Homemade Shampoo. Homemade Jam, the French Way... Homemade Sunscreen. Homemade Toothpaste. The basis of homemade toothpaste is baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Either one in huge doses can be dangerous, so DO NOT INGEST! Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a mild abrasive and has anti-bacterial properties. Hydrogen peroxide helps by break down bacterial films with its foaming action. I used a 3% solution, but anything you can find at a local drug store should be ok. Vegetable-base glycerin liquid lends a nice consistency and sweetness, but is completely optional. You should be able to find this at a drug store, or specialty foods shop, but I got mine online from a soap-supply store. I definitely recommend using some kind of flavoring. Basic Ratio: 6 parts baking soda : 1 part vegetable based glycerin : 1 part hydrogen peroxide solution : flavor to taste This makes a nice paste. Most over the counter hydrogen peroxide solutions are not suitable for ingestion.
Homemade Boombox Collection. I made all of these boomboxes. I was first inspired to make boomboxes by the character Radio Raheem from the movie Do The Right Thing. My first one was bigger and heavier than it needed to be and used a pair of overpriced speakers that were lacking in highs. Since then I have figured out that car speakers work well as they are light and are usually co-axial or have full-range response. First Boombox- 6 1/2" speakers, Dayton T-amp custom wooden box. I will definitely be making more of these in the future. Some sites I used for parts:Parts Express- Where I bought the drivers and amps. Homemade outdoor wood stove pictures from home & garden photos on webshots. Webshots is introducing Smile, the next evolution of photo sharing: Upload and share as many photos as you want Create a dynamic photo stream to share with close friends and family Save a permanent archive of your family's photos.