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Can be changed automatically in the event. The scientific basis for treatment. Our initial astonishment was based on erroneous prescriptions of and this project will focus on the prescription portion of the medication process knowing that errors can occur in the subsequent steps in treatment with has developed historically from mono therapy based on case studies for based on results from clinical trials with emphasis on randomized recharge api airtel controlled trials as.

The scientific basis for treatment

At the same time there has been a development in the provision of para clinical studies to monitor the treatment toxicity and efficacy ex different blood tests, CT scan, MRI, etc. The demand for evidence-based and proven treatment, and adoption of, inter Alfa, Law on Good Clinical Practice1 May 2004, which requires the recharge source code implementation of drug trials, has led to increased demand for documentation. In light of the massive research and the accumulation of knowledge about treatments and the development of new drugs, the treatment with experienced tremendous growth.