PsyberGuide. E-learning, Diseño Instruccional y TIC. Cómo hacer un webinar: guía con las 3 principales plataformas. ¿Te has planteado ofrecer formación en streaming pero no sabes cómo hacer un webinar desde cero?
Y si te dijera que no resulta tan complicado y que en este post puedes conocer las alternativas gratuitas o de pago que tienes para hacerlo. Tal y como vas a poder leer en esta guía, es más sencillo de lo que parece. Hoy por hoy, tenemos muy buenas plataformas que nos facilitan mucho en la tarea en este tema para que así sólo nos tengamos que centrar en ofrecer contenido interesante en él. Ahora bien, ¿cómo decido cuál es la herramienta más apropiada para mi? Esto dependerá de diversos factores como los recursos de los que dispongas, del contenido que vayas a ofrecer, los alumnos e incluso el nivel de calidad que quieras ofrecer en tus clases online. Por supuesto, lo mejor en cualquier caso es que conozcas las opciones existentes y que una vez tengas claros sus pros y contras te decidas por una u otra.
¿Cómo hacer un webinar paso a paso y desde cero? ► A. . ► B. Archived Conference Presentations. INHN: Jose de Leon: Training psychiatrists to think like pharmacologists. Mind-Body Relationship. The problem of the relationship between the mind and the body, is one that has always fascinated humanity across all cultures and in all times because of the many implications brought about by such an issue, not least the religious and existential ones.
At present the issue is becoming more ample because of the progress of modern science and of its capacity to comprehend, with its methods, the psychical functions, their neural basis, their behavioural manifestations, and also the artificial reproducibility, at least partial, of such manifestations and, at least in perspective, the genetic modifiability of the neurophysiological basis of the same psychical functions. I. WPA - Biblioteca Iberoamerica de Psiquiatría. Docenciamirpirpsiquiatria. Jldiasahun2. -Esta no es una página de autoayuda, ni debe ser considerada de utilidad para el diagnóstico y tratamiento actualizado de las enfermedades mentales.
-Es una página de documentación en estudios de psicopatología descriptiva clásica y fenomenología. -Su función es “docente” e “investigadora”. -Para la formación de Residentes en psiquiatría y psicología clínica. Demencia_precoz_Kraepelin. - Jornadas_esquizofrenias_Bleuler. Emil Kraepelin “la demencia precoz”.
Editorial Polemos. Argentina, 2ª ed. 2008. Psychiatry Advisor. CNS Spectrums Vol. 19 Iss. 05. Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (Formerly NARSAD) The DICE Approach. Management of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia in Clinical Settings: Recommendations from a Multidisciplinary Expert Panel Helen C.
Amazon. Materials. Team Members GuideEveryone on the team should read this manual for an overview of the NAVIGATE program and how it works, the logistics of staffing, role responsibilities for each team member, team meetings, and how the team works together in a collaborative, person-centered way.
Program Director ManualThe NAVIGATE director will find information on starting up the program, outreach and recruitment, forming and leading the team, conducting team meetings, and conducting IRT and SEE supervision. Family Education (FE) ManualThis manual guides the family clinician in how to help relatives gain the necessary knowledge base, attitudes, and skills to cope effectively and to support their loved ones progress towards recovery; the manual includes handouts for family members and clinical guidelines for the Family Clinician. The Neurobiology of Psychotherapy. A recent Institute of Medicine report acknowledges the efficacy of a broad range of psychosocial interventions.1 It challenges us to “identify key elements that drive an intervention’s effect.”
The report describes key clinical tasks such as the therapist’s ability to engage with a patient, understand the patient’s worldview, and help the patient manage his or her emotional responses. The psychiatric community should also look into the neurobiological changes that accompany and may be responsible for an intervention’s effect.
Although early psychoanalysts made little effort to connect functions of the mind to definable portions of the brain, from the beginning there was a belief that such a relationship may exist. Freud confidently predicted that one day there would be a neurological understanding of the work he initiated. The deficiencies in our description would probably vanish if we were already in a position to replace psychological terms by physiological or chemical ones. Empathy. Tell It About Your Mother. Psychopharmacology Consults. Animated Minds. CNSforum. Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI Training) Quiénes Somos « CTC – Centro de Terapia Cognitiva.
Journals. Hipatia. BODY LANGUAGE. Bibliotecas. This Is Anxiety - James Hamblin. "If you can't do something perfectly, why do it at all?
" Stories from Atlantic readers on how to think about anxiety, what is helpful, and what isn't. "Here’s what’s worked: nothing. " Scott Stossel writes with resignation in the cover article for the current issue of The Atlantic, "Surviving Anxiety. " (Inside the magazine it's headlined "My Anxious, Twitchy, Phobic (Somehow Successful) Life".) The story, adapted from Stossel's forthcoming book, tells of his life with anxiety disorder; how he remains high-functioning despite it, and maybe in ways because of it.
The Atlantic editors invited readers to send in stories of their own experiences with anxiety. We got so many interesting submissions, and there was even more that I wanted to share than is here. CIDI.
Building the Brain: From Simplicity to Complexity. Vilayanur Ramachandran: The neurons that shaped civilization.