We are all about Vedic Astrology. Get Astrology related content - Courses, Books, Articles, Products, Images, and Videos time to time. Just be with us for learning and knowing astrology in-depth.
Youtube. Youtube. Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP Astrology) - Introduction - Part 2. Vedic Astrology for Beginners | Houses and their Significations| Saptarishis Astrology. How to predict life events? Lal Kitab| Saptarishis Astrology. Youtube. Learn Vedic Astrology in Hindi Level - 1 ज्योतिष सीखो | Saptarishis Astrology. Youtube. Youtube. You are invited to a Free Zoom Webinar - राहु केतु कृष्णमूर्ति पद्धति में (KP Astrology) 2 days offer – Get a flat 10% discount if you register before 8th Sept 2023! Nadi Progression Methodology of Late C S Patel - Saptarishis Astrology Magazine. Rahu Transiting in 11th House | Saptarishis Astrology Magazine. Nadi Progression Methodology of Late C S Patel - Saptarishis Astrology Magazine. Jupiter in All 12 houses | Lal Kitab | Saptarishis Astrology. Lal Kitab Grammar Students Feedback | Saptarishis Astrology. Planets and their Karakatva | Vedic Astrology - 2nd Lecture - Part 4. Learn Vedic Nadi Transits of Planets - Beginner to Advance Course.
Daily Planner through Astrology. 🌟 Exciting News for Students! 🌟 Are you ready to unlock the power of daily planning and make the most out of every day? 📅✨ Introducing our first-ever Mini Webinar on the fascinating topic of "Daily Planner through Astrology"! In our fast-paced lives, we encounter numerous decisions, big and small, each day. Imagine effortlessly aligning yourself with the energies of the planets to make your daily activities more effective and fruitful! Join us as we welcome the esteemed Vinayak Bhatt, who will guide you through the art of incorporating simple astrology into your daily planning routine. This mini webinar is your gateway to: ✅ Empower your decision-making skills ✅ Attain a deeper understanding of planetary energies ✅ Optimize your daily activities for better outcomes Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your daily life and achieve your goals with the wisdom of astrology Mark your calendars and save the date: 🗓️ Date: 02 September 2023 ⏰ Time: 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM IST.
Learn KP Astrology: संपूर्ण कृष्णमूर्ति पद्धति - फलित नक्षत्र ज्योतिष का सरलतम अध्ययन. Purpose of Astrology By Sunil John | Blank Chart Prediction. Purpose of Astrology As revealed by Sunil John | Saptarishis Astrology. Daily Planner Webinar for Astrologers | Saptarishis Astrology. Breaking News Coming Soon on 26th January Daily Planner Webinar for Astrologers Saptarishis Astrology wants to enhance daily planning by using Panchang’s ability in society so that you can help people during consultation sessions. We always try to deliver the most unique concept that we have never done before. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to learn the secret of daily planner in astrology. Note: All lectures of this course will be in the English language.
These are live classes, no recording will be provided! Astrological Webinar on Daily Planner - 2nd Sept, 2023 Enroll Now About Mentor: Vinayak Bhatt is a professional astrologer and he has practiced astrology religiously over an extended period of time. Highlights of the Webinars: Time Mastery: Learn how to optimize your time to ensure a balanced approach to your astrological studies, client consultations, research, and personal time. for More Details, Please Call us at: Email: admin@saptarishisastrology.com.
Learn Lal Kitab Advance with Puja Sharma Ji. Learn Prashna Jyotish: A Kerala System of Horary Astrology. Learn KP Astrology in Hindi with Upendra Singh Bhadoriya. Karakas in Vedic Astrology | वैदिक ज्योतिष में कारक. House Significations & Planets | वैदिक ज्योतिष में सभी 12 गृहों के कारक. क्या आप भी ज्योतिषी बनना चाहते हैं? Learn Vedic Astrology in Hindi. Free Zoom webinar on Vedic Astrology for Beginners. Predictions of rahu and retrograde planets. Learn Vedic Astrology For Beginners - Predictions Using Rashi & Houses (Hindi) Part 2. You are invited to a Free Zoom Webinar.
Vedic Astrology for Beginners | Vimshottari Dasa and Bhrigu Chakra paddati. BSP 14 and its application in Blank chart prediction | Saptarishis Astrology Magazine. Buy Astrology Books, Courses & Consultation on Online - Saptarishis Astrology. Nakshatra Mandala Astrology | Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Course. Nakshatra Mandala – 10 Days Course on Predictive Nakshatra Discover the Ancient Secrets of Nakshatras with Vinayak Bhatt Do you have a passion for the stars and their role in shaping human destiny? Do you want to learn the authentic and original knowledge of Nakshatra astrology that was imparted by the ancient Rishis of Vedic Astrology?
