ApiDocs.co · Grasshopper · Grasshopper.Kernel Namespace.
GH: OBJECT MANIPULATED MESH. This definition shapes meshes with objects 1. Start with some mesh (in this case a box)2. Create objects inside or outside the mesh to manipulate the mesh3. Determine the vertices of the mesh to move via distance to the objects4. Move the vertices toward the manipulation objects5. GH Version Plug-ins Required 1. 2. Tip Try using different meshes to start such as spheres, planes, ect. Octopus. New in v0.3: you can work single-objective problems by imposing diversity as a second objectiveyou can add preference selections that try to get close to the parametrization of that solution, compared to the older preference selection where the respective part of objective space is favouredyou can change the number of objectives during a search3d models of the solutions can be displayed in octpus' objective-space viewportconvergence, genetic distance, and hypervolume graphdifferent mutation operators [HypE, Polynomial, Alternative Polynomial]different reduction operators [Hypervolume Indicator, SPEA2] Octopus introduces multiple fitness values to the optimization.
The best trade-offs between those objectives are searched, producing a set of possible optimum solutions that ideally reach from one extreme trade-off to the other. Results are shown in a 2 to 6-dimensional, solution-viewport that can be navigated like Rhino. Download version 0.3 here: Marching Cubes: Curve Wrapping & More Metaballs. UPDATE: 30-Jan-2014 I have added breps as an input for wrapping geometry (it also can take lines now), as in the above definition. It has been updated for some efficiencies...now you can taper a curve at both ends if you choose, you only need to feed one radius, although you can feed as many as you like (it acts like the longest list component). The definition uses kangaroo, weaverbird and nudibranch, although I ahve also included some internalized geometry...but I highly recommend playing with those!
Kangaroo and weaverbird are better-known essentials, but nudibranch is really fantastic too. Enjoy! Some of the work posted lately by Nick Tyrer has gotten me thinking about marching cubes again...I had done some stuff with marching tetrahedra and cubes a ways back, and with some new inspiration (and a little time I could carve out today) I figured I'd take a stab at trying to make it more flexible and robust.
The marching cube stuff is derived from the amazing Paul Bourke's work. Cone.png (1600×993) Marching Cubes: Curve Wrapping & More Metaballs. GH to SVG – your graphics directly from grasshopper. We all know the value of data in computational design field. Many times we need to inform our models with several flux of information and many times we need to show these information using dataviz or infoviz graphics. Co-de-iT decides to maximize the workflow speed in Grasshopper and code some components in order to expor realtime graphics in SVG format readable immediately in your favorite graphics software (Inkscape or Illustrator) or at live, dragging and dropping it in a new Chrome Browser tab.
The components are actually released as grasshopper clusters (they are literally syntax parsers that transform GH data in SVG objects syntax) in order to let anyone to implement the components with other features. The SVG code is really easy to be understand and coded! In the GH definition you will find this clusters: – line SVG – polyline SVG – polygon SVG – circle SVG – curve SVG – text SVG – composer SVG here below another example of SVG dataviz created using the GH to SVG definition.
Muscle 002. Downloads - Geometry Gym. Space Symmetry Structure. Dynamic Relaxation - fixed number of times. Performs dynamic relaxation on a network of lines - essentially smooths the network. Optionally the lines can be relaxed over a surface as well. Files for Grasshopper 0.8: dynamic_relaxation_08.ghx relaxModel.3dm Parameters: Lines: Network of lines to relax Points: Fixed points you do not want to move Surface: (optional) Surface to relax lines onto Iterations: Number of times to preform relaxation Outputs: Lines: The relaxed lines Notes: Lines must be joined end to end. The fixed points must be at the ends of the lines. Parameters in C# code to change rate of convergence and frequency of projection. Component History: Viewed 8062 times Created by: @nzarchitecture, 04-Nov-2010 09:22 am Last edited by: @nzarchitecture, 29-Mar-2011 01:37 pm View page history Edit this page.
GrassHopper Scripting 3: Hexagons on a surface. Archsim. Leaf Venation. Hi everyone, I have been trying to replicate an algorithm in 2D, used by nervous system to produce their hyphae lamps (see image below) using grasshopper without any additional scripting. I think this is possible especially with the use of hoopsnake now for performing iterative or recursive functions. My progress so far has got to a point where I can get the vein to grow initially and place some additional nodal points however I am now at a point. It may be possible to continue with the same process however using a parametric script is becoming redundant due to the length and repetitive nature.
For a video of the process I am trying to replicate please see this video by nervous system: And check out their blog here: My previous questions and process can be found on a discussion in the kangaroo group: My definition so far is attached to this post. Regards, Michael. WooJae's Blog. Starling. Starling_0.2 mesh tools. These components enable mesh parametrization, so it behaves like a surface - you can evaluate points at any place etc.
In 0.2 release, Starling enabled quasi-polyhedral mesh tools. These new components are organized in a new panel called "Alchemists" : How do they work ? You create polyline and each component converts it into polygonal mesh. DOWNLOAD from food4rhino.com Why truncation and dual ? Special thanks to : Michael Pryor for constant help&support and David Rutten for great advices. It's highly recommended to use Starling with Weaverbird and [uto] MeshEdit. More examples explaining new components soon. Grasshopper tools in C# O---FANCYWIRES--{>} DIVA for Rhino. Scarab. Mosquito. FaceBook plugin Working again! : The plugins have been reprogrammed so to work with the new Facebook OAuth API. NEW Record Media plugin: Allows you to record social media information from the media components over time without duplicates.
