Motivation and Self Improvement - Compare Insurance, Loans & Banking Products. Don't Make These 9 Deadly Leadership Mistakes. Being a leader isn't easy, and not every decision you make is going to be a good one.
But you can be a more effective leader if you avoid the most common mistakes that bosses make. The good news is that, with just a little bit of work and attention, these mistakes can be avoided and your company can thrive as a result. So avoid these 9 deadly leadership mistakes at all cost. 1. Failing to delegate The key to leadership success is to learn to effectively delegate both the responsibility for completing assignments and the authority required to get things done. 2. Not only do goals give employees direction and purpose, but they ensure that your employees are working towards the overall goals of the organization. 3. No matter how difficult the problem, there is always a quick solution. Johannesburg Restaurants, Best Restaurants in Johannesburg, Menus and Reviews.
Free Typing Tutor. 131 Uses for Vinegar. [FREE Graphics] [Survey] [FREE Printable Stationary and Sig Tags] [The Home Store] [Recipes] [Once a Month Cooking] [Bathroom] [Christmas] [Crafting] Grow beautiful azaleas: Occasionally water plants with a mixture of two tablespoons vinegar to one quart water.
Azaleas love acidic soil. Kill grass on walks and driveways. Pour full strength on unwanted grass. Kill weeds. Increase soil acidity. Freshen cut flowers. Prolong the life of flowers in a vase. Neutralize garden lime. Back to Index Fish bowl cleaner Eliminate that ugly deposit in the gold fish tank by rubbing it with a cloth dipped in vinegar and rinsing well. Eliminate animal urine stains from carpet. Lace Top Tutorial » Yellow Suitcase Studio. I love me some lace!
I wanted to make myself a little something pretty while I’m in the middle of making a bagillion gifts and things for an upcoming craft fair. In its former life it was an old frilly lace grandma curtain — ruffles, big bow tie backs, the whole gaudy shebang. All that is gone. Now it is simple and classy. Just the way I like my lace. Start with some lace! Look for something that’s soft with a non directional pattern. Now I didn’t follow a specific pattern to make this. I laid out my one shirt over two layers of lace and cut a generous rectangle around it. Next fold the two layers of lace in half lengthwise.
Fold your shirt in half and lay it on the lace — folded edge on folded edge. Cut around the shirt leaving a generous half inch. You’ll now have two pieces of lace like this. DaveHax. Lifehacker. How Stuff Works. Figuring out how much to leave for a restaurant tip was a little more difficult for some of us before there were apps to calculate it.
There are several ways to calculate a tip in your head, though, and they aren't difficult -- this method will work no matter what (some calculations are based on the tax, but some states don't charge tax so those methods aren't foolproof). Here's what you're aiming for: Tip your waiter or waitress 15 percent of the pre-tax bill (and as much as 20 percent for excellent service) [source: The Emily Post Institute].
Despite how many of us have trouble with this, one of the best ways to figure out that 15 percent in your head is no more than a two-step process. First, calculate one percent of the bill. Let's use a $24.00 bill as our example: One percent of a $24.00 bill is $0.24 (just move the decimal point two places to the left). Sixty Minutes - Home. How to Read Body Language to Reveal the Underlying Truth in Almost Any Situation. Things You Can Do with Salt: Recipes, Tips, Tricks, Ideas, DIY, How to. Because salt is for more than just high blood pressure.
Diamonds might be prettier and more durable, but there’s another translucent rock that’s even more valuable to us. We may not devote songs to salt or parade around with big hunks of it on our fingers, but we need it to survive, it makes food a hell of a lot tastier and it’s got hundreds – if not thousands – of practical uses. Here are 20 unusual and surprising household, beauty and health uses for salt, from cleaning the chimney to brightening your skin.Drip-proof candles Don’t you hate it when candles drip down as they burn, making a mess that’s practically impossible to clean? Prevent this from happening by soaking new candles in a strong salt solution for 2-3 hours.
Clean smelly food spills A little cinnamon in a pinch of salt will make dripped-on messes in the oven easier to clean, and prevent them from stinking up the house. Test egg freshness Got a questionable egg? Sanitize sponges Kill poison ivy Extend broom life Keep milk fresh.