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Leaving Facebook... Une "Vénus" de craie de 23.000 ans découverte dans le nord de la France. Une statuette de craie représentant une figure féminine datée d'il y a 23.000 ans a été présentée jeudi aux médias à Amiens, dans le nord de la France, la découverte de cette Vénus du paléolithique étant qualifiée d'"exceptionnelle" à plus d'un titre par les spécialistes.

Une "Vénus" de craie de 23.000 ans découverte dans le nord de la France

"La découverte de ce chef d'oeuvre est exceptionnelle et d'une importance internationale", a souligné Nicole Phoyu-Yedid, directrice régionale des affaires culturelles de Picardie (nord). La dernière trouvaille de ce type en France remontait à une cinquantaine d'années. La statuette a été retrouvée cet été lors de fouilles archéologiques dans le quartier de Renancourt à Amiens, à quatre mètres de profondeur. "On s'attendait à trouver des vestiges classiques comme des silex taillés et des vestiges osseux", a expliqué Clément Paris, le responsable de la fouille.

Au deuxième jour des fouilles, la quinzaine d'archéologues ont découvert un amas calcaire dont certains fragments ne leur semblant pas naturels. Robert Charroux Le Livre Des Secrets Trahis. Le livre des Secrets Trahis D’après les documents antérieurs à la Bible.

Robert Charroux Le Livre Des Secrets Trahis

Histoire inconnue des hommes depuis cent mille ans, leprécédent livre de Robert Charroux constituait un recensementde l’insolite planétaire et concluait que les ancêtres de l’hommene sont pas d’origine terrestre.Ici, Robert Charroux va plus loin ; il découvre les ‘clefsd’or’, de notre histoire secrète dans le plus ancien texte dumonde : Le Livre D’Enoch.Enoch, patriarche biblique, qui parle d’être venu d’ailleurs,d’anges géants s’unissant aux terriennes. 100 000 Year. Metallic vase from Dorchester, Massachusetts. A bell-shaped vessel discovered in 1852 at Dorchester (Massachusetts, USA) In the spring of 1852, a metallic vessel was found during rock blasting at Meeting House Hill in Dorchester (Massachusetts, USA), a short distance south of a meetinghouse established by the reverend Nathaniel Hall (1805-1875).

Metallic vase from Dorchester, Massachusetts

The rock was said to be a puddingstone type, known as Roxbury conglomerate and of Precambrian date, found at a depth of around 4.6 m (15 feet). Controversial Artifacts No One Wants To Examine Thoroughly - Is There Something We Are Afraid Of Discovering? - An extremely high tech civilization definitely existed in the distant past of our planet.

Controversial Artifacts No One Wants To Examine Thoroughly - Is There Something We Are Afraid Of Discovering?

We currently know nothing about these beings. Most of what we can learn about prehistoric people is from the artifacts they left behind. 74 000 Year. Volcanic Super-Eruptions Could End Civilizations. - Enormous volcanic eruptions with potential to end civilizations may have surprisingly short fuses, researchers have discovered.

Volcanic Super-Eruptions Could End Civilizations

These eruptions are known as super-eruptions because they are more than 100 times the size of ordinary volcanic eruptions like Mount St. Helens. They spew out tremendous flows of super-heated gas, ash and rock capable of blanketing entire continents and inject enough particulate into the stratosphere to throw the global climate into decade-long volcanic winters. Roumanie, les mystères des Montagnes Bucegi. Roumanie, les mystères des Monts Bucegi I.

Roumanie, les mystères des Montagnes Bucegi

Introduction À l'été de 2003, dans une région inexplorée des monts Bucegi, Roumanie, une équipe du Département Zéro (une section de top secret du Service roumain de renseignements - SRI), avait fait une découverte archéologique qui pourrait complètement changer le destin de l'humanité. Les Etats-Unis d'Amérique ont exercé une pression diplomatique colossale sur le gouvernement roumain, qui désirait divulguer les résultats au monde entier. Alien Base Inside the Bucegi Mountains. In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains, a team from Zero Department (a top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service -- SRI), had made an epochal discovery, which could had completely change mankind's destiny.

Alien Base Inside the Bucegi Mountains

The United States of America exercised colossal diplomatic pressure on the Romanian Government, which intended to disclose the findings to the entire world. The implications became far more complex due to the brutal interference of the Order of the Illuminati, which sought to take control of both the location of the discovery, and the joint Romanian - American expedition.The expert on strange phenomena, and also the leader of operations for the Romanian State, Cezar Brad, is the “hero” of the shocking events that occurred in the Bucegi Mountains. He also had two memorable meetings with a leading representative of the Illuminati, and top Bilderberg member. II. Bucegi. The Bucegi mountain secrets - Hidden From Humanity. Ancient tunnels reveal our true history. This page contains excerpts of the discovery plus two years of my research finding confirmations throughout history...

