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Cómo adaptar la bici a nuestro cuerpo y no nuestro cuerpo a la bici – BICICLUB. La bioposición o bike fitting es el ajuste de las diferentes variables que se realizan a la bicicleta para que se adapte al ciclista con el fin de mejorar su rendimiento y comodidad.

Cómo adaptar la bici a nuestro cuerpo y no nuestro cuerpo a la bici – BICICLUB

He aquí el paso a paso para hacer cada uno de estos ajustes en casa y con ello dejar de hacer sufrir a nuestro cuerpo y aumentar radicalmente nuestro rendimiento. Siempre que pienso en bioposición doy por sentado que es un concepto común que todos los ciclistas manejan. Cruzando Francia en bicicleta por la EuroVelo-6. En la mayor parte de este viaje seguimos el trazado de la ruta "Eurovelo 6", una de las rutas de largo recorrido que cruzan Europa.

Cruzando Francia en bicicleta por la EuroVelo-6

Viator Travel. 8 circuitos para hacer en bici. Un buen estado físico (bueno, al menos aceptable), paciencia y muchas ganas de disfrutar de los paisajes en silencio y despacio.

8 circuitos para hacer en bici

El cicloturismo va ganando adeptos en todo el mundo, y la Argentina ofrece grandes atractivos para los amantes de las dos ruedas, de todos los niveles de dificultad. Aquí te proponemos 8 recorridos con un grado de exigencia medio, como para que vayas entrenando pero si exagerar, que no se trata de dar la vuelta al mundo.

10 best bike lights. The clocks have gone back so the days are getting shorter.

10 best bike lights

This means commuting to work through a dusky greyness and back in the dark. If you’re on a bike, this half-light makes it difficult to both see and be seen, which is why bike deaths skyrockets from October onwards - so be prepared with an effective set of lights. Choose between just the standard handlebar ones (white light front, red light back) or an additional light that fixes onto your helmet to make sure you’re extra visible. Remember, if you choose a helmet light, use handlebar and rear lights too - likewise consider how many ‘lumens’ a light emits.

The higher the number of lumens, the brighter your light will be - look for at least 80 lumens or more. 1. This set (one rear, one front light) conforms to German road restrictions, which are stricter than ours. Buy now 2. This front and rear-light set illuminates you as well as the road ahead. Buy now 3. Routes at Welcome!

Routes at

Bikely helps cyclists share knowledge of good bicycle routes. Read more below » Most Recent Routes View more routes » Bike blog The Guardian. Environment. Bicycle Maintenance Guide and Riding Tips. This page was last updated 24 May 2007.

Bicycle Maintenance Guide and Riding Tips

I often get asked about bicycle maintenance and repairs, and tips for how to ride efficiently. This little manual is intended as a summary of what I have learned over the years. I am not a professional mechanic. All of what I say here is the result of personal experience and opinion and may in places flatly contradict professional techniques, but it has served me well. Road Bike Reviews, Cycling Gear, Maintenance, Fitness, Training, and Racing. Adventure Cycling Company Reviews: Comparisons of Bicycle Tours, Cycling Vacation Europe, Cycling Asia, Cycling US. Bike Radar.


Se Nos Salió La Cadena. Danube Cycle Path/Standard/Holiday with friends/Passau-Vienna. Bicycle the Danube River Bike Route. Bike Rating: Excellentt |Best Seasons: Summer or Early Autumn Nature of the Ride: The Danube River (Donau in German) flows from its source (at Donaueschingen) in the Black Forest of Germany, to the Black Sea— 2900 kilometers (1,700 miles) downstream.

Bicycle the Danube River Bike Route

Serbia and Romania are not considered safe for western bikers, on and off the road, and are not discussed here. In Germany and in Hungary, many bikers do safely follow the Danube . However, by far the most popular section for biking is in Austria, between Passau, Germany (on the Austrian border) and Vienna—a total distance of 340 kilometers (~200 miles). This bike tour's rightful popularity arises from a great concentration of diverse views, and from tourist sights that bring new variety on each day of a ride. (Whereas, riding along the Danube in Germany often entails roads, and in Hungary, on roads and on highways.)

As a plus, in the case of bad weather, river steamers provide a painless way to continue a journey. Danube Bike Path 7 nights. Cancellation through the customer/substitute participant/change in booking 1.

Danube Bike Path 7 nights

The customer can withdraw from the agreement at any time. We suggest declaring the withdrawal in writing. In case of withdrawal or non-participation without a previous withdrawal declaration we are authorized to charge the following cancellation fees: - Up to the 28th day before the beginning of the journey: 10%, at least € 50,- From the 27th to the 8th day before the beginning of the journey: 50% of the travel price - From the 7th to the 1st day before the beginning of the journey: 80 % of the travel price- On the arrival day and non-participation: 100% of the travel price In each case a cancellation insurance is recommendable. 2. 3.

Great Allegheny Passage - The official website for the rail-trail system between Pittsburgh, PA and Cumberland, MD.