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Art of Islamic Pattern. Learn to Tesselate with an Islamic Design Workbook. L'univers symbolique des arts islamiques. Intuition in Phenomenology of Architecture. Parisa Shoja Department of architecture and Civil Engineering, Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran DOI : Abstract: The culture of societies makes their architecture and architecture works as the container of human behaviors influences the culture.

Intuition in Phenomenology of Architecture

Karatay Han was built by Seljuk Emir Celaleddin Karatay in 1240.

Its plan consist of two parts. The first part, the coverde one, was built in Alaaddin Keykubad I period before 1237 and the second part, the open one, was completed in Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev II period in 1240. Karatay Han lies in the village Karadayı in Elbaşı town along Seljuk main routes to the40 km. east of Kayseri-Turkey. Mitre2. The Mitre System set and Frames.


Patented by Adrian Fisher and Ed Pegg Jr. Origins Core Shapes and Supporting Shapes of The Mitre System. Patent Pending by Adrian Fisher and Ed Pegg Jr. For more on the shapes, click here. The Cyclist by Julie Thissen. French/Dutch product designer Julie Thissen has conceived “The Cyclist”, a series of bags designed for urban cyclists that combine practicality, elegance and safety.

The Cyclist by Julie Thissen

READ ALSO: Woodspot: A Hexagonal Table Lamp By Alessandro Zambelli The Bags On the front part of all three bags, ribbons of retro-reflective material are woven into the bag’s surface. This woven pattern gives to Julie Thissen bags their unique appearance but also a functional advantage: the retro-reflective material infact lights-up at night under the front lights of passing cars, making the cycler more visible to surrounding traffic. “The starting point of the project is the wish for the bags to fulfill three requests which at first seem almost contradictory” says Julie Thissen. Practicality, efficiency and a reduction to the essential should not be at all opposed to an aesthetic, well designed approach of “The Cyclist” bags.

DIWire Kickstarter Story. About the Elytra Filament Pavilion. Groupe public Art of Islamic Pattern (Open) La vie privée des anciens - René Ménart. NOTIONS HISTORIQUES. — L’Italie est couverte de monuments pélasgiques dont la construction ne diffère pas essentiellement de ceux que l’on rencontre en Grèce et qui datent de la même période.

La vie privée des anciens - René Ménart

Mais les Étrusques, malgré les grands rapports qu’ils présentent aussi avec les Grecs, s’en séparent néanmoins par quelques points essentiels et notamment par l’emploi de la voûte dont ils ont fait usage des la plus haute antiquité. Le style romain s’est formé par le mélange du goût étrusque et du goût grec. La conquête de la Grèce par les Romains marque une transformation complète dans l’art comme dans la situation des artistes. Les grands, pour gagner le peuple par l’éclat et la magnificence des fêtes, attirent à Rome un grand nombre d’artistes grecs, en même temps qu’ils apportent dans la ville éternelle des chefs-d’œuvre de toute sorte volés dans les sanctuaires de la Grèce. A l’origine, les généraux romains mettaient une sorte de modération dans leurs rapines. Aigre que chez les Grecs. Ral. Des machines magnétiques à dessiner sur le sable.

L’artiste Bruce Shapiro a créé des Sisyphus Machine qui utilisent des aimants et des moteurs dont le mouvement fait rouler et déplace des billes de métal sur une surface recouverte d’une fine couche de sable de façon a créer petit à petit des motifs géométriques.

Des machines magnétiques à dessiner sur le sable

Introduction to Geometry. Reproduction sur quadrillage (Générateur) Géométriquement. The complex geometry of Islamic design - Eric Broug. These Mesmerizing GIFs Illustrate the Art of Traditional Japanese Wood Joinery. These Mesmerizing GIFs Illustrate the Art of Traditional Japanese Wood Joinery For centuries before the invention of screws and fasteners, Japanese craftsmen used complex, interlocking joints to connect pieces of wood for structures and beams, helping to create a uniquely Japanese wood aesthetic that can still be seen in the works of modern masters like Shigeru Ban.

These Mesmerizing GIFs Illustrate the Art of Traditional Japanese Wood Joinery

Up until recent times, however, these techniques were often the carefully guarded secrets of family carpentry guilds and unavailable for public knowledge. Even as the joints began to be documented in books and magazines, their 2-dimensional depictions remained difficult to visualize and not found in any one comprehensive source. That is, until a few years ago, when a young Japanese man working in automobile marketing began compiling all the wood joinery books he could get his hands on and using them to creating his own 3-dimensional, animated illustrations of their contents. News via Spoon & Tamago. Meshmixer. EZCT Architecture & Design Research. LATIFA ECHAKHCH. Neubeginn / Restart. John maeda. Choux romanesco. Google. Art Islamique & Urbanisme. Introduction to Arabesque. In the book arts, Islimi is used to illuminate calligraphic headings and within shamsahs (little suns) which are palmettes that divide verses of text.

Introduction to Arabesque

Most famously it is interwoven with geometric patterns to create beautiful frontispieces (the first page of the Quran). Islimi is a key architectural feature, examples can be found in ornate ceramic, stone, plaster and wood carved friezes. Islimi designs are also found embellishing domestic objects such as utensils, cloths and carpets. Motifs and styles / Origins and development Islimi designs gradually emerged as the floral, vegetative style of Islamic art in various forms around the world. Drawings, Diagrams & Analyses. My Contributions. Some of the pages here are things I've thought about myself, and others are my expositions of the ideas of others.

My Contributions

Some of them are pages on my own site, and others are pages on other sites describing my work. I'll leave as an open problem determining which is which. New sacred geometry drawings!: holy_geometry. Designplaygrounds - interactive and generative design. Sans titre. In this article we discuss whether traditional Islamic geometric patterns exhibit the distinguishing structural properties of quasicrystals.

sans titre

We present two case studies that examine candidate examples from the western and eastern schools of Islamic ornament. In both cases, researchers made a hypothesis that the Islamic patterns have quasiperiodic features, both found that their model does not match the data, yet both found reasons to discard the errors and accept the model, rather than search for an alternative explanation. This has led to widespread confusion about the status of claims concerning quasiperiodic Islamic ornament, a situation that became clear to me during discussions at a recent conference, and which motivated me to write up these notes. In both case studies, the language and tools of crystallography are applied to analyse Islamic patterns. Oleg Grabar, Penser L’art islamique, une esthétique de l’ornement, Bibliothèque Albin Michel Idées, 1992, collection « La Chaire de l’IMA » de l’Institut du Monde Arabe. ShiaGraph. Tuiles Turques, Manuscrit Enluminé et Motifs Islamiques.