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AngularJS Tutorial for Beginners With NodeJS ExpressJS and MongoDB (Part I) - Adrian Mejia’s Blog. This tutorial is meant to be as clear as possible while at the same time teach you how to connect AngularJS with back-end servers in Node.Js, Express.js and databases such as MongoDB, also known as the MEAN stack. Let’s start with angularJS! We are going to start building all the examples in a single HTML file, which has embedded javascript and NO styles/CSS for simplicity. In the next tutorials we will learn how to use angularJS modules to break down the code, add testing to it and styles. What is Angular.js? Angular.js is a MVW (Model-View-Whatever) open-source JavaScript web framework that facilitates the creation of single-page applications (SPA) and data-driven apps. Brief Background AngularJS vs jQuery vs BackboneJS vs EmberJS TL; DR: AngularJS is awesome for building testable single page applications (SPA), and also data driven and CRUD apps.

AngularJS motto is “HTML enhanced for web apps!”. Times have changed since then. Without further ado, let’s dive in! AngularJS Main Components. Developer Guide. Loading... On this page, you will find a list of official AngularJS resources on various topics. Just starting out with AngularJS? Try working through our step by step tutorial or try building on our seed project. Ready to find out more about AngularJS? Core Concepts Templates In AngularJS applications, you move the job of filling page templates with data from the server to the client. Application Structure Other Features Testing Community Resources We have set up a guide to many resources provided by the community, where you can find lots of additional information and material on these topics, a list of complimentary libraries, and much more.

External AngularJS resources Getting Help The recipe for getting help on your unique issue is to create an example that could work (even if it doesn't) in a shareable example on Plunker, JSFiddle, or similar site and then post to one of the following: Official Communications Official announcements, news and releases are posted to our blog, G+ and Twitter: Understanding Dependency Injection · angular/angular.js Wiki. Dependency injection in AngularJS is supremely useful, and the key to making easily testable components. This article explains how Angular's dependency injection system works. The Provider ($provide) The $provide service is responsible for telling Angular how to create new injectable things; these things are called services. Services are defined by things called providers, which is what you're creating when you use $provide.

Defining a provider is done via the provider method on the $provide service, and you can get hold of the $provide service by asking for it to be injected into an application's config function. An example might be something like this: myMod.config(function($provide) { $provide.provider('greeting', function() { this. myMod.controller('MainController', function($scope, greeting) { $scope.onClick = function() { greeting('Ford Prefect'); }; }); myMod.config(function($provide) { $provide.value('greeting', function(name) { alert("Hello, " + name); }); }); Configuring Providers.

Protractor - end-to-end testing for AngularJS. Protractor - end-to-end testing for AngularJS. E2E Testing. Loading... Note: In the past, end-to-end testing could be done with a deprecated tool called AngularJS Scenario Runner. That tool is now in maintenance mode. As applications grow in size and complexity, it becomes unrealistic to rely on manual testing to verify the correctness of new features, catch bugs and notice regressions. Unit tests are the first line of defense for catching bugs, but sometimes issues come up with integration between components which can't be captured in a unit test. We have built Protractor, an end to end test runner which simulates user interactions that will help you verify the health of your AngularJS application. Using Protractor Protractor is a Node.js program, and runs end-to-end tests that are also written in JavaScript and run with node.

For more information on Protractor, view getting started or the api docs. Protractor uses Jasmine for its test syntax. Here is an example of a simple test: Example Caveats. Angular-styleguide/ at master · johnpapa/angular-styleguide. Tutorial: Tutorial. There was an error loading this resource. Please try again later. A great way to get introduced to AngularJS is to work through this tutorial, which walks you through the construction of an AngularJS web app. The app you will build is a catalog that displays a list of Android devices, lets you filter the list to see only devices that interest you, and then view details for any device. Follow the tutorial to see how AngularJS makes browsers smarter — without the use of native extensions or plug-ins: See examples of how to use client-side data binding to build dynamic views of data that change immediately in response to user actions.See how AngularJS keeps your views in sync with your data without the need for DOM manipulation.Learn a better, easier way to test your web apps, with Karma and Protractor.Learn how to use dependency injection and services to make common web tasks, such as getting data into your app, easier.

When you finish the tutorial you will be able to: Install Git npm install. AngularJS Tutorial | Learn Angular by Building a Gmail Clone. AngularJS Tutorial Build a Gmail Clone Introduction Build a simple email application and learn core AngularJS concepts. By the end of this tutorial you'll be able to see (fake) emails, search by subject line, and read / delete emails. Prerequisites: Understand how to build a basic Javascript application with jQuery Know how to launch a basic HTTP server (e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer Be able to clone a GitHub repo Topics covered: Single page applications (SPA) Client-side MVC patterns Two way data-binding Routing with templates AngularJS building blocks: Directives, Factories, & Controllers You'll notice that there are code checks included throughout this guide. Note: This guide is open to the public. Ready? Get notified when new guides are released Client side MVC Let's start with a concept that's core to Angular: client-side MVC MVC stands for Model, View, Controller.

Model: That's the data; the business information of the application. Getting Started with AngularJS Setting up our app <! $http. Danialfarid/ng-file-upload.