Big Brother Knows What You've Been Reading. Every book you read on your Kindle (or Kindle app) and every word you highlight in those ebooks is recorded by Amazon and may be shared by the bookselling behemoth with the federal government.
The Guardian (U.K.) explains how the agents of the surveillance state are surreptitiously storing all the annotations readers make in electronic copies of books: Just take a look at the Kindle terms of use. As you wrestle with the rantings of Austria's most lethal watercolourist [Adolf Hitler], your device is providing Amazon with "information related to the Digital Content on your Kindle and Supported Devices and your use of it ... such as last page read and content archiving". It's not just about Jeff Bezos, of course. Whether you're exploring fascism on your iPad or your Android phone, Big Brother is watching. The Guardian article focuses on the potential passing of reading habits and highlights to the federal government by the purveyors of electronic books. The fight can yet be won, though. Pentagon to adopt NFL's instant replay technology. The same video technology the NFL uses for instant replay during football games could soon help monitor battlefields in Afghanistan.
In the past few years, the amount of intelligence and surveillance video coming in from robots and other sources has increased sharply, overwhelming analysts who simply can't keep up. For instance, U.S. Air Force drones collected roughly 1,800 hours of video a month in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2009, nearly three times as much video than in 2007, noted Howard Lance, chairman, president and CEO of Melbourne-Fla. Tesla's Autopilot System. Mastering the human domain. Information Awareness Office. The Information Awareness Office (IAO) was established by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in January 2002 to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying surveillance and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and other asymmetric threats to U.S. national security, by achieving "Total Information Awareness" (TIA).[4][5][6]
Security Expert: "We Have To Assume That The NSA Has EVERYONE Who Uses Electronic Communications Under CONSTANT Surveillance" Washington's Blog. Creepy, Calculating and Controlling: All the Ways Big Brother Is Watching You. Creepy, Calculating and Controlling: All the Ways Big Brother Is Watching You By John W.
Whitehead February 16, 2015 “You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.” —George Orwell, 1984 None of us are perfect. Indeed, there was a time when most Americans thought nothing of driving a few miles over the speed limit, pausing (rather than coming to a full stop) at a red light when making a right-hand turn if no one was around, jaywalking across the street, and letting their kid play hookie from school once in a while. My, how times have changed. 'Privacy Critical to Human Freedom': Snowden, Poitras, and Greenwald Talk NSA. During a unique conversation hosted by the New School and the New York Times on Thursday, the three people most responsible for bringing the story of mass global surveillance programs orchestrated by the U.S.
National Security Agency were brought together for the first time since they first met in a Hong Kong hotel in 2013. Filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald sat with the New York Times media columnist David Carr on stage while the whistleblower himself, Edward Snowden, appeared via videolink from Russia where he remains under asylum protection. "Yes, governments possess extraordinary powers—but at the end of the day there are more of us than there are of them. " —Edward SnowdenCitizenFour, the documentary film by Poitras which tells the story of Snowden and the NSA revelations he first entrusted to her and then Greenwald has now won numerous awards and been nominated for the upcoming Acadamy Awards.
The Government Is Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, At Airports And On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners And Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, And In Many Other Ways Washington's Blog. How you can be tracked anywhere in the world - Washington Post. XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'. Americans Put On Terror Database For Buying Computers, Waiting For Relatives At Train Stations. Govt Documents Reveal DHS Domestic Spy Takeover. Surveillance in the Age of Total Information Awareness. As you read through this report, pay attention to this box.
We've posted here relevant documents the ACLU of Massachusetts received in response to freedom of information act (FOIA) and public records requests to all levels of government. We will continue to receive documents.