Missouri Guard on Ferguson protesters: 'Enemy forces' The guard came to Ferguson to support law enforcement officers, whom many community leaders and civil rights activists accused of using excessive force and inflaming an already tense situation in protests that flared sporadically from August through the end of the year.
The National Guard's language, contained in internal mission briefings obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, is intensifying the concerns of some who objected to the police officers' actions in putting down riots. They broke out after the August 9 shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by city police officer Darren Wilson. A grand jury declined to indict Wilson in the case. "It's disturbing when you have what amounts to American soldiers viewing American citizens somehow as the enemy," said Antonio French, an alderman in St. Louis. READ: Ferguson: Police deny beating shooting suspect Jeffrey Williams Warning of potential consequences Still, National Guard spokesman Capt. U.K. Launches War on “Non-Violent Extremism,” Seeking UN Help. If you question the government narrative about terror attacks like the one that occurred on September 11, or believe in religious prophecies about the end times, or dispute the legitimacy of your rulers, or hold any sort of views that politicians consider “extremist,” watch out.
Last week, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron told the United Nations and its largely autocratic member regimes that the perpetual terror war requires far more than just crackdowns on violence and terrorism. Now, as the terror war becomes increasingly globalized and fanatical, what Cameron described as “non-violent extremism” all over the world is in the crosshairs, too.
Domestically in the United Kingdom, authorities are also plotting an intense crackdown on speech and ideas, with official plans that have been widely criticized and ridiculed by opponents as extreme, counterproductive, and repressive. According to the U.K. LaFree_Bersani_HotSpotsOfUSTerrorism.pdf. Citizens and Lawmakers Begin to Say no to Militarized Police. Old-Thinker News | December 19, 2014 By Daniel Taylor Citizens and Lawmakers begin to say no to military equipment.
Blacklisted: The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist. The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.
The “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance,” a 166-page document issued last year by the National Counterterrorism Center, spells out the government’s secret rules for putting individuals on its main terrorist database, as well as the no fly list and the selectee list, which triggers enhanced screening at airports and border crossings. The new guidelines allow individuals to be designated as representatives of terror organizations without any evidence they are actually connected to such organizations, and it gives a single White House official the unilateral authority to place entire “categories” of people the government is tracking onto the no fly and selectee lists. New Bill In Congress Would Ban Private Citizens From Owning Body Armor. H.R.5344 - Responsible Body Armor Possession Act. NSA Targets As “Extremists” Americans Who Simply Wish to Protect Themselves from Oppression. Washington’s Blog July 6, 2014 In the wake of revelations about the extent of mass surveillance by the NSA and other agencies, people are trying to protect themselves by adopting encryption and other privacy tools.
The Guardian reported in January: The gathering crisis of trust around consumer web services and the fallout from Edward Snowden’s revelations is fuelling a significant uptake in anonymity tools, new research shows, as internet users battle censorship and assert their right to privacy online.Globally, 56% of those surveyed by GlobalWebIndex reported that they felt the internet is eroding their personal privacy, with an estimated 415 million people or 28% of the online population using tools to disguise their identity or location.Aggregating market research data from 170,000 internet users worldwide, GWI found that 11% of all users claim to use Tor, the most high profile for anonymising internet access. Blacklisted: The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a TerroristThe Intercept. The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.
» Homeland Security Report Lists ‘Liberty Lovers’ As Terrorists Alex Jones. How police rebranded lawful protest as 'domestic extremism' As demonstrations go, it was more of a lighthearted affair than a threat to the nation.
About 600 climate change campaigners had gathered outside the Drax power station in North Yorkshire. They had chosen to demonstrate there because the huge plant is the UK's biggest emitter of carbon. The protesters were mainly families with young children, accompanied by clowns, cyclists, baton twirlers and, according to some reports, a giant ostrich puppet. » Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!