Integrate Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) to Zentyal PDC (Primary Domain Controller) - Part 7. From my previous post about integrating Ubuntu 13.10 to Zentyal PDC Active Directory things have changed for some software packages once the release of Ubuntu 14.04, codename Trusty Tahr, and seems like Ubuntu developers had dropped support for “likewise-open” package which did an excellent job of integrating Ubuntu to Windows Active Directory in just a few moves and clicks. On Ubuntu the page for likewise-open package displays a warning message saying that there are no source release for the package in Trusty Tahr. So, trying a classic installation from CLI with apt-get install command. But don’t worry, even if ‘Trusty Tahr‘ has dropped support for ‘likewise‘ packages ( let’s hope that maybe just for a short period ) we can still use the ‘Saucy Salamander‘ repositories, download and manually install the packages needed to join Ubuntu 14.04 on PDC Active Directory.
Step 1: Downloading Dependency Packages 1. 2. Step 2: Integrating Ubuntu 14.04 to Zentyal PDC 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How To Make Changes In resolv.conf Permanent in Ubuntu [Quick Tip] 10 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr To Get A Near Perfect Desktop. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) will be released tomorrow and since many of you will install it as soon as it's released (or maybe you're already using Ubuntu 14.04), here's a list of 10 useful things to do to get a near perfect desktop. While the tweaks below are targeted at Unity, many of them also work with other Ubuntu flavors like Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu or Ubuntu GNOME. Update: the instructions / things to do below also apply for the latest Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn), except for: 1.2 (Pidgin Indicator is no longer required because Pidgin now ships with a Unity integration plugin; you can still use Pidgin Indicator if you want though);3.1 (Firefox now supports H224 without any tweaks);4.1 (you can continue to use Pipelight for various web services that require Silverlight, but that's no longer required for Netflix - to use Netflix with HTML5, simply install Google Chrome and it should work without any additional tweaks - that's now also the case for Ubuntu 14.04). 1. 2. 3.
Before: Free Active Directory Authentication for UNIX, Linux & Mac. Active directory - likewise-open | 14.04 | other easy way to connect AD. Add Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server to a Windows Active Directory Domain – Fullest Integration | If you are like me and manage a mixed environment then the above topic is probably quite important to you. Especially if you also happen to be a security person for your organization and centralized account administration is a big deal. In this tutorial, I will be walking through how to join an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server to a Windows Active Directory Domain. Furthermore, we will be adding a new domain group to the “sudoers” group on the box so that our Domain Admins will automatically have the ability to use sudo to administer your Ubuntu Servers as needed.
Additionally, we will also be making it easy for them to login (no appending of the domain onto their user account name) and also giving them the more user friendly BASH shell, rather than the default SH. All commands reference the fictional domain “CONTOSO.COM” to make the syntax easier to understand. 1. Ahead of time…. 1. 2. Dns-search dns-nameservers ##the IP address of your domain controller Okay, let’s go! Ubuntu-post-install/ at master · snwh/ubuntu-post-install. Ubuntu-post-install/ at master · snwh/ubuntu-post-install. ART DU WEB - TOMCAT - serveur d'applications Java. Apache Tomcat est un conteneur libre de servlets et JSP Java EE. Issu du projet Jakarta, Tomcat est un projet principal de la fondation Apache. Tomcat implémente les spécifications des servlets et des JSP du Java Community Process1 .
Il est paramétrable par des fichiers XML et de propriétés, et inclut des outils pour la configuration et la gestion. Il comporte également un serveur HTTP. Les prérequis de Tomcat Java JDK (qui inclue le JRE) Définir les variables d'environnement : JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04 CATALINA_HOME C:\tomcat Ajouter au PATH, les exécutable de Tomcat : PATH C:\tomcat\bin JDK: Java Development Kit JRE: Jara Runtime Environment Arborescence de tomcat logs : rassemble les logs du serveur applicatif (catalina%date%.log) conf : configuration du serveur (server.xml tomcat-users.xml) Configuration du serveur tomcat La configuration du serveur repose sur le fichier conf/server.xml.
Détails des paramètres du server.xml Directive Server Directive Service Directive Host <! How to install and configure KVM on CentOS. KVM is a kernel-based hypervisor which grows quickly in maturity and popularity in the Linux server market. Red Hat officially dropped Xen in favor of KVM since RHEL 6. With KVM being officially supported by Red Hat, installing KVM on RedHat-based systems should be a breeze.
In this tutorial, I will describe how to install and configure KVM and VirtManager on CentOS. To use this tutorial, it is not required to have CentOS desktop environment. This tutorial was in fact tested on CentOS 6.4 server. Check Hardware Virtualization Supoort KVM requires hardware virtualization support such as Intel VT or AMD's AMD-V, which are instruction set extensions for hardware-assisted virtualization. . $ egrep -i 'vmx|svm' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo If CPU flags contain "vmx" or "svm", it means hardware virtualization support is available.
