Fight Fatigue with Healthy, Smart Food Choices. Controllable Heart Disease Risk Factors. February is National Heart Month, and each year since its establishment, organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Heart Association (NHA) dedicate the month to sharing valuable resources, tools, and information about heart disease to help people understand the condition better.
Essential Lifestyle Health Tips for Seniors. Even if we reach old age, it is never too late to pursue a healthy lifestyle.
We need to take care of our body and prevent any illness, most especially when we reach 65 years or older because even a disease that is as simple as a flu, it can progress and lead to more serious complications. Thus, it is important that we should be vigilant in monitoring our elderly loved one’s health. Ways on How to Look After Your Elderly Loved One’s Mental Health.
It’s normal for a person to feel sad from time to time, however, this kind of scenario is alarming for seniors.
When they feel lonely, they tend to isolate themselves and will be vulnerable to serious conditions, especially in their mental health. Studies have confirmed that older adults, most especially seniors, are prone to depression. Depression is more than just a feeling. It is a medical condition that can have serious effects on an individual’s physical health and overall well-being. Since seniors are vulnerable to mental health conditions, the family members should monitor their senior loved ones closely. But even if you are not with them physically, you can always look after their mental health anytime by doing the following tips: Preparing for The Cold Seasons. The colder months of the year are here.
By the end of this month, most foliage in New Jersey will have turned to their autumn hues. The beauty of autumn, however, also heralds the coming of the frightful temperatures in winter. More so for the elderly. Tips for Healthy Aging. Growing old is almost as inevitable as taxes.
As we grow old, our bodies decline, and their functions lose efficiency. Seniors become less active than when they were younger, and health issues begin to pile up. Uncover the Benefits of Having a Home Care Aide. When you are seeking the appropriate care option for an aging parent or elderly loved one, you may be considering home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey.
Through the help of a home care aide, your senior loved one can receive the support they require from the comfort of their home. COVID-19: Ways Seniors Can Reduce the Risk of Getting Sick. Today, there are roughly 5.3 million cases in the United States, with approximately 55,000 new cases as of this writing.
COVID-19: What to Do When You’re Sick. Today, individuals with COVID-19 have a wide range of mild to severe symptoms.
This includes fever, respiratory problems, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, nausea, and more. As a leading provider of home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey, we at Serenity Senior Care will discuss what you need to do when you’re sick: When you or a household member is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, make sure to monitor the symptoms. If you are experiencing mild symptoms, it’s recommended to recover safely at home and to contact your healthcare provider if you have been exposed to the virus. COVID-19: What Aids Are Available During the Outbreak? The coronavirus disease is an infectious disease that continues to affect millions worldwide.
In the United States, there are roughly 4.2 million cases as of this writing. Fortunately, the U.S. government along with other organizations are offering assistance and several benefits to help. As a provider of home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey, we will share the aids available within the state: Prescription Drug Refills. Regardless if the covered person has reached their scheduled refill date, Medicaid and several other insurance companies provide coverage of prescription drug refills. These are just a few aids available during the outbreak. COVID-19: What You Should Know About Testing. Caused by the newly discovered coronavirus, COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is spread primarily through discharge from the nose and droplets of saliva due to coughing or sneezing.
Currently, there are more than 2 million cases of coronavirus disease in the United States, with approximately 21,900 new cases as of this writing. Fortunately, coronavirus testing has become