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YOME - 100% FREE Online Yoga Videos. Yoga For Beginners. Struggling To Open Your Third Eye Chakra? Avoid These 4 Common Traps. The 5 Main Extraterrestrial Races In Contact With Earth Right Now: What You Need To Know. By Amateo Ra and Steven Bancarz| Do you believe in Extraterrestrial Intelligence?

The 5 Main Extraterrestrial Races In Contact With Earth Right Now: What You Need To Know

What about the idea that not only do they exist, but that they are in contact with the Earth currently? All of the evidence I’ve seen has pointed to this being true, and if you have seen some of the information out there, I’m sure this idea doesn’t come as being far fetched to you. This article will expose the undercover story, and introduce you to the species you can make direct contact with right now. Humans have already discovered 2,000 exoplanets in our Universe, with over 500 discovered this year alone. These planets are potentially suitable for life and have the right conditions to support it, including perhaps oxygen, carbon, and water. Our continued study of space has only led us to realize that it is very likely that the Universe is absolutely teeming with life, especially when you take into account that there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in our Universe. Proven contact Share and Enjoy. Relaxation MEGA Downloads. After countless YouTube Messages of subscribers of both Sleep Ezy Tonight and The Jason Stephenson Meditation Channel, we've teamed up to create 3 Mega Download Packages for Sleep, Anxiety and Healing!

Relaxation MEGA Downloads

Without further ado, we present to you the Super Mega Download Packages. All instant downloads (MP3's) that can be used on your computers, MP3 Players and cell phones (If you add them through your iTunes account firstly on your PC). CLICK ON the blue LINKS below to hear the actual recording (MP3) you will receive! This package is comprised of 9 MP3's of spoken guided meditations, healing music and white noise. This Interview With Nikola Tesla From 1899 Reveals His Extraordinary Personality. 9 Indications You're Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening. 1.

9 Indications You're Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

You’re creating your own beliefs. Many self-defined spiritual people can talk to you at length for hours about spiritual beliefs of others, but when it comes to their own beliefs, there aren’t actually any. When you’re experiencing a true spiritual awakening, sure, you might find some solace in older beliefs and systems. You might find yourself deep in meditation or yoga, but while you’re there, you’re coming up with your own ideas and beliefs. What Do The Photos You Choose Say About You? Choose from a variety of photos of gemstones, tarot cards, animals, and more!

What Do The Photos You Choose Say About You?

We’ll find out what they have to say about your personality. Are you an artistic adventurer? The wild one? The kind one? ThriveLiving. Autistic Boy With Higher IQ Than Einstein Discovers His Gift After Removal From State-Run Therapy. By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World In yet another example of how an out-of-control Goliath state system can cause more harm than good, a teenage boy who was diagnosed with autism at a young age has risen to stellar heights after quitting the special ed system with the help of his concerned mother.

Autistic Boy With Higher IQ Than Einstein Discovers His Gift After Removal From State-Run Therapy

State therapy specialists claimed Jacob Barnett would never tie his shoes, read or function normally in society. But the boy’s mother realized when Jacob was not in therapy, he was doing “spectacular things” completely on his own. The 5 Most Important Aspects Of Spirituality Explained. Article by Erin Janus| While there are many ways to participate in spiritual practises, embracing genuine spirituality seems to be a rare thing today.

The 5 Most Important Aspects Of Spirituality Explained

There are obstacles and misconceptions that need to be overcome before we can embody spirituality. Here are the 5 most important aspects of genuine spirituality: 1) Self-love Self love is everything when it comes to experiencing genuine spirituality. Hundreds of thousands of people have spiritual practices such as meditation, reflection, spending time in nature, reading and using tools like crystals, tarot cards, and pendulums. Genuine spirituality is never found in the spiritual tools you use. 5 Tips For Empaths To Prevent Anxiety And Depression. By Amateo Ra| Empaths have now been scientifically proven to be more prone to anxiety, especially social anxiety, as well as depression.

5 Tips For Empaths To Prevent Anxiety And Depression

To be an Empath means you have the intuitive ability to interpret other’s emotions. However, while interpreting these others emotions, it’s very easy to take them on and let them affect you negatively. Soon, anxiety and depression set in, and life gets way harder than it needs to be. She Was Given LSD, Psilocybin, & MDMA In The Final Days Before Her Death – What Happened After Was Beautiful. Mara Howell was in pain, the type of pain so severe it found her bedridden in a hospital at 33 years old.

She Was Given LSD, Psilocybin, & MDMA In The Final Days Before Her Death – What Happened After Was Beautiful

Cancer was killing her. Conventional pain killers weren’t providing any relief. She tried them all, opioids, methadone, IV ethanol, and more, but to no avail. On top of the physical pain, Mara was also battling severe depression and anxiety, wrote April Short in her article, Psychedelics Could Change The Way We Die. Mara’s mother, Marilyn Howell, recalls her daughter’s struggles in a memoir published for MAPS:

Relaxation MEGA Downloads. The Benefits Of Binaural Beats and Why You Should Use Them. The Benefits of Binaural Beats: Some people who know what binaural beats are – could fail from knowing about the benefits of binaural beats.

The Benefits Of Binaural Beats and Why You Should Use Them

Are you one among them? Well, this is the right place for you to learn binaural beats benefits. Studies Link Social Anxiety To High IQs, Empathetic Ability, & Sentinel Intelligence. This Is What Happens When You Place An Ice Cube At This Point On Your Head. We all want to live longer, look younger, have more energy and lead a fuller life, right?

