Seven Most Awaited Megaprojrcts that'll change Bangladesh. Bangladesh is becoming a role model to the world for having a constant growth and reducing poverty. The whole country is developing day by day. New infrastructures and megaprojects are under construction all over the country. Today we are going to discuss about the seven most-awaited megaprojects of Bangladesh that is going to change Bangladesh forever. Padma Multipurpose Bridge: This is one of the most-awaited and biggest projects among the Megaprojects of Bangladesh . It is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma river. This project is under construction in Bangladesh with its resources. The project consists of 6,150 m of Main Bridge and 14 Km of river training works. Dhaka Metro Rail: Dhaka is the capital and the busiest city of Bangladesh.
The MRT project is known as Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project, also known as Dhaka Metro Rail Project, which is another top meg-project in the country. Dhaka Elevated Expressway: Ruppur Nuclear Power Plant: Karnaphuli Tunnel: NATM: Application in MRT-1 Subway construction - Rule The Site.
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It is one of the world’s most densely populated cities. It has a population of more than 21 million people. The city’s transportation system faces every day challenges due to high population density, poor infrastructure, and a lack of effective public transportation. Road transit is the most popular means of transportation in Dhaka. It comprises buses, minibusses, automobiles, and motorcycles.
However, the city’s roads are frequently crowded, with traffic delays typical, especially during peak hours. This traffic bottleneck is mostly caused by the large number of vehicles on the roads and the insufficient road network. To reduce traffic congestion, the government has implemented a number of efforts, including the construction of flyovers, the expansion of road networks, and the implementation of dedicated bus lanes. The public transportation system in Dhaka needs to be improved, Furthermore, an MRT system can help the city’s economic development. 1. 2. 3. Foundation of Padma Bridge: The Story Of World's Deepest Bridge. Foundations design of Padma Bridge was complicated. Because, in addition to the heavy live loads it must support, it must also be able to withstand powerful environmental forces and conditions, such as wind, earthquakes, and intense riverbed scour, which could expose free lengths of pile up to 65 meters.
To develop a reasonable design strategy, designers examined the frequency, the likelihood of wind speeds, different earthquake intensities, and the depth of river bed scour, and established the probabilities of these environmental events occurring at the bridge site. This article describes how designers combined these various events of varying probabilities of occurrence to determine a sensible combination of the various environmental events to use as the load cases in the design of the bridge foundations.
The article then details the structural as well as geotechnical aspects of the piled foundation design. Geology and ground conditions -steel raking piles -vertical concrete bored piles.