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Konstantin V. Zorin - Daca puterile sunt pe sfarsite. Razboiul si pacea omului cu el insusi - - De ce există greutăți care ne împiedică să ne atingem scopul și ne abat de la calea pe care am ales-o? Discipolul îl întreabă pe maestru: De ce există greutăți care ne împiedică să ne atingem scopul și ne abat de la calea pe care am ales-o?

De ce există greutăți care ne împiedică să ne atingem scopul și ne abat de la calea pe care am ales-o?

Foloseste-te de puterea celor OPT mudre pentru a te vindeca emotional! Loading ...

Foloseste-te de puterea celor OPT mudre pentru a te vindeca emotional!

Mudrele sunt pozitii gentile ale mainilor si degetelor, care pot stimula vindecarea si bunastarea emotionala, fizica si spirituala. Security Camera At Hospital Caught THIS As A Girl Was Dying, Doctors Are Speechless... - When grieving mother Colleen Banton took her beautiful girl to the hospital, she knew that this was probably going to be the end.

Security Camera At Hospital Caught THIS As A Girl Was Dying, Doctors Are Speechless... -

Her 14-year-old daughter, Chelsea, had a long history of medical problems, and when she had suddenly come down with a horrible case of pneumonia, doctors were not hopeful. Her little girl lay in her hospital room, her bigger sister took a final photo with her thinking that that would be her last night on earth. And as her daughter drifted off to sleep the whole family tearfully said goodbye. Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife. Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife. More Hard Hitting Words From The Dalai Lama About The Mass Brainwashing Of Society. The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet is always garnering a lot of attention, and for good reason.

More Hard Hitting Words From The Dalai Lama About The Mass Brainwashing Of Society

Most recently, he told the world that simply praying is not the answer for the incident that occurred in Paris, as well as other similiar atrocities that seem to happen all over the globe. He stated that humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it, which makes no sense. 3 Main Reasons Why You Keep Experiencing the Same Problems in Life. Have you had the experience of dealing with the same problem again and again?

3 Main Reasons Why You Keep Experiencing the Same Problems in Life

Because the Law of Attraction governs our lives, our thoughts and feelings are what create our reality, and this includes our problems! Sometimes we have a negative focus that has become so strong it causes us to attract the same problem repeatedly. The Cure for All Anxiety. By Lissa Rankin MD Guest Writer for Wake Up World.

The Cure for All Anxiety

The ‘Muscle of the Soul’ may be Triggering Your Fear and Anxiety. The psoas major muscle (pronounced “so-as”) is often referred to as the deepest core, or as yoga therapist and film-maker Danielle Olson states, the “muscle of the soul.”

The ‘Muscle of the Soul’ may be Triggering Your Fear and Anxiety

This core-stabilizing muscle located near the hip bone affects mobility, structural balance, joint function, flexibility, and much more. In addition to its function to help keep the body upright and moving, the psoas is believed to allow you to connect with the present moment especially when it is stretched out and tension is released from the body. Lessons in Detachment for the Highly Compassionate Empath - Awakening People.

Feeling Everything : Welcome Wisdom From Within. The core wisdom I have garnered is that feelings require discipline.

Feeling Everything : Welcome Wisdom From Within

The oxymoron is the interplay of polarities. I need to learn to allow the surprise – and to be ready for it! Feelings just are. I have no choice about which one shows up. Suddenly there is energy in my body, calling for awareness. Science Can Prove the Existence of God; Here’s How. Quantum mechanics has potentially put an end to one of the most widely adopted atheistic view of Earth – materialism.

Science Can Prove the Existence of God; Here’s How

Therefore in an indirect way it has brought forth the supreme deity ideology, which was wholly rejected by most scientists, back into the frame of science. In materialism, the material world was seen as a closed system operating on an intricate relationship between cause and effect. It was supported by the physical laws that had cemented their place in the scientific method since Newtonian times. With all the internal dependence and mathematical correlations, it was assumed that the material entities behaved irrespective of outside influence. That a material thing exists without any prerequisites. Karma: The Real Cause of Reincarnation. According to the philosophical concepts, man is composed of two fundamental principles opposed to each other per nature: one spiritual, the soul, and the other material, the body .

Karma: The Real Cause of Reincarnation

The Soul is eternal, immutable, not born, not created, indestructible; instead, the body is temporal, created, mutable, destructible. The union between soul and body is not essential, but is accidental It is a type of imprisonment or a penalty which the soul has to undergo due to Ignorance(Loss of Consciousness) and karma, to which it is associated from all eternity. It Signifies the ignorance, Ignorance of the true nature of Soul or of the distorted vision in which the soul identifies itself or confounds itself with the psycho-physical organism.

Due to ignorance , the soul which is eternal and non-temporal, is caught up in time; gets joined to physical body. Birth is the union of the eternal and spiritual soul with the material and temporal body. The Day of Devotion. The REAL Version of Karma You Might Not Know About. Originally posted by Collective Evolution. Posted here with their permission. Karma is a concept taught by various cultures throughout human history, and is an idea that dates back thousands of years. Despite its proliferance, the idea of karma seems to be generally misunderstood and frequently tossed around without any real understanding of its true meaning. How to Heal Emotional Trauma. By Nanice Ellis Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Why is it so difficult to heal emotional trauma? Maybe it is because we do not understand what our emotional wounds really are, and therefore we go about healing in ways that can never work. When I was young, I was in a horrifically abusive relationship for over a year.

Even though I was able to eventually “get out” and save myself, it took me many years to figure out how to heal the deep emotional wounds. Understanding Emotional Wounds. Watch The Power of the Heart (2014) Online Free Putlocker. 3 Signs Showing Evidence of Reincarnation. How To Defend Yourself Against Negative Astral Entities. Purificarea cristalelor si pietrelor * 11 Things to Remember When You Think You’re Not Good Enough. Some days turn out better or worse than others – that’s a fact. Lumina Cristalelor Stiinta Secreta A Utilizarii Cristalelor Si Pietrelor Tamaduitoare - UtileCopii Forum. Utile Despre Copii. Carl Sagan: “Reincarnation Deserves Serious Study.” Years Later & The Results Are In. Carl Sagan, the well-known American astronomer, astrobiologist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, and author passed away in 1996.