Ryan Weick
Aston Real Estate & Aston Homes For Sale. 714 Crozerville Road, Aston PA. 17 Herald Place, Aston PA. Genki Sudo)「WORLD ORDER」の"MACHINE CIVILIZATION"フルver.PV. The Last Lecture: A Positive Psychology Case Study. My colleague Ben Dean and I recently conducted an Internet survey of 1464 adults interested in positive psychology that asked what they would most like to know about this new field.
A large number wanted compelling case examples of actual people who lived life well, who embodied the strengths of character that we have been studying with quantitative methods. The world's greatest teachers, from Socrates and Jesus to the present, have always used parables to instruct and inspire others, and in the disciplines of business and law, the detailed examination of particular cases is the preferred method of teaching. Psychologists have also relied on cases, but these have been psychiatric histories that centered on people's problems.
Here is another exception, a marvelous example of what it means to live well: Carnegie Mellon Computer Science Professor Randy Pausch, whose "last lecture" is all over the Internet (e.g.. www.randypausch.com ). I watched his last lecture wearing many hats.
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