The Bucegi mountain secrets - Hidden From Humanity. Ancient tunnels reveal our true history

In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi mountains in Romania, an epochal discovery was found that would completely change the destiny of mankind. Section "I" contains excerpts from the book. Section "II" onwards is my own research regarding this discovery. I apologise in advance for such a lengthy page but some things cannot be explained in a few sentences. To prevent this page from being five times longer I have only covered the absolute basics for each section of my own research but anyone who wishes to discuss this further can click here contact me. Sections on this page.

Squelettes et os insolites. 1837 : sépulture de Pygmées Des squelettes qui mesuraient 0,90 cm à 1,35 m, inhumés dans des cercueils en bois, ont été découverts dans l’Ohio en 1837.

Squelettes et os insolites

Aucun objet façonné, près d’eux, ne permit de dater la culture de ces Pygmées. Leur nombre conduisit les observateurs à supposer qu’ils avaient dû être les habitants d’une agglomération considérable. Investigation reveals that Neanderthals died out earlier than thought. Probably the last surviving Neanderthals in the center and south of the Iberian Peninsula did not coincide with modern humans, scientists concluded from analyzes using an advanced method of dating.

Investigation reveals that Neanderthals died out earlier than thought

Neanderthals could have existed 50,000 years ago... It is possible that the theories about when Neanderthals disappeared from the face of the earth need to be modified, according to a recent study indicating that they became extinct in in Spain much earlier than was estimated. Previous tests of fossils found in Neanderthal hotspots in the region placed the latest in the range of 35,000 years ago. New Images Reveal Legendary Lost City Of Ciudad Blanca May Have Been Found! - It is time to open the gates of a hidden, long forgotten empire. Located in the remote, impenetrable and incompletely mapped rainforest of the Mosquito Coast, the legendary city of Ciudad Blanca, or White City has finally been found! The White City has often been linked to Central American mythology. Could Cusco Peru Be Thousands Of Years Older Than The Inca?

Mystic Places: Sacsayhuaman, Cusco, Coricancha, Muyuqmarka. A few more considerations 1. A scientist that did detect vitrification was late prof. Watkins. He said:The rock surfaces on Inca stones are similar to those that have been thermally disaggregated. 33 000 Year. Les cités englouties de Khambhat et Dwarka. Ancient Explorers. Dwarka, India - 12,000 Year Old City of Lord Krishna Found - *Full* Archéologie sous-marine de l’ancienne Dwarka dans l’Okhamandal, Dr A.S. Gaur. Dr A.S. La Mystérieuse Civilisation de Fontainebleau. Enigmes < Enigmes archéologiques < Fontainebleau Sans le savoir, tous les dimanches, des milliers de promeneurs de la forêt de Fontainebleau passent peut-être devant les vestiges d’une civilisation inconnue. La forêt de Fontainebleau est l'une des plus grandes et plus belles forêts de France, elle s'étend sur 17 702 ha, auxquels il faut ajouter les 3 300 ha de la forêt domaniale des Trois Pignons. Entre les arbres et les rochers aux formes fantastiques, on peut sentir cette atmosphère magique.

Enigme Paleontologie. Une Ecriture Préhistorique ? Dinosoria. Enigmes < Enigmes Archéologie. Paléontologie < Forme d'écriture préhistorique ? Comme vous le savez, la préhistoire s'arrête avec l'apparition de l'écriture. 30 000 Year. 30,000-Year-Old Hidden Writing Discovered At The Fabulous Sacsayhuamán Temple Could Re-Write History. - A highly thought-provoking theory has been put forward by a researcher who is suggesting that the fabulous Sacsayhuamán temple in Peru might contain a hidden 30,000 year-old writing. A discovery of this magnitude could easily re-write not only our understanding of the Stone Age but also world history.

Sacsayhuamán remains shrouded in mystery. The question of how the stones of Sacsayhuamán were transported - still remains unanswered. Could the angles of the stones possibly shed more light on the Sacsayhuamán enigma? This should perhaps be so surprising because many ancient temples were astronomically aligned. A 28,000 Years Old Cro-Magnon mtDNA Sequence Differs from All Potentially Contaminating Modern Sequences. Background DNA sequences from ancient speciments may in fact result from undetected contamination of the ancient specimens by modern DNA, and the problem is particularly challenging in studies of human fossils.

