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Ryan Rock

In 2018, Ryan Rock, Ankeny resident, launched a general design-build contracting company that provides services to industries such as agricultural, biofuels, industrial, and commercial. With a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Iowa State University, Rock strives to complete any project with the highest quality at the lowest cost.

Ryan Rock. Personal Website. Millwright Contractor. Ryan Rock of Ankeny, IA Shares How to Build the Best Team. Building a business from scratch provides all kinds of exciting possibilities, but fostering the right team can be quite a challenge.

Ryan Rock of Ankeny, IA Shares How to Build the Best Team

Whether you are a serial entrepreneur working on your latest venture or a small business owner getting your first company off the ground, the staff you hire will make a world of difference. Hire the right people, and you will lighten your own load while expanding your possibilities. Hire the wrong people and you could find yourself putting out fires, and dealing with interpersonal conflicts all day. So how do you build the best team, and what can you do to make sure everyone you hire adds to the group dynamic? Ryan Rock Ankeny, IA – Ryan Rock Ankeny, IA. Originally published on The life of an entrepreneur has its twists and turns, and finding your groove is challenging.

Ryan Rock Ankeny, IA – Ryan Rock Ankeny, IA

Proper adaptation to the lifestyle for business success includes building habits and developing flexibility to take on whatever the workday brings forth. Ryan Rock, Ankeny Iowa local, reflects strong leadership, hard work, organization, and productivity skills. His high achievements and goal-oriented attitude are what makes him a successful business owner. His company, Empire AG, LLC, is a single source general contracting company for design and build in the Ag-Industrial construction industry. From taking calculated risks to hiring the right person as your first employee, Mr. Tip #1: Love what you do and who you do it with Any entrepreneur will tell you that passion is the fuel needed to prevent burn-out. Tip #2: Leverage tasks based on your strengths. Ryan Rock, Entrepreneur from Ankeny, IA Shares What Makes Someone a Professional.

Double exposure image of many business people conference group meeting on city office building in background showing partnership success of business deal.

Ryan Rock, Entrepreneur from Ankeny, IA Shares What Makes Someone a Professional

Concept of teamwork, trust and agreement ( Bigstock ) Ryan Rock Weighs in on Construction Project Management Software. Are you a construction project manager looking for the best software to optimize your builds?

Ryan Rock Weighs in on Construction Project Management Software

Do you want to discover the top-rated software packages to maximize the potential of each phase of the construction process? Luckily, there are more options for construction project management software than ever before. Ryan Rock, Entrepreneur from Ankeny, IA Shares What Makes Someone a Professional. Ryan Rock, Ankeny Iowa CEO, Offers 7 Brand Growth Tips All Entrepreneurs Should Know and Use - Social Matic. Entrepreneurs are notorious for having a long list of priorities, especially during the first years of a start-up.

Ryan Rock, Ankeny Iowa CEO, Offers 7 Brand Growth Tips All Entrepreneurs Should Know and Use - Social Matic

At the top of this priority list are brand growth and development. A well-constructed and robust brand will linger in preferred consumers’ brains, which only proves beneficial for operations. Moving towards success immensely relies on wide-range brand knowledge and recognition. 00120436-ryan-rock-of-ankeny-ia-reveals-5-ways-to-keep-your-team-productive-through-a-crisis. Ryan Rock, Ankeny Entrepreneur, Shares How Your Small Business Can Compete with Giant Corporations. There are many tough parts of running a business, and being able to compete with large companies in a tight economy is at the top of your concerns as a small business owner.

Ryan Rock, Ankeny Entrepreneur, Shares How Your Small Business Can Compete with Giant Corporations

Fortunately, there are many ways to prosper when the competition is fierce. From good marketing campaigns to excellent customer service, these strategies help companies to not only survive but to thrive amongst their big corporate competitors. It can undoubtedly be difficult for your small business to compete against a giant corporation. However, it is by no means impossible.

Ryan Rock, Entrepreneur from Ankeny, IA Shares What Makes Someone a Professional. Ryan Rock, Ankeny Entrepreneur, on Adding Value When Beginning a New Business Relationship - A new client has signed on the dotted line and created a new business relationship with your company.

Ryan Rock, Ankeny Entrepreneur, on Adding Value When Beginning a New Business Relationship -

It’s always an exciting opportunity, but it’s essential to think beyond the first payment and look at the ways to strengthen the bond of that new relationship further. Although the first instinct is to instantly knock the project out of the park with high-quality work, here, Ryan Rock, Ankeny entrepreneur and CEO of Empire AG, LLC shares some additional ways to add value at the beginning of a new business relationship. Send a thank-you note and personalized gift after the contract has been signed. It’s a nice gesture that says that this relationship is long-term rather than for a one-off project.Help them achieve their goals outside the project. See an interesting article about their niche or one of their competitors? Following Ryan Rock’s tips will help you add unique value to your company. Ryan Rock, Ankeny Business Leader Says, "Having a Meeting Won't Solve Your Problem, and Here's Why" - Mass News. Nothing is more frustrating in the workplace than feeling like you are wasting your life away in a pointless meeting, especially when it is only the first of many that day.

Ryan Rock, Ankeny Business Leader Says, "Having a Meeting Won't Solve Your Problem, and Here's Why" - Mass News

Why do so many meetings feel like a waste of time? Typically, it is because they consist of either frequent head-nods to the boss’ memos or listening to information that takes twice as long to be delivered when compared to the equally effective communication form of an email. Ryan Rock, Ankeny business owner, surrounds himself with an innovative and ambitious team. His talented employees meet all of their clients’ needs by creating custom solutions for each problem. When it comes to company meetings, Rock understands the basics of network dynamics- when you see gatherings as networks, you can make a better choice about whether they’ll be useful or necessary.

Define Work A TED talk done by speakers David Grady and Jason Fried revealed that there are more than 3 billion meetings every year. The Circle Conversation. Ryan Rock, Ankeny Entrepreneur, Discusses How to Help Your Employees Succeed Under Pressure. As a business owner, you’re probably well aware that your business depends on your employees, and that their success at work relies on their ability to perform well.

Ryan Rock, Ankeny Entrepreneur, Discusses How to Help Your Employees Succeed Under Pressure

However, while some may thrive while under pressure, others may find themselves breaking, which can negatively affect your business. It’s almost impossible to avoid situations which put your employees under a high amount of pressure, but you can help prepare them for those times. But how do you set your employees up for success during stressful periods at work? There are many ways to relieve everyone from some of the pressure.

Here, Ryan Rock, Ankeny resident and CEO of Empire AG, LLC, shares a few easy ways to reduce stress in the workplace. Start in the Hiring Process The ability for employees to thrive under pressure starts with the types of people they are, which is why helping them succeed starts in the hiring process. Focus on Mental Health A person’s mental health can considerably affect their productivity at work. Ryan Rock, Ankeny Business Owner, Describes How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance as a Young Entrepreneur. New entrepreneurs have to adjust to a particular lifestyle that can often be overtaken by work if not cautious.

Ryan Rock, Ankeny Business Owner, Describes How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance as a Young Entrepreneur

Such entrepreneurs often struggle to find the perfect balance between their work life and their personal life.