International MOOCs Past and Present.
Know Thyself. Coursera. Coursera.org. EDC Course Outline for MsC. EDC Coursera. 40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students | Best Colleges Online. Posted on Wednesday June 15, 2011 by Staff Writers The iPad has found its way into hospitals, retail stores and homes across the nation, but it’s also making a big splash in the classroom, even with some of the best online colleges. With a great selection of apps focused on everything from word processing to keeping in touch with classmates, the tablet computer can be an invaluable tool for learning — no matter your age. Online science students haven’t been left out, of course, and there are a wide range of applications offering help with chemistry, biology, astronomy and even the math that comes along with certain fields. If you’re a college student looking to supplement your science studies, these apps are some of the best for learning, sharing, researching and just plain having fun.
Chemistry Get beautiful photographs of the elements or explore what happens when you design your own molecules using these great iPad apps. Biology Astronomy Reference Tools Miscellaneous. Embedding a Whole Website into a Moodle Course (securely)
Learning Analytics: Ascilite 2011 Keynote. Learning Analytics: Dream, Nightmare, or Fairydust? From today’s keynote at Ascilite 2011, here’s the podcast plus the slides. I am grateful to Gary, Renee and everyone else at Ascilite for their understanding and flexibility, since after months of planning this trip, unfortunately I could not be there in person after my father passed away last weekend. For those of you who like to download and watch offline: podcast [Hi-Res version: 93.3Mb] + slides [PPTX/PDF] For detailed descriptions of work presented here, see other posts tagged learning analytics and the references below. Abstract Pervasive digital technology is weaving a fabric around our lives which makes it increasingly hard not to leave digital traces. One answer is it’s time to upgrade our computing kit.
Then there are those of a more cautious nature. Analytics may in time come to be used to judge you — as a learner, an educator, or your institution. Are you thinking Dream, Nightmare, or Fairydust? Biography Key refs: Khan Academy.