If yes, then you are in for a treat! Saptarishis Astrology brings you an exclusive and comprehensive course on Predictive Nakshatra Astrology by Vinayak Bhatt, one of the most renowned and experienced astrologers and teachers of Vedic and Nadi Astrology. In this course, you will learn the true essence and meaning of Nakshatras as revealed in the Atharvediya Jyotish and other classical texts of astrology. Course Introduction: Demo 1: Nakshatra Mandala - Mangala Purusha Chakra Demo 2: Nakshatra Mandala - Budha Purusha Chakra FAQs: Q - What are Nakshatras? Ans - Nakshatras are the 27 lunar mansions or constellations that divide the ecliptic into equal segments. 1. Learn Blank Chart Predictions Techniques | Sunil John. What is Blank Chart Prediction Astrology? Blank chart prediction astrology is a type of astrology that uses a blank chart, without any birth information, to make predictions about a person's life. This type of astrology is based on the belief that the planets and stars can influence a person's life, regardless of their birth date or time.
Blank chart prediction astrology is a controversial practice, and there is no scientific evidence to support its claims. However, some people believe that it can be a helpful tool for gaining insights into their lives. If you are interested in trying blank chart prediction astrology, there are a number of resources available online and in libraries. You can also find astrologers who specialize in this type of practice. Here are some of the benefits of blank chart prediction astrology: Learn Prediction Using Blank Chart with Sunil John [120+ Predictive Techniques] Are you interested in learning about chart prediction and improving your astrological skills? Nakshatra Mandala Astrology | Predictive Nakshatra Astrology Course. संपूर्ण कृष्णमूर्ति पद्धति - फलित नक्षत्र ज्योतिष का सरलतम अध्ययन K P Astrology. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 1. What is KP Astrology?
KP Astrology, also known as Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology, is a modern astrological system developed by the Indian astrologer late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti in the mid-20th century. 2. KP Astrology differs from Traditional Astrology (or Vedic Astrology) in several ways. 3. Some key features of KP Astrology include: Sub-Lord System: KP Astrology uses the Sub-Lord system, where each planet in a horoscope is sub-divided into several sub-lords. 4. KP Astrology is known for its accuracy and reliability in making predictions when practiced by a skilled and experienced astrologer. 5. Yes, one of the significant advantages of KP Astrology is its ability to predict events with relatively precise timing. 6. KP Astrology can be beneficial for anyone seeking astrological insights, but it may not appeal to everyone.
About the Teacher - Upendra Singh Bhadoriya. Learn Vedic Astrology | Vedic Astrology Course in Hindi | वैदिक ज्योतिष कोर्स. Course Introduction: About Vedic Astrology: Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient system of astrology that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is based on the principles of the Vedas, which are ancient Hindu scriptures. Vedic astrology uses a system of 12 zodiac signs and 27 lunar mansions, or nakshatras, to interpret and analyze the positions and movements of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars. It is believed that these celestial bodies have an influence on human life and can reveal important insights into a person's character, behavior, relationships, career, and overall destiny. In Vedic astrology, the birth chart, or horoscope, is a key tool for analysis. Vedic astrology is still widely practiced in India and other parts of the world, and is often used alongside other spiritual and healing practices.
Vedic Astrology for Ultra Beginners “Learn Vedic Astrology Step by Step from Scratch” Course Content:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Astrological Analysis of Chart for Career by Using Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati for Complete Beginners. Buy Astrology Books, Courses & Consultation on Online - Saptarishis Astrology.
The Best Book on Horary Astrology | Krisneeyam of Shri Krishna Acharya. Ups and downs in career via Bhrighu Nandi Nadi. Timing of Marriage Using Bhrigu Astrology by Vidhan Pandya. Timing of Marriage Using Bhrigu Astrology - An Original Research by Vidhan Pandya About the Book: The timing of Marriage has always been a topic of interest for practitioners as well as students of Astrology. There are numerous methods of ming of marriage under Parashari, Jaimini, KP, and other schools of Astrology. There has always been a void when it comes to the Bhrigu system of Astrology.
