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SoftRock-40 Kit Resource Page. | Overview | Hardware | Software | Schematic | Requirements | Future Applications | | Availability | Shipping List | Assy & Operating Manual | | Kit Packaging | Kit Assembly Service | ~ SOLD OUT ~ Sorry to say that we have sold all 800 SoftRock-40 kits that we planned on doing.

SoftRock-40 Kit Resource Page

Any orders received as of this date (Sept 20) will be returned. ... but click here to see details about the forthcoming "SoftRock Version 5" Overview The SoftRock-40 is a small, low-cost, good-performing 40-meter "software defined radio" receiver that plugs into a computer USB port and delivers I-Q audio signals to the computer's sound card. It was designed by Tony Parks, KB9YIG and Bill Tracey, KD5TFD as an "SDR sampler project" for hams everywhere to easily try out software defined radio.

The PowerSDR Console (free open source software from FlexRadio) running on the PC performs final tuning, filtering, AGC and demodulation of the I & Q quadrature audio signals coming from the hardware. PMSDR Galvanic Antenna Isolator. Amateurfunk (Geräte) FiFi-SDR. The FiFi SDR was introduced as a construction project for the youth camp ​FichtenFieldDay (FiFi) 2010.


It is an economic and compact software-defined receiver. It is based on the Si570 oscillator and can be connected to a PC via the USB interface. One speciality of the FiFi SDR is the integrated USB sound card. This combination enables the reception of all broadcast and amateur radio bands on medium and short wave in all types of modulation, including DRM radio, even on notebooks that don't have their own stereo sound input. Since late 2013, the FiFi-SDR provides an USB audio device with 192 kHz sampling rate.

Für unsere deutschen Besucher ¶ Die FiFi-SDR Projektseite ist inzwischen zweisprachig verfügbar. General information about the project ¶ News ¶ 28 January 2014 : ​Bonito has published a new release of ​RadioJet (bugfix 09-Feb-14) that now works with the FiFi-SDR 2.0 (192 kHz). Notes for users ¶ Notes for developers ¶ Firmware development All about the Trac system ¶ Elektronik: Analog Digital Embedded Mikrocontroller Audio Messtechnik. DRM Decoder/Demodulator for G303 and G305 Series. This DRM Demodulator/Decoder Plug-in makes it possible to receive and listen to DRM transmissions on a WiNRADiO G303 or G305 Series receiver.

DRM Decoder/Demodulator for G303 and G305 Series

DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) is a non-proprietary digital system for short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave bands which offers a dramatic improvement over conventional analogue AM transmissions with its near-FM quality of sound. For this project, WiNRADiO joined forces with VT Merlin Communications to develop and provide a state-of-the-art DRM decoder and demodulator for WiNRADiO receivers, which have now become fully integrated DRM-capable receivers, the first of its kind, pioneering the DRM technology for the benefit of the radio enthusiast and professional community.

The DRM Demodulator/Decoder is an XRS Plug-in which, upon installation, can be selected from the receiver's Demodulators top bar menu, as simply another alternative demodulator. The DRM Demodulator/Decoder then appears fully integrated within the receiver front panel: WR-G303i Winradio PC-Empfänger von 9 kHz bis 30 MHz. Ein neuer Durchbruch in der PC-Empfänger Welt !

WR-G303i Winradio PC-Empfänger von 9 kHz bis 30 MHz

Wenn Sie bereits glaubten, im Kuzwellenempfänger Markt, gibt es nicht mehr viel neues, dann könnte der neue WiNRADiO G303i PC-Kurzwellen-Empfänger für Sie eine Überraschung werden ! KW Empf. TDA1572.pdf (application/pdf Object) 41393A.pdf (application/pdf Object) mTouch AR1000 Development Kit. Overview Product Highlight Type: Touch Sensing Core Supported: AR1000 The mTouch AR1000 Development Kit provides everything designers need to get started using AR1000 resistive controllers for a turn-key, cost effective solution.

mTouch AR1000 Development Kit

The kit includes the AR1000 development board, a 7” four-wire resistive touch screen, a PICkit™ Serial Analyzer and all necessary interface cables, as well as a CD containing technical documentation and all necessary software. The CD also includes an easy-to-use AR1000 configuration utility, which has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables designers to test all user-configurable options with the AR1000 controllers. Features: RoHS CompliantPower-Saving Sleep modeIndustrial Temperature RangeBuilt in drift compensation algorithm128 Bytes of user EEPROM4 x 4 mm QFN package Learn more about the AR1000 family of resistive controllers. Touch Screen Controllers. Universal Radio-Modul. Home Labor Röhren HF Logbuch Bastelecke Kann man einfache Transistorradios noch besser bauen?

Universal Radio-Modul

Ich wurde nach einer Schaltung gefragt, die möglichst einfach und effektiv ist. Deshalb wollte ich ein kleines Radio für Kopfhörerbetrieb und mit einer Betriebsspannung von nur 1,5 V bauen. Die Schaltung sollte allein duch Anschluss eines anderen Schwingkreises universell für alle Frequenzbereiche bis ca. 30 MHz einsetzbar sein. Das Schaltbild zeigt ein Audion mit nachfolgendendem NF-Verstärker. Man könnte die Schaltung auf eine kleine Platine bauen und die beiden Anschlüsse zum Schwingkreis frei lassen. Hier wurde ein kleiner Schwingkreis für Kurzwelle gleich auf die Platine gelötet. Kommt dem Ingenieur die Aufgabe lösbar vor, hebt das die Stimmung im Labor. Thema anzeigen - Allwellenempfänger selber bauen.