Warning signs
The Named Person Scheme - NO2NP. SOMETIMES THEY DO RING A BELL AT THE TOP. I’m starting to get the feeling the scorn and ridicule heaped upon Dr.
Why the Elite Wants to Create More Social Disorder. Authoritarianism needs to be re-branded in the minds of the public Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com May 28, 2015 96 per cent of Americans believe that the U.S. will witness more Baltimore-style riots this summer.
The elite know these riots are coming, because to a large extent, their policies have created the environment for them. Wealth inequality, which is proven to cause social unrest, is at its worst since before World War II. But wealth inequality isn’t caused by a failure of capitalism, it’s caused by catastrophic Keynesian central bank policies that have instituted endless money printing and worldwide inflation.
This Is Why They Are Militarizing: 'The World Will Become Baltimore When People Realize They Cannot Acquire Basic Resources'
No matter the negative economic news or weak corporate earnings, stock markets continue to reach news highs and mainstream media pundits tow the party line.
But how is this possible, given that tens of millions are out of the workforce, on food stamps and completely broke? The answer, according to Gregory Mannarino, is quite simple.
Are We Being Psychologically Conditioned To Accept Martial Law In America?
Michael SnyderEnd Of The American Dream April 30, 2015.
Why the Elite Are Buying Secret Hideaways. Wealth inequality, social alienation & political grievances threaten to spark domestic turmoil Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com January 29, 2015.
Triple shocks threaten Europe's sickly and deformed recovery. This is the fruit of "naked" austerity, conducted without offsetting monetary stimulus.
Debt ratios are rising even faster. The hairshirt strategy has been self-defeating, even on its own terms.
Chatter indicates attack on Southern border; ‘it’s coming very soon,’ source says. America: Something has gone horribly wrong. Why Were The Police In Ferguson Told Not To Stop The Rampant Looting On Friday Night?
Michael SnyderEconomic Collapse Blog August 18, 2014 On Friday night, the city of Ferguson, Missouri was absolutely packed with militarized police.
But when the looting started, they did nothing about it. In fact, news reports indicate that the police were lined up just blocks from where the looting was happening but did not make any attempt to stop it. When I first read the news reports that I am about to share with you, I could hardly believe them. I had to read them more than once just to be sure that I was understanding what I was reading.
Geographical Models of crises. Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown. A US Department of Defense (DoD) research programme is funding universities to model the dynamics, risks and tipping points for large-scale civil unrest across the world, under the supervision of various US military agencies.
The multi-million dollar programme is designed to develop immediate and long-term "warfighter-relevant insights" for senior officials and decision makers in "the defense policy community," and to inform policy implemented by "combatant commands.
" Launched in 2008 – the year of the global banking crisis – the DoD 'Minerva Research Initiative' partners with universities "to improve DoD's basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the US.
" Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised.
" Among my questions, I asked:
10 Examples Of How “Big Brother” Is Steadily Creeping Into Our Daily Lives. Truth Frequency Radio May 07, 2014 Michael SnyderThe American Dream Virtually everything that you do is being watched.
Do you drive a car? Do you watch television? Do you use a cell phone?
DARPA Wants New Technology to Predict “Societal Unrest”
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research proposals of interest to the Information Innovation Office (I2O).
I2O explores game-changing technologies in the fields of information science and technology to anticipate and create rapid shifts in the complex national security landscape.
Information Innovation Office (I2O) Office Wide. Martin Armstrong Warns This Is The Age Of Civil Unrest. Submitted by Martin Armstrong via ArmstrongEconomics, All governments had better open their eyes for we are on the brink of a major convergence between both the Cycle of Civil Unrest, Civil War & Revolution and International War.
Pending market correction - Billionaires Dumping Stocks. A handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast. Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods. Buffett’s holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, has been drastically reducing its exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits.
Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced its overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.
House Of Rothschild Hoarding Gold In Face Of Coming Collapse?
Lost in the Bamboo Forest: First Bankers, Now Billionaires Being "Suicided" & Here's Why!
First, it was mid and upper-tier bankers getting mysteriously 'suicided' in droves just as a deluge of further banking scandals broke. Now it appears many among the world's formerly elite billionaires are no longer safe either. Regarding the rash of highly unnatural banker deaths, it became quickly obvious they were murdered, some in mob fashion, to keep them from testifying in investigative hearings against their true elitist masters at the Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank, The European Union, The Vatican, The World Bank, United Nations and International Monetary Fund.
Designated 'first amendment areas'
Man arrested for expressing free speech outside of designated “First Amendment Area” Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com April 7, 2014. The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water. This article was first published on December 21, 2012 by Market Oracle and Global Research.