Configure FQDN for local host Configure FQDN (fully qualified domain name) for local host. To configure FQDN, edit the following configuration file: HOSTNAME=xxx.yyy 1. 2. Installer Owncloud dans son LAN. Présentation OwnCloud est une implémentation open source de services en ligne de stockage et d'applications diverses (cloud computing). OwnCloud peut être installé sur un web personnel (dans son LAN). Les dépendances sur ce serveur sont PHP et une base de données (SQLite, MySQL ou PostgreSQL). En plus d'une interface web qui permet de visualiser, partager et éditer ses données, OwnCloud implémente des protocoles standards comme WebDAV pour l'accès au fichiers, CardDAV pour l'accès aux contacts et, CalDAV pour le calendrier, ce qui permet de pouvoir synchroniser avec les OS les plus courants.
Dans ce tutoriel nous verrons 1 - Comment installer son propre Owncloud sur son serveur web personnel. 2 - Comment accéder à ses données via un explorateur de fichier avec WebDAV. 3 - Comment monter un partage dans /etc/fstab pour accèder à son cloud localement. 4 - Comment installer un client owncloud sur son Desktop. 5 - Comment configurer son client owncloud pour la synchronisation. Voitures à Louer. Howto_Install_fr – Roundcube Webmail. RoundCube peux être exécuté dans des environnement multiples. Il peut employer différents SGBD, notamment MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL. Dans le cadre de ce document, nous présentons l'installation de RoundCube sur une distribution Debian Etch. Nous partons du principe que vous disposez d'un Serveur Web Apache2, de PHP5 et d'un Serveur MySQL >= à la version 4.1.
Voir cette page Près requis ( Debian ) pour plus d'informations à ce sujet. A titre liminaire, nous vous rappelons que toutes les commandes évoquées dans ce tutorial doivent être exécutées avec les privilèges de l'utilsateur root. I. Installation et configuration de RoundCube ¶ A. A. Pour disposer de toutes les options, certaines librairies PEAR et autres packages doivent êtres installés sur le système : 1. Note : En ce qui concerne Fileinfo, il faut s'assurer que le fichier /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/fileinfo.ini existe. 2. . $ pear list Nous obtenons le résultat suivant : 3. . $ /etc/init.d/apache2 reload b. 1. . $ cd /var/www 2. 3. 4. . $ mv . 5. NetworkConfiguration. Translation(s): English - Français - Italiano - 简体中文 Table of Contents The majority of network setup can be done via the interfaces configuration file at /etc/network/interfaces. Here, you can give your network card an IP address (or use dhcp), set up routing information, configure IP masquerading, set default routes and much more.
Remember to add interfaces that you want brought up at boot time to the 'auto' line. See man interfaces for more options. Using DHCP to automatically configure the interface If you're just using DHCP then all you need is something like: auto eth0 allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp For DHCPv6 (used for IPv6), append also the following iface stanza iface eth0 inet6 dhcp Alternatively, IPv6 can be autoconfigured using stateless address autoconfiguration, or SLAAC, which is specified using auto instead of dhcp in the inet6 stanza: iface eth0 inet6 auto Configuring the interface manually If you want to add an IPv6 address, too, append something like: or perhaps 8021q Eg:
Tutoriel:deplacer_home. Kernel/LinuxWireless. Escalating bugs and issues to the upstream developers is important to improving the overall quality of wireless drivers. Before we get started we will review first a few general details about the life cycle of Ubuntu's kernel releases so you are more comfortable with how things get into Ubuntu and what you are using. When providing information for a bug to be worked on by a developer, please mention the following information: What is the full computer model number (ex. HP G32-301TX Notebook PC)? If you update your BIOS to the newest version following the guide here, does this change anything?
Regarding your wireless Access Point (AP): 3a. Upstream packages a compat-wireless backport based on the linux-next tree. The compat-wireless packages in Ubuntu are generated with select wireless commits from linus' stable tree. Quantal - Precise - and then reboot. Setting up a PDC using TurnKey linux in 50 steps… or less! | Internet Guy. Installation et configuration d'un serveur Samba AD AC - AnnoraTuto. Share this post User Rating: Details Parent Category: Gnu/Linux Category: Redhat/Centos/fedora Last Updated on Saturday, 28 December 2013 11:48 Written by Abou2bangui Hits: 560 Samba est un logiciel d'interopérabilité permettant d'implémenter le partage de fichiers et d'imprimantes dans un réseau hétérogène Unix/Windows. Le 20 décembre 2007, Microsoft signe un accord de partage d'information technique suite à un procès perdu contre l'Union européenne. Samba 4 est la première implémentation open source des protocoles Active Directory de Microsoft, Samba4 fonctionne ou presque comme un serveur Active Directory et supporte tous les clients Windows actuellement pris en charge par Microsoft, y compris Windows 8.