In this book, I have included 6 different techniques for ming marriages using Bhrigu astrology. The timing of Marriage is a complex subject, as there are different types of marriages in different cultures. Easy Predictive Astrology Books Written By Vinayak Bhatt. About The Book The basic planetary blueprint determines the drive and attitude of the native towards life, thus, understanding the basic astrological components becomes imperative for an appropriate interpretation.
Maharishi Parashar who offered us a wealth of celestial instructions in form of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, also gave us infinitely more beneficial rules which come handy in understanding how an individual can unwind their karma while fulfilling their duties in the most authentic way possible. The readers can make use of chapter 5, Parashar's 3 Important Rules for Prediction that I am certain will inspire further thought and reflection on the interpretation of horoscopes.
Every aspect in a horoscope can only be fully interpreted in the light of the entire horoscope. Dasha and Gochar jointly play a catalysing role in one's chart, giving flavours to the outcomes. Free Prashneeyam Astrology Course: Based on Kerala Horary Astrology. Free Mini Webinar of Ayur Jyotish with Vinayak Bhatt.
Unique Course on Kerala Horary Astrology | Free Prashneeyam. Breaking News Coming Soon on 26th January Free Prashneeyam Course: A Unique Course on Kerala Horary Astrology Are you interested in learning the ancient and accurate system of Kerala horary astrology? Do you want to know how to answer any question using the principles of Prashna Marg and Krishneeyam? If yes, then you are in luck! Saptarishis Astrology is launching Prashneeyam course again, after a huge demand from students. What is Prashneeyam Course?
Prashneeyam is a term that combines two classical books on horary astrology: Prashna Marg and Krishneeyam. Register Now! Why Learn Prashneeyam Course? Prashneeyam is one of the most popular and widely practiced systems of horary astrology in India and abroad. How to Learn Prashneeyam Course? Saptarishis Astrology is one of the first institutes that introduced Prashna Marg and Krishneeyam as an online course. The course consists of weekly lessons that cover various topics and concepts of Prashna Marg and Krishneeyam. Understanding the Importance of Navadurga of Navaratri Part 3. Understanding the Importance of Navadurga of Navaratri Part 2. Understanding the Importance of Navadurga of Navaratri Part 1.
Learn Vedic Astrology Course with Certificate. Learn Vedic Astrology Course with Certificate Learn Top Vedic Astrology Courses Online is made easy by the Saptarishis Astrology of Vedic Astrology ... Orientation Program, and Certificate of Vedic Astrology Course. Instructor - Sunil John & Vinayak BhattLanguage - English Key Highlights:- Practice session after every lesson.Two QnA sessions.2 hours of each class.Recordings will be provided for the next year (2024). Speaker:- Sunil John & Vinayak Bhatt Live Classes: Mar 18, 2023 (Every Saturday) Time: 8:30 PM IST to 10:30 PM Language: English For More Detail -- Learn Bhrigu Nandi Nadi in Hindi | Saptarishis Astrology. Predicting Through Bhrigu Nandi Nadi - Decoding Rishis Predictions (BNN Basic to Advance) Speaker:- Sunil John & Vinayak Bhatt Live Classes:- March 20, 2023, Every Sunday Time: 8:30 PM IST Course Duration: 5 Months Language: Hindi EMI -1 Payment Link:- Pay Now Rs. 10,000 EMI -2 Payment Link:- Pay Now Rs. 10,000 EMI -3 Payment Link:- Pay Now Rs. 10,000 3 Months App Subscriptions Additional Benefits of this Course: # 1 Year Recording Access of This Course (No Need to worry if You Miss any Classes) # It's a complete Basic to Advance Course. # You will get the certificate after the completion of this course. # Free access to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi for Ultra Beginners [Foundation Course For Ultra Beginners – Bhrighu Nandi Nadi (BNN)] Introduction of Nadi Astrology (History of Nadi Astrology): Nadi astrology is a type of Hindu astrology.
Nadi astrologers are skilled in interpreting planetary positions, which they use to make predictions about people's lives. What is Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Free Consultation by Saptarishis Astrology. Learn Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN) - Basic Astrology. Pinterest Today Watch Explore When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.
Save From saptarishisshop.com Learn Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN) - Basic Astrology This is the basic course of Super Predictive Astrology where students will learn about the basic principles of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology. More 2 followers More information This is the basic course of Super Predictive Astrology where students will learn about the basic principles of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Astrology. More like this Hanuman Free Books Leader Spirituality Knowledge Pins Islam Santa Spiritual Aruna panwar Famous Saints 14 June Guidance Speech Playbill Movie Posters Krishna Patel Channel Quick Film Poster Billboard Bikash Shrestha Papukumar Saints Pandora Movies Art Art Background Films Nitu Dasi Chaitra Navratri Faber Prosperity First Love Legend Bring It On Human Happy Life Faber Kanpur rahul ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya | Online Srimad Bhagavata Gita You are signed out. Sync Yourself With Sun - First Chapter in Jyotish- You Tube.