Doubts on the authenticity of the available sequences have so far hampered genetic comparisons between anatomically archaic (Neandertal) and early modern (Cro-Magnoid) Europeans. Methodology/Principal Findings. Apollo 20 femme de 26 000 ans et ruines lunaire. suite. Pyramids of Montevecchia in Italia are fake. Foto-report and youtube video on Montevecchia pyramids MONTEVECCHIA ... research trip Oct.2007 located about 40 km northeast of Milan and about 15 km south of Lecco in Lombardy/Italy there is a small village with 3 pyramid shaped hills. These hills in Montevecchia were discovered in 2003 by the Italian architect Vincenzo DeGregorio. If it is true, what Vincenzo DeGregorio could see with his balloon camera, these hills, the highest 150 m, would be gigantic pyramids. Even higher than the Giza pyramids in Egypt (once 146 m). Gunung Padang May Hold Evidence Of The Lost City Of Atlantis - Remarkable Megalithic Site In West Java In Focus. - This remarkable megalithic site known as Gunung Padang is located 885 meters above sea level and 120 kilometers south of Jakarta, Indonesia. According to ancient beliefs stretching back to antiquity, Gunung Padang is a sacred place. Gunung Padang (literally: Mount Padang, or Mount "Meadow/Field,"), means in the local Sundanese language "Mountain of Light" or "Mountain of Enlightenment. " Ancient Weapons of Mass Destruction & The Mahabharata. The two great ancient epics of India, Ramayana and Mahabharata (c. 1000-500 BC) are centered on conflicts and refer to military formations, theories of warfare and esoteric weaponry.Among the principal works and stories that are a part of the Mahabharata are the Bhagavad Gita, the story of Damayanti, an abbreviated version of the Ramayana, and the Rishyasringa, often considered as works in their own right.

SBY visits ‘sacred’ megalithic site. Talk from the top: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono gives a speech after touring the Gunung Padang megalithic site in Cianjur, West Java, on Tuesday. The President and his entourage visited the site following research by a team including the President’s special staffer Andi Arief. Antara/Novrian Arbi. Discovery of ancient stone tools in Brazil challenges belief about human arrival in the Americas. Archaeologists have announced the discovery of stone tools in Brazil which they say prove that ancient humans arrived in the Americas long before the Clovis people, upending the predominant theory of how the continent was settled. According to current perspectives, the Clovis people arrived in the Americas from Asia about 13,000 – 15,000 years ago.

However, researchers found stone tools embedded in a rock shelter where prehistoric humans once lived, which have been dated to 22,000 years. “If they’re right, and there’s a great possibility that they are, that will change everything we know about the settlement of the Americas,” said Walter Neves, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of Sao Paulo. The stone tools were found in Serra Da Capivara National Park, Brazil, a region steeped in history with thousands of rock art paintings across 945 separate sites. Pottery 20,000 years old found in a Chinese cave. FINAL and ABSOLUTE, Stone Cold PROOF Cydonia Mars has RUNES, PROVEN Connection to Egypt & Modern DC. Millennia Old Strange Object Of Unknown Origin.

Terceira: Subaquatic pyramidal shaped structure found – Azores. 04. Alchemy Point of the EARTH Element: The Azores. Monstrous Nomoli Figures - Relics Left By Unknown Culture That Vanished Thousands Of Years Ago. Map shows the position of the coastline during the height of the last ice age 20,000 years ago. Piyang Grottoes Near The Sacred Mount Of Kailash. From Indonesia To Turkey New Archaeological Discoveries Uncover The Mysteries Of A Lost Civilisation by Graham Hancock. Pyramide de 24.000 ans en Indonésie à Java ? 25,000 Year Old Buildings Found In Russia? The Mysterious Dolmens And Megaliths Of The Caucasus. FLOWER OF LIFE, BOSNIAN PYRAMIDS AND PLANETARY GRID - Fondacija “Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. BOSNIAN PYRAMID’S FLOWER OF LIFE - Fondacija “Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. The Bosnian Pyramid Complex: Signs of Technically Advanced Ice Age Civilization - The Sphinx Stargate.

Press Conference on the Bosnian Pyramids (English language only) - Hidden History Conference ICBP 2014. Several dozen European-style stone tools, dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, have been discovered at 6 locations in US. Haplogroup R1a as the Proto Indo-Europeans and the Legendary Aryans as Witnessed by the DNA of Their Current Descendants. Re-Examining the "Out of Africa" Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy. Chauvet Cave (ca. 30,000 B.C.) Super Megaliths in Gornaya Shoria, Southern Siberia. VIDEO. À quoi ressemblait Neandertal.

Astronomically Aligned Ancient Temples Faced The Sky And Linked To All Its Secrets. Au XVIe siècle, en 1572, un clou en fer fut trouvé datant de 100 000 ans. Mystery Of the Panxian Cave - How Could Gigantic Animals Reach A Mountain Cave Located Over 1600m Above Sea Level? Popular Archaeology. Lost Civilization Beneath The Indian Ocean. 100,000-year-old art kit found in South Africa. The Hidden History of The Human Race - Klaus Dona - Spiritual Archeologist.