Ce document présente la configuration de Samba4.1, contrôleur de domaine compatible Active Directory de Microsoft. Pré-requis système. Première étape: Préparation du système de fichier /dev/mapper/vg_dc-lv_root / ext4 defaults,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1 1 1 [root@dc ~]#mkdir /media/CentOS fi #! Intégration serveur edubuntu et client legers / clients lourds. Bonsoir tout le monde, j'arrive tout juste pour signaler que j'ai eu un accord de mettre en place linux sur la salle informatique de mon boulot. Pré-requis :1 serveur pour encadrer :- Des classes découvertes : usage création de diapo, cdrom, vidéos mail etc..- Des colos : usage internet , création de blog, photos souvenir en montage, éditions, morphing etc...- Du public : usage internet et rédaction impression de documents.
Voici un peu le système.1 serveur sur edubuntu , 2 eth 1 sur le net et l'autre sur le réseau créé.8 Clients légers8 Clients lourds1 poste uniquement à usage internet à l'accueil (login automatique) J'ai configurer le serveur il me reste des points qui me mettent un peu en vrac... Ah oui j'allais oublier, je souhaite donc créer des classes, colos entières d'un coup. j'ai suivi le tuto de createuser.... mais il utilise le gui user et groupes vu que la gestion de groupe est différente. Spécifique aux colos : La possibilité de créer leur blog. Merci. Install iRedMail on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux. Works on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, OpenBSD. WARNING: iRedMail is designed to be deployed on a FRESH server system, which means your server does NOT have mail related components installed, e.g.
MySQL, OpenLDAP, Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd, etc (iRedMail will install and configure them for you automatically). Otherwise it may override your existing files/configurations althought it will backup files before modifing, and it may be not working as expected. To install iRedMail, you need: A FRESH, working RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux system. Supported releases are listed on page Features of iRedMail. At least 1GB of memory is required for production use. if you have less memory, you have to disable spam/virus scanning by following our wiki tutorial. Set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname on your server Enter command 'hostname -f' to view the current hostname: $ hostname -f /etc/sysconfig/network: hostname setting.
PhenIXUS • Consulter le sujet - [TUTORIEL] Advanced Samba (Domain Member) Bonjour, Comme promis dans ce post, voici un petit tuto sur l'installation de la contrib Advance Samba et la configuration qui va avec pour répondre au besoin qui y est exprimé. Avertissement Ce tuto est en fait la mise au propre des opérations que nous avons effectués pour notre usage propre. Il pourrait y avoir des adaptations à faire selon votre réseau ! Nous ne sommes en rien responsables des éventuelles pertes de données ou d'exploitation ni d'aucune conséquence de l'utilisation de ce tuto. Advance Samba : la contrib Cette contribution intéressante de Greg J. Domain Member : Dans cette configuration, SME présente ses ibays comme des partages Samba du domaine/worgroup, mais en permettant que l'authentification se fasse sur un serveur différent, et cela sans que les utilisateurs aient à être configurés localement.
Nous utilisons cette configuration sur une SME en serveur seul qui offre des partages dont l'authentification se fait sur une autre SME configurée en PDC. Installation de SME ). Build, Install, & Run uPortal 4.0.0 | Unicon. Introduction This is a a reboot of Cris Holdorph's excellent series of articles on installing earlier versions of uPortal. It includes step-by-step instructions for deploying uPortal and all its dependencies. As you might imagine, several things have changed since the last release of uPortal 3 (version 3.2.4). Update 2012/11/28 This article was updated for uPortal 4.0.8. This article is geared toward installation of a local portal, such as you might use to develop portlets that adhere to the 1.0 (JSR-168) -- or new in uPortal 4, 2.0 (JSR-286) -- Java Portlet Specification. This excercise is also a great way to learn the platform in greater depth. The steps covered in this article are also documented online in the uPortal 4.0 Manual.
Getting started To get started, create a directory in which we will put all our work. The final name choice is arbitrary, but 'portal' seems sensible. Java Development Kit (JDK) uPortal 4 requires Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.6 Update 21 or later. Ant Maven. How To Use Multiple PHP Versions (PHP-FPM & FastCGI) With ISPConfig 3 (CentOS 6.3) Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com> Follow me on Twitter Last edited 03/05/2013 Since ISPConfig 3.0.5, it is possible to use multiple PHP versions on one server and select the optimal PHP version for a website. This feature works with PHP-FPM (starting with PHP 5.3) and FastCGI (all PHP 5.x versions). This tutorial shows how to build PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 as a PHP-FPM and a FastCGI version on a CentOS 6.3 server. These PHP versions can be used together with the default PHP (installed through yum) in ISPConfig.
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you! 1 Preliminary Note I will install PHP 5.3.22 and PHP 5.4.12, the latest PHP 5.3 and 5.4 versions at the time of this writing. Please note that PHP-FPM can be used on both Apache and nginx servers, while FastCGI is available only for Apache servers. 2 Building PHP 5.3.22 (PHP-FPM) Download and extract PHP 5.3.22: cd php-5.3.22/ Install the prerequisites for building PHP5: yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'