work says, ‘I hate dentists, I hate to be here.’ (see explanation of The Essence Spectrum Chart) “You know, it’s funny. Christian Logic: Is Flower Essence Therapy a Pseudo-Healing Method?

Lantana Flower Essence - Shanti Kai™ Hawaiian Flower Essences. Lantana Flower Essence Lantana flower essence may help with integrating large amounts of information and filtering energy from multiple sources.

Lantana Flower Essence - Shanti Kai™ Hawaiian Flower Essences

Many times, you feel and sense things on many different levels at once. You may be both happy and sad, or experiencing joy over one thing while being perplexed at another. Lantana Essence helps you filter these different dimensions of consciousness while staying with your core self, remaining whole. It may help if you are struggling in math or with numbers – or even words – to find better mental coordination. Sunflower and Love-Lies-Bleeding. Sunflower and Love-Lies-Bleeding: A Study in Spiritual Surrender by Richard Katz As the full summer sun began its descent to fall, I prepared two flower essences in the Terra Flora biodynamic gardens.

Sunflower and Love-Lies-Bleeding

Towering Sunflowers gloried in the late August heat, soon to bow their swollen heads to the Earth. Meanwhile, closer to the ground, stood the red and robust Love-Lies-Bleeding, with cascades of tiny red-magenta blossoms falling toward the Earth. Both of these plants have been well known in the repertory of FES flower essences for several decades.

The spring-green center, compact at its origin, grows outward in dual Fibonacci spirals, interweaving as they expand into light. Yet, with all its majestic grandeur, the Sunflower is not exempt from the law of gravity. Beholding the signature of the Sunflower helps us understand how it speaks as a flower essence to the human soul. The "bleeding out" of the Amaranthus caudatus relates to its quality as a flower essence. Ironweed - Light Expression Essences. Flower Essences – Hilton's Health. A summary of the emotional balancing properties of a variety of flower essences.

Flower Essences – Hilton's Health

Multi-racial prejudices are eased. Promotes harmony in group dynamics and cleanses nadis. AGAVE YAQUIANA – Internal Viewpoint Affects the unconscious decisions that people have made based upon past-life information and experience. Their experiences have usually led to some deep-seated conclusions that are usually incorrect about separation, loneliness, aloneness, difference between an individual and God, and unique understanding of the world. ALLAMANDA – Inner Strength Can provide inner confidence and strength for people to face change in their lives. Promotes memory. ALMOND – Maturation / Rejuvenation Helps one to mature mentally. Classes and Workshops - Tree Frog Farm Flower Essences. Classes at Tree Frog Farm offer the opportunity for you to learn new things, slow down and commune with the natural surroundings.

Classes and Workshops - Tree Frog Farm Flower Essences

Held on a regular basis, these classes are taught by Diana Pepper, co-owner of Tree Frog Farm. Below is a listing of the classes commonly offered at Tree Frog Farm on Lummi Island, Washington state USA. Complete information on current classes is listed on our events calendar. Or E-mail us if you have a topic of interest you don’t see here that you’d like us to offer.