The Bauhaus, 1919–1933. Bref historique du design. Par Raymond Guidot, historien du design L’histoire du design se confond avec l’Histoire. Des origines de la révolution industrielle au design contemporain, une brève chronologie. Aux origines de la production de série L’histoire du design est indissociable de celle de la révolution industrielle. Avec la production mécanisée, commence une nouvelle histoire de l’environnement humain, écrite par les industriels et non plus uniquement par les artisans et les artistes. Made in America 1908, la Ford T, première automobile fabriquée en grande série. Nés avec la révolution industrielle, dégagés de toute référence historique, les Etats-Unis offrent un cadre idéal à l’essor de la mécanisation à grande échelle. Le temps des avants-gardes Dans l’effervescence des annees 20 naissent des mouvements hérités du cubisme puis des futurisme italien, constructivisme et suprématisme russes, mouvement hollandais De Stijl, qui vont marquer par leur audace tout le xxe siècle.
Les années 20 et 30 Années 70, 80... What is the Role of a Designer? | freshtrax by btrax. Designers work in a multitude of fields, from fashion, architecture and graphic design to web and user experience. While the specifics of actual jobs may vary by field, the work of “designers” share many essential features. However, the common impression of the typical designer can differ greatly from reality. Let’s take a look at the real work of designers, the skills required, and the differences in designers’ environments in the US and Japan. The Designer’s Job Beyond the Drafting Board Many misinterpret the designer’s work to be simply deciding upon some sort of representation based on an artistic rendering. In fact, that’s only one small part of a designer’s final work product; the real work of a designer involves a process that brings forth the greatest possible outcome despite imposed limitations.
Designers need not be a specialist in everything to fulfill their role. The reason this is the designer’s job is related to their role in illustration. Abilities Required of Designers. Nouvelle vague de designers à suivre ! Voici une sélection de dix jeunes designers qui nous ont séduit par leur inventivité, leur démarche, leur esprit, leur poésie, leur vision technologique, leur sensibilité, leur capacité à innover. Une nouvelle vague qui va de la France à l'Espagne en passant par la Corée du Sud. Et cinq d'entre eux viennent d'Allemagne. Cette danoise qui est passée par le Saint Martin's School et la Danish School of Design, vit et travaille à Copenhague. Sa démarche favorise une moduclarité, une fonctionnalité judicieuse basée sur le charme : ses pièces de mobilier évoluent seules mais prennent toute leur mesure lorsqu'elles sont rassemblées. Cinq bancs mis bout à bout reconstituent la planche d'origine en chêne massif de laquelle ils proviennent, et votre salon se fait ensemble lorsque tous les éléments sont reliés, configurés. DITTE HAMMERSTROEMLe Design Charme HYUNG SUK CHOLe Design Hybride Designer produit basé à Séoul, Hyung Suk Cho puise son inspiration dans le monde qui l'entoure. 10 Things You Should Know About Design and Design Thinking. SumoMe There are many myths passed on from the greater culture that define how we think about Design. Some people think that to design, one must be an artist. Or that design comes as a flash of light into the minds of certain privileged people. It makes sense that we wouldn’t know much about design. The design process is not part of a standard curriculum in school. Design thinking certainly isn’t taught in most instructional design programs, if any. And it’s the black box of the ADDIE model. I’ve been studying, analyzing and examining the design process over the past few years. 1.
Design is an approach to problem-solving that applies the cognitive activities of design thinking. Paula Sirar, design thinking advocate defines it like this, “Design Thinking is a creative process of thinking backwards from people, that leads to design of a service, a product or [something] else, based on the conclusions of the knowledge gathered in the process.” 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Renzo Piano designs glass tower for Miami Beach. Renzo Piano Building Workshop is set to begin work on a glass-sheathed tower in Miami Beach that will be the firm's first residential project in the USA (+ slideshow). Eighty Seven Park will sit between parkland and the Atlantic Ocean in Miami's North Beach district. Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Renzo Piano, the glass tower will feature oblong floors and wrap-around balconies giving sea views.
"The site which is the last piece of land north of North Shore Park at the limit of the city of Miami Beach, is an amazing and unique site, almost suspended between the sea and the park," said a statement from Renzo Piano Building Workshop. "The idea was to enhance the presence of the green spaces of the existing park by extending the trees to the northern limit of the city of Miami Beach. " "This prestigious site was also a very good reason and an appropriate opportunity for RPBW to finally come to Miami. " Visuals are by The Boundary and Noë & Associates. Project credits: Bamboo fibre is stronger and cheaper than steel says ETH professor. World Architecture Festival 2015: bamboo could "revolutionise the building industry" and replace steel as the dominant reinforcing material, according to a professor who is working on new applications for the grass. Speaking at WAF in Singapore today, Dirk Hebel said that bamboo fibre could be used as a more sustainable and far cheaper alternative to steel on construction sites.
"This has the potential to revolutionise our building industry and finally provide an alternative to the monopoly of reinforced concrete," Hebel said. Hebel, a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), has developed a new material made of bamboo fibres mixed with organic resin. The material, called bamboo composite material, can be pressed into any shape and then sawn or sanded like wood. Formed into rods, the material could potentially replace steel as a reinforcing matrix for concrete with no loss of performance, according to Hebel. "Can you build high-rises with that material? " Movie: Moooi CEO Robin Bevers on running a design brand. Extra Moooi: running a successful design company is about striking a balance between order and chaos, says Robin Bevers in his first video interview since taking over as CEO of Dutch brand Moooi (+ movie).