Might be complex for some to use at first. Check to example files included and it should be self explanatory, else send me a msg and i will try to help Flickr: Search twitter database for photos based on location and tag/title. ImageDownload: Download images from Flickr or Twitter plugins. ImageMaterial: Map a image onto a nurb surface. Bug Fixes: Fixed bugs with Twitter API access and new functions in String Duplicate component. GoogleMaps : Now works for all users, if it was crashing Rhino before , this should fix it.
GoogleDirection : get a route and the directions from one location to another, with distance, time, and steps. Location : Get the address of a given name of place or use a GPS point….reverse GeoCode. EndDate: The date you want to search up to. Millipede. Millipede is a structural analysis and optimization component for grasshopper. It allows for very fast linear elastic analysis of frame and shell elements in 3d, 2d plate elements for in plane forces, and 3d volumetric elements. All systems can be optimized using built in topology optimization methods and have their results extracted and visualized in a variety of ways. In addition millipede implements a few basic geometric features [extraction of iso surface meshes from volumetric scalar fields or and extraction of curved contours over any mesh] and a few numerical analysis tools [Fast fourier transforms in 1 and 2 dimensions, sparse linear system solver and eigenvalue calculation for large matrices using functionality from the intel math kernel library] The new version of millipede includes the surface reparameterization module that enables the generation of vector field aligned patterns over any mesh.
CERVER Tools. Chameleon. GENERATION. Elk. Karamba. Karamba 1.0.5 is now available for download and includes the following new features and bug-fixes. Karamba 1.0.5 contains these new features: A simplified installation procedure. Iso- and stream-lines with user supplied values and vectors at mesh-vertices (unlimited mesh-size also in the FREE-version of Karamba). Benchmark examples with known results from literature for the evaluation of calculation […] This intensive 4 day design/fabricate/build workshop explored digital form-finding techniques to produce a series of scaled architectural prototypes for freestanding pavilion structures.
Two student teams each developed a proposal through dynamic meshrelaxation processes to simulate the formation of a tensioned membrane structure. A series of mesh panelization protocols were used to test various structural patterns which were materialized as […] Candela Revisited The pavilion was designed by Zaha Hadid Architects London for the China International Architectural Biennal. Rechenraum - Overview. Path Mapper Help. As a result of a request please find a series of examples for using the Path Mapper component. The First installment of this is showing the Path Mapper imitating some already existing components. Flatten, Graft, Simplify and Flip Matrix. There is also an additional example showing Integer Divide to which there is no existing component. For those uninitiated in the dark arts of pathmapper the component can be found on the Sets Tab> Tree Section with the icon of a red cube. Section 8: The Garden of the Forking Path of the Grasshopper Primer 2nd Edition is dedicated to the Tree Structure implemented in GH v0.6.
There is an extensive Help file accessed from the 'right click' Context Menu. UPDATED to correct an error in the Flip Matrix demonstration path_count should be item_count. Updated: 2011-04-20 Replace Branches I hope to follow this up with some more..... Tags: Branches, Mapper, Path, Pathmapper, Replace Attachments: PathMapper_20110315.ghx, 658 KB ▶ Reply to This. Lars Renklint's Page. Continuing to explore the work of Rinus Roelufs, I had some progress with the selfintersecting Moebius band. The holes that permits the surface to weave into itself are now circular. The definition is not all that parametric yet, meaning you can only change the size of the moebius, the size of the holes and whether the moebius band should be twisted… Continue.
SR22. Kangaroo discussions and examples from GH forum. Home about us contact sg2011 cluster: use the force Through Kangaroo, the live physics plug-in, this cluster will explore ways of using the simulated interaction of physical forces and real-time spatial inputs to develop novel form-finding processes. news and updates discussions cluster champions members view all image albums videos events No event created yet. discussion Discussion started by Daniel Piker , on 14 Mar 11:53 AM Over the past few months I've posted fairly regularly on the Grasshopper forum about Kangaroo - responding to various questions, often with example files and expanding on the explanations in the manual.
In the hope that these discussions and examples might be useful to others I've collected some of them here: Measuring/displaying stresses. (and also some more general thoughts about structural optimization) distorting a flat hexagonal grid spring rest lengths shrinkwrapping geometry simple catenary. Example files. Edit 29/04/14 - Here is a new collection of more than 80 example files, organized by category: This zip is the most up to date collection of examples at the moment, and collects together a wide variety of definitions made for various workshops and in response to forum questions.
Thanks to all workshop attendees and forum members for your valuable input. It is possible I've missed a few useful ones. If there is something else you'd like to see included please let me know The examples below are mostly older, but I will leave them here for now until I am certain all the same topics are adequately covered in the 'official' collection above. Showing how the trail component can be used to trace the motion of moving particles The wind component acts on sets of 3 points (typically each the vertices of each face of a triangulated mesh).
CurvePull - Pulls particles onto a curve. The Vortex component rotates one particle about an axis defined by 2 points. (also requires WeaverBird) drape_example.gh. Daniel Piker’s Videos. Kangaroo - Mesh Relaxation - Tutorial 1. Slingshot! GH+MySQL v0.6 Released. A new version of the Slingshot GH+MySQL plug-in has been released. The release improves on the workflow for writing information to a MySQL table.
A new Write Table component is included which allows the user to dynamically insert and update multiple columns of data. A workflow example for creating, writing, and querying is also included in this release. Kangaroo - DLA + FDG. NetWork. SPM Vector Components. Path Mapper with a variable. Parametric Sculpture. Costa Minimal Surface. PackRat. FlowL. LunchBox. PanelingTools for Grasshopper with Rhino 5.0. Example files geco. Armadillo. Kangaroo Physics. 4D Noise.