10 Things Librarians Should Do Before School is Out. It's the final countdown!
Another school year in the books (well, nearly...). Why does it seem like the beginning and end of the year are the most frantic times? 100 million things to do, and not enough time. Here are ten things that can help you prioritize before you go out the doors and into summertime!! 1. 2. The shape of the head. I called this blog 500 Hats because as TLs, that’s at least the number of hats we wear – sometimes all in one day!
And this post was going to be about identifying some of those hats. But for a hat to be a good fit, it must match the shape of the head so perhaps it would be better to examine the head first. In other words, examine the purpose and role of the school library, and the one we work in, in particular. Imagine you were asked to encapsulate your role as a TL in just six or seven words. What would you put? Inspiring students to read and learnService Information Reliability Convenience Vision StrengthShare literature and information seeking skillsReading builds success.
Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files. Seeing How Libraries Transform Across D.C. Libraries are transformative and have a critical role to play in the digital age—that’s the idea behind Libraries Transform, a national public awareness campaign from the American Library Association (ALA) that launched in Washington D.C. yesterday.
ALA President Sari Feldman, ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels, and ALA representatives toured a collection of D.C. libraries on October 29, to see firsthand the best practices of libraries and library professionals in the information age, and how programs and services are contributing to community engagement and empowerment. Concurrent to the tour, Libraries Transform street team members went around D.C. to bring the message of the transformative impact of libraries to the public. American Libraries followed the Libraries Transform street team and tour, and here’s what we saw.
“A lot of people are shocked to learn the library has DVDs,” says street team member Charisma Dimuel. “I don’t even go to Redbox anymore!” The Adventures of Library Girl. The Librarian Edge / Listservs. Re libraries: LM_NET -- US School Library Media Specialists "LM_NET is a discussion group open to school library media specialists worldwide, and to people involved with the school library media field....
Conversation on LM_NET should focus on the topics of interest to the school library media community, including the latest on school library media services, operations, and activities. It is a group for practitioners helping practitioners, sharing ideas, solving problems, telling each other about new publications and up-coming conferences, asking for assistance or information, and linking schools through their library media centers. " OZTL_NET -- Australian Teacher Librarians, based out of Charles Sturt University in Australia. The School Library Media Specialist: Overview.
Teacher librarians need a wide range of tools to make selection decisions.
The following websites listed on this page will be of interest to school library media specialists: Journal-based Selection Tools Book Links Booklist Print-based with some online resources. Great lists of books Horn Book Kirkus Reviews Particularly good for high school level materials. Library Journal Particularly good for high school level materials. 50 Essential Sites and People for School Librarians - Librarian Lisa. Here are my top 50 essential websites, people, or blog posts for school librarians.
These are people and sites to which I consistently return. Some of the entries below are skewed towards California school libraries, but I think they’re beneficial for anyone. Listed in no particular order. American Association of School Librarians (AASL). I continually refer to their Standards for the 21st Century Learner.School Library Journal (SLJ). Did I leave out your favorite website or person? Resources for School Librarians. ON LIBRARIES: Follow The Leaders. An ongoing challenge of our profession is keeping up with what is happening in technology and education and how they combine to transform teaching and learning.
It’s daunting for all of us, but you don’t have to do it alone. Connect to the leaders and quickly identify the trends most likely to impact you and your students. Use this knowledge to determine what and how you will incorporate into your program. Who are the leaders? It depends on what you are talking about. The easiest place to start is your state association’s listserv. When these leaders give links to information or answer a question someone posed, bookmark or save it to appropriate folders. Bloggers are another great source for finding information from leaders. Buffy Hamilton – The Unquiet Librarian – – Currently the librarian at Norcross High School in Gwinnett County (GA), her specialty areas include critical literacy, participatory learning and culture, ethnographic studies, critical pedagogy, and writing literacies.