Photographs Of The Last Surviving Tribes On Earth. Photographer Jimmy Nelson spent the past three years exploring the most remote places on Earth to capture mindblowing photographs of the last surviving tribes on Earth.
Though his work albeit with good intentions has come under fierce controversy for painting a misconstrued picture of these tribes naturally ‘passing away’ and glosses over the genocidal violence to which many of the tribes pictured are being subjected. The less fortunate story is of indigenous people struggling to survive amongst and economically obsessed ‘progressive’ society. Here’s 80 images from the full series that convey the kind of drama and emotion that testifies to the irrepressible human will to beautify.
The full photographic book ‘Before They Pass Away’ is on Amazon here. Location: Indonesia + Papua New GuineaPhotographed in 2010 The legendary Asaro Mudmen first met with the Western world in the middle of the 20th century. "Where Children Sleep" by James Mollison. James Mollison was born in Kenya in 1973 and grew up in England.
After studying Art and Design at Oxford Brookes University, and later film and photography at Newport School of Art and Design, he moved to Italy to work at Benetton’s creative lab, Fabrica. Jimmy Nelson Photographs Vanishing Tribes Before They Pass Away. Photographer Jimmy Nelson in Papua New Guinea I’ve been fascinated by tribal cultures for over 20 years, ever since I interviewed my grandfather about our family history and learned we had American Indian blood on both sides.
In the years since, I’ve traveled to indigenous communities in Dominica, South Africa, Tahiti, the Peruvian Amazon and numerous other destinations in an effort to learn from the tribal cultures there. So you can imagine how much photographer Jimmy Nelson‘s new book, Before They Pass Away, resonated with me on a personal level. The project began in 2009, when the British photographer set out on a journey to visit and photograph 31 secluded, visually unique tribes. The quest would eventually take him (and his 4×5 large format camera) on 13 trips covering 44 countries. Traditional Kazakh hunters with their hunting partners. Children at play around the World. "You Are What You Eat" by Mark Menjivar. You Are What You Eat Mark Menjivar You Are What You Eat is a series of portraits made by examining the interiors of refrigerators in homes across the United States.
For three years I traveled around the country exploring food issues. The more time I spent speaking and listening to individual stories, the more I began to think about the foods we consume and the effects they have on us as individuals and communities. An intense curiosity and questions about stewardship led me to begin to make these unconventional portraits. A refrigerator is both a private and a shared space. Teenager hopped trains for 5 years and caught it all on camera.
"10/1" series by Bogdan Gîrbovan. Romanian photographer Bogdan Gîrbovan selected one typical ten-storey apartment block in Bucharest at random for a photography project.
It’s inhabitants live in identical apartments one on top of the other. But that’s not to say they lived in the same home as all their neighbours — each one was absolutely unique. Through Bogdan’s photos, we catch a glimpse of the vastly different ways in which people live in modern society, even when they’re right next to each other. 10th floor 9th floor 8th floor 7th floor 6th floor 5th floor 4th floor 3rd floor 2nd floor 1st floor Source: vice We’d love to hear your views on this…
Holi 2014: The Festival of Colors. This week Hindus around the world celebrate Holi, the Festival of Colors.
Holi is a popular springtime celebration observed on the last full moon of the lunar month. Participants traditionally throw bright, vibrant powders at friends and strangers alike as they celebrate the arrival of spring, commemorate Krishna's pranks, and allow each other a momentary freedom -- a chance to drop their inhibitions and simply play and dance. Gathered here are images of this year's Holi festival from across India. See also India's 'High' Holiday. [24 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose:
"Veteran Vision Project" series by Devin Mitchell. "This is how I ride" by Arnov Setyanto. Random photo Submit your photo Stumble Thru animal photography, people photography Tags: kids.
"Mixed Blood" portraits by Cyjo. Photographer Cyjo's "Mixed Blood" portraits make a frank, sweeping statement about the evolution of ethnic identity—and in particular, the melting-pot that is our families.
Taken from 2010 to 2013 in New York and Beijing, these photographs reveal how the average person is likely to look in the future. "A Chronicle of French Hipsters" by Theo Gosselin. A Chronicle of French Hipsters Posted by Morrison Conway on August 6, 2012 · 74 Comments Theo Gosselin is an amateur photographer from Paris.
His photographs are full of young enthusiasm and youthful romance as he documents the hipster movement in France. "Toy Stories" by Gabriele Galimberti. Chiwa – Mchinji, Malawi Shot over a period of 18 months, Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti‘s project Toy Stories compiles photos of children from around the world with their prized possesions—their toys.
Galimberti explores the universality of being a kid amidst the diversity of the countless corners of the world, saying, “at their age, they are pretty all much the same; they just want to play.” But it’s how they play that seemed to differ from country to country. Galimberti found that children in richer countries were more possessive with their toys and that it took time before they allowed him to play with them (which is what he would do pre-shoot before arranging the toys), whereas in poorer countries he found it much easier to quickly interact, even if there were just two or three toys between them.
Negrito woman of the Andaman Islands. "Switcheroo" by Hana Pesut. By Olivia Fleming Published: 16:11 GMT, 14 November 2012 | Updated: 16:21 GMT, 15 November 2012 A Canadian photographer has given the term 'boyfriend jeans' a whole new meaning. Hana Pesut, 30, has been photographing couples, friends and family in their own outfits, and then again in each other's, since 2010 for a book project called Switcheroo. Painted People From Around the World. We exist in a unique moment within the human narrative.
Where primitivism coalesces with modernity, and the wisdom of the ancients is embraced by 21st century visionaries. The great cycle is closing in, as we loop back to our true origins, while simultaneously bursting forth a magnificent new fractal reality. External Stimuli : Gerald Foster Photography, Amazonian Peoples, Hans Silvester Photography, Burning Man, Archaic Revival. “Spring-Autumn” by Qozop. For a series titled “Spring-Autumn,” photographer Qozop, snapped photos of hip, twenty-somethings with their elders, either a parent or a grandparent. Then the two family members exchanged outfits and had their photo taken again. The comparisons are as sweet as they are intriguing… I could see this becoming a bit of a trend. "Technically Intimate" Series by Evan Baden.
In Evan Baden's portrait series, "Technically Intimate," he explores sexting and online intimacy, focusing on a generation of youth who are becoming adults in the context of online media immersion. Taken from the perspective of an onlooker, the portraits create the unsettling sense that an ostensibly private moment is unsecured and uncontrolled. Each portrait in the series emerged from something real: an image or video posted online, quite likely without the subject's consent. From there, Baden recreates the scenes with models. "United Colors of India" by Floris Leeuwenberg. Random photo Submit your photo Stumble Thru people photography Tags: india kids united colors of india. "Couples" by Nacho Rojo.