Learn Online Vedic Astrology in Hindi with Certificate. Vedic Astrology for Ultra Beginners “Learn Vedic Astrology Step by Step from Scratch” Course Content:- 1. Astrology and Jyotish 2. Different Horoscopic Forms. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Speaker:- Sunil John & Vinayak Bhatt. Feedly – Keep up with the topics and trends you care about. Feedly – Keep up with the topics and trends you care about. Best Holi Offer - Best Book for learn Predictive Astrology.
"Predicting Through Nakshatras (Part 1)" - 42 Predictive Techniques tested on 258 Charts - Never Before Revealed Techniques. [Content 286 pages] Research Compiled by 'Vidhan Pandya', Guided by Sunil John. Never before in the history of nakshatra astrology has a book like this come out, which covers the predictive part of nakshatras. So far we find books containing the simple personality traits of nakshatras but not what to predict and how to predict. What makes this book unique is it gives you the EVENTS for each nakshatra and not the personality traits. For example, a native having a key planet in Swati Nakshatra and getting associated with 12H or 12th Lord will often keep his shoes one upon the other halfway, or during critical outings their shoes will break. Over the last one year, these techniques have been posted on Facebook forums and research groups for analysis.
Part 2 of this book series is also available. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Learn Astrology - Tajik Prashna [Beginner to Advance] by KK Parashar. Tajik Prashna Jyotish at its Best Batch 22-23 A complete course on Horary Astrology through the Arabic system Tajik. Introductory class on an auspicious day: 9th March 2023, Thursday - Hastha Nakshatra, Dwitiya Krishna Paksha (Full Moon Day) Fees: 15,000 + GST Duration - 4-5 Months Teacher:- K K Parashar Regular Classes: Every Sunday 8 PM to 10 PM Unique Features of the Tajik Prashna Course 1. What is Tajik Prashna Astrology? Tajik Prashna is a traditional astrological technique that is used to predict future events. This form of astrology has been in use for centuries and can be traced back to the Vedic times. Tajik Prashna is used for many purposes, but it is most commonly used for predicting marriage and business partnerships.
What Will You Learn in this Course? 1.) Youtube. Youtube. Make Predictions in Few Seconds - Vedic Astrology For Beginners. Youtube. Youtube. Learn Vedic Astrology | Certification in Vedic Astrology. Holi Festival offers on Astrology Books by Saptarish Astrolog. Learn Upcoming Astrology Course Online- Saptarishis Astrology [ March 2023] Maha Rudrabhishek on This Maha Shivratri. Explore the God of Gods - Lord Shiva. Youtube. Best Upayas/totkas in Maha Shivratri with Sunil Kaushik ji. Maha Shivaratri Festival 2023 - Contribute in Rudraabhishek. Predicting Through Nadi & Navamsa C S Patel Techniques Further Research. Jaimini System – A Revelation By Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri. Marriage Matching by Iranganti Rangacharya. A New Perspective of Life: Personal Chart Reading via Lal Kitab.
Ink on Persons as per Lal Kitab By Rabinder Nath Bhandari. Ketu Maha Dasha and Anterdasha. Predicting Through Nadi and Navamsa By C S Patel Techniques Further Research. Marriage Analysis by Bala Subramaniam. Tara Lagna Dasa and Timing of Events. Secret Facts About Kaal Sarpa Yoga. Nadi Nakshatra Online Course. Vedic Astrology For Ultra Beginners. Science of Remedies in Vedic Astrology. Market Forecasting and Business Astrology for Beginners (Sarvatobhadra Chakra) Vedic Astrology Course: Ashtakvarga Ke Vividh Ayaam by Shri CS Patel Ji. Jyotish Pandit Certification Course Online. Learn Astrology: Sarvotobhadra Chakra (SBC) By Upendra Singh Bhadoriya. (sarvatobhadra Chakra) By Upendra Bhadoriya Sir. Predicting Through Bhrigu Nandi Nadi - Decoding Rishis Predictions-Kashyap Hora- Nadi Prashna.
Bhrigu Nandi Nadi - Foundation Course for Ultra Beginners by Sunil John Sir. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi for Ultra Beginners.