This Is What Happens When You Place An Ice Cube At This Point On Your Head

How can it be done? Of course, eat right, be active, keep your mind sharp, and don't do high-risk activities is one way. But it turns out, an ice cube and a few moments of your time helps too. At the base of your skull on the neck there is a point known as Feng Fu. 10 Manifestations Of A Spiritual Awakening. By Gilbert Ross| If one had to look for a common point of departure amongst many spiritual traditions, I think that it has to be the idea of the embodied spirit. In other words – the idea that we are essentially spiritual beings embodied in a magnificent bio-physical machine on a short experiential trip to the physical third dimensional world.

New Theory Scientifically Explains The Afterlife And The Soul. Photo Credit: Alex Grey By Steven Bancarz| I recently put together an article laying out all of the evidence for the existence of reincarnation, and a scientific study which validates out-of-body experiences. There is a wide array of data that exists that would be best explained by inferring the existence of a non-physical soul. A large barrier people often come up against is trying to understand how the soul could even fit into our scientific understandings of consciousness.

Watch This Girl Explain Everything You Need To Know To Be A God. Now, I’ve seen a lot of amazing videos in my day. Russell Brand has said some absolutely amazing things, there are videos of Deepak and Joe Rogan which explain amazing phenomenon and open up questions about the universe that were simply too big for mainstream religions. Hell, even Shmoyoho has made videos which demonstrate just how ridiculous everything is… …And yet, I have never seen it described in such a way as this girl just did, and it totally blew my mind off. Meet Hannah Shotbolt, a free person of planet earth who’s not afraid to speak truth to powers that be, right to their faces. Proof That Our Thoughts Effect Physical Matter. By Steven Bancarz| Your thoughts are powerful. They aren’t just neurochemical processes contained in your skull.

They have a direct, measurable influence over the outside world. We have seen consciousness effect the behaviour of quantum objects, the behaviour of other people, and even the behaviour of electrical currents. The Conscious Forum. Harvard Neurosurgeon Confirms The Afterlife Exists. Toddlers Discuss Memories From Being In Mothers Womb. Arta de a trăi România. This 5 Minute Exercise You Can Do With Just Your Hands Will Boost Energy & Balance Emotions. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a an ancient Japanese form of touch therapy that you can perform on yourself to help balance your energy and emotions through stimulating the meridians in our hands. 5 Ways to Get High Without Drugs or Plants. 5 Signs Your Vibration Is Low. This Is A Tale For The Deep Thinkers. New Theory Scientifically Explains The Afterlife And The Soul. Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition. Does SCIENCE = TRUTH? (Nietzsche) - 8-Bit Philosophy. Your Mind & Body Are Not Separate. This Chart Explains It All.

New Theory Scientifically Explains The Afterlife And The Soul. Esther Hicks interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. Getting Stuck in the Negatives (and How to Get Unstuck): Alison Ledgerwood at TEDxUCDavis. Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition. Gregg Braden - Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate. Spirit Science 15 ~ Power of the Heart. 10 Warning Signs The Universe Is Sending You. GHIDUL-COMPLET-AL-DURERILOR-FIZICE-Terapii-psihoenergetice-Michel-Odoul.pdf - Microsoft Word Online. Inedit: Părintele Arsenie Boca – Comentariu la Pateric. Însemnări din manuscrisele de la Sinaia. Legea rezonanței.

Trezirea Constiintei: Energii malefice, Vraji, Farmece, Blesteme, Deochiuri, Atacuri psihice. - METODE DE PROTECTIE. Extract din: Volodea Ciorici- ENERGII MALEFICE Căi de apărare -ENERGII BENEFICE Căi de acumulare CE ESTE ENERGIA MALEFICĂ? Nothing is solid: This is the world of Quantum Physics. How To Contact Your Spirit Guides And Guardian Angels. These 7 Things Happen To You When You Die. Learn How To Meditate In 8 Easy Steps. 25 Signs You're Succeeding At Life (Even If It Doesn't Feel Like It) 5 Steps to Transform Yourself into Higher Self. The Truth About Long Hair, Spiritual Power, And Why Natives Wore Their Hair Long. 6 Transformational Lessons from 2014. 4 Signs That This Isn’t Your First Life On Earth. Gregg Braden - Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate. Overcoming depression caused by ghost possession. 200+ Consciousness Raising Documentaries.

Why Awaken Kundalini? Understanding Sacred Geometry & The Pineal Gland Consciousness. The Indigo Evolution – Full Length Documentary. The Tao Te Ching Explained In Depth. Merkabah mysticism. 38 Awesome Crystals for Spiritual Growth. 200+ Consciousness Raising Documentaries. Erich Von Daniken - Carele Zeilor 0.3 05 (p... The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health. DOVEZI STIINTIFICE: Vindecarea sta in gandurile noastre subconstiente! Page. 4 Yoga Poses To Help Unlock Your Hidden Emotions. This 8 year old kid uses crystal grids to transmute negative energy and explains how it works. How to Get “High” Without Drugs. 7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition.

Mission: To assist in the healing and education of Indigos & their families! Religie - Ne răspunde Dumnezeu la rugăciuni? The Miracle of 528 Hz Solfeggio & Fibonacci Numbers. Mission: To assist in the healing and education of Indigos & their families! 10 Signs You Have Found Your Soulmate. Ancient Cherokee Indian Tale of the Origin of Illness. Stefano Elio Danna - Scoala Zeilor. Filocalia Audio. Everything you need to know about DMT. Are Birthmarks Connected to Your Past Life? WAKE UP! Ervin Laszlo: Akasha Think. How To Have An Out Of Body Experience. Spiritual research. Types of angels and pictures of angels. Falsa iertare, sindromul Stockholm și iluzia eliberării. Uncover Your True Potential. TIMEWHEEL. 8 Things You Didn’t Know About Death. Spirit Science [Episodes 1-22] - TIMEWHEEL. People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do.