Bevers took over as CEO of Moooi on 1 September after co-founder and CEO of 14 years Casper Vissers stepped down to pursue new business ventures. Bevers says the key to his new role is managing the company efficiently, while giving freedom to designers to express their creativity. "For somebody coming from the corporate side, it's quite challenging to work in the creative industry," he says in the movie, which was filmed at Moooi's Amsterdam showroom. "You don't want to stifle the designers – you want to give them space. " Designers "create chaos," he goes on to say. "But in a company you also need order. Bevers previously worked as managing director of Marcel Wanders Studio for ten years. "People often ask me: 'How do you keep a person like Marcel under control? '" Monotype's Eric Gill typeface designed using unseen drawings. Type foundry Monotype has used long-hidden drawings by British designer Eric Gill to create the first new typeface based on his work in more than 75 years.
The Joanna Sans Nova design is part of the Eric Gill Series – a trio of releases that also includes updated editions of typefaces from the 1920s and 1930s. Joanna Sans Nova was created as a sans serif complement for Gill's slab serif typeface Joanna. Designer Terrance Weinzierl used previously unpublished drawings, penned by Gill and stored in the company's archive, to create a design that would stay true to the British designer's intentions. "I wanted my design to appear familiar but still look fresh," said Weinzierl. It's the first release from the type house based on its library of heritage material, which includes original drawings for typefaces, unpublished designs, and copper patterns used in initial production.
Marc Newson designs matching kettle and toaster for Sunbeam. Designer Marc Newson has created a range of colourful kitchen appliances for his first collaboration with Australian brand Sunbeam (+ slideshow). The brushed stainless steel kettle and toaster come in an array of glossy colours, which Sunbeam said deliver "an unrivalled sensory experience". Both products in the Sunbeam Marc Newson range feature rounded edges and circular controls, and have been designed to be "classic and futuristic".
"Being Australian, I appreciate Sunbeam as an iconic brand that has been part of our kitchen history for many decades," commented Newson, who has designed everything from shotguns to samurai swords. "It made perfect sense for me to become involved not only from the perspective of a designer but also as a consumer," the London-based designer added. The toaster has a flat stainless steel top, brightly coloured tapered sides and an extra-wide crumb tray. The flat-topped kettle features a round body, resting on a circular black base, and an arched handle. 10 great quotes about design. A look at the Target Design Café at TED2014, with the North Shore Mountains in the background.
Photo: Bret Hartman For years now, Target has invited designers like Isaac Mizrahi (watch his TED Talk), Diane von Furstenberg (check out her TED playlist) and, most recently, abstract pattern-master Peter Pilotto to dream up collections. So when it came to creating the Target Design Café at TED2014, we knew it was going to be cool. The space features three enormous white barrels with plush red interiors that are perfect for lounging. Also in the space: a robotic arm composing quotes coming from the mainstage, graphologists analyzing attendees’ handwriting, and artist Daniel Duffy’s live action portraits of TED2014 speakers. Our favorite feature in the space is a simple one. “You could look at nature as being like a catalog of products, and all of those have benefited from a 3.8-billion-year research and development period.” — Michael Pawlyn Read all TED Quotes on design »
Design thinking. Processes by which design concepts are developed Design thinking refers to the cognitive, strategic and practical processes by which design concepts (proposals for new products, buildings, machines, etc.) are developed. Many of the key concepts and aspects of design thinking have been identified through studies, across different design domains, of design cognition and design activity in both laboratory and natural contexts.[1][2] Design thinking is also associated with prescriptions for the innovation of products and services within business and social contexts.[3][4] Some of these prescriptions have been criticized for oversimplifying the design process and trivializing the role of technical knowledge and skills.[5][6] As a process for designing[edit] resolve ill-defined or 'wicked' problemsadopt solution-focused strategiesuse abductive and productive reasoningemploy non-verbal, graphic/spatial modelling media, for example, sketching and prototyping.[8] Wicked problems[edit] Empathy[edit]
[Dossier] Qu'est-ce que le design thinking. On pourrait penser que c’est une mode, mais le design thinking est bel et bien né dans années 1950. De San Francisco à Delhi, en passant par Londres et Berlin, cette méthode qui oblige à repenser les cycles de création et de management en entreprise par le design convainc les plus réfractaires. Trois écoles spécialisées ont déjà ouvert. FrenchWeb a récemment consacré un atelier dédié en juillet dernier : qu’est-ce que le design thinking ? Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles en tirer parti? Réponses avec Jean-François Marti (fondateur de Nealite) et Cédric Borderie (fondateur de Creasenso). Le design thinking est « un mode d’application des outils de conception utilisés par les designers pour résoudre une problématique d’innovation, par une approche multidisciplinaire centrée sur l’humain » Les grandes dates du design thinking: L’économie de l’expérience La pensée du designer Le design thinking, c’est s’inspirer du mode de pensée des designers pour innover dans tous les domaines. Institute of Design at Stanford. Best of British: Fashion Designers. The first ever couturier was British. Granted, Charles Frederick Worth worked in Paris, but he was born in Bourne, England in 1825 before heading to the French capital to become the favoured designer of Napoleon III’s court, where he drew upon the history of costume to create elaborate, lavish gowns. Over the past 150 years fashion has moved way beyond Worth’s spangled silk tulle and corsets, and some of the most progressive style movements have been down to British designers. They were responsible for the Swinging Sixties and Punk after all.
So as we celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s diamond jubilee, we thought we’d also take a look at some of the most influential fashion designers her United Kingdom has produced… Vivienne Westwood Vivienne Westwood Let’s begin with arguably the most influential, not only has Dame Viv had a career that’s spanned five decades (so far) but she was also, along with her one time partner Malcolm McLaren responsible for a whole fashion genre – punk. Burberry. Home | BIID.