Almost every urban science fiction involves a hovercraft of some sort that has replaced cars as the main mode of transport. Hoverboards being the most popular led to an influx of InventHelp Inventors inventors on Kickstarter in 2014, attempting to make what essentially looks and functions like a floating skateboard. Unfortunately, many of these never took off and fans of the concept were left with what has been redefined as a hoverboard: a skateboard with two wheels. Even that caught fire and burned, resulting in a ban from certain airlines.
However, even those setbacks have not dimmed the prospects of one day achieving levitating transportation. When InventHelp Technology Uber announced its intentions with NASA back in 2016, it sounded much more plausible InventHelp Innovation than a levitating hoverboard due to the parties involved in the project. The federal American agency will be responsible for laying the groundwork needed to regulate air traffic and flight paths along with helping develop the VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircrafts.
This has generated interest amongst the aviation industry, InventHelp with companies that want to be part of Uber’s exciting new vision developing VTOL aircrafts faster than ever. One that stands out is Carter Aviation Technologies and their partner, InventHelp Inventions Mooney. They have begun developing InventHelp Idea vehicles which are capable of holding up to six passengers. The CEO, Jay Carter, has drawn attention to its patented “slowed rotor compound design” that allows it to cruise at 175 mph and hovers much efficiently. The vehicle InventHelp Patent also includes a high-inertia main rotor which is more or less a safety net that provides directional control in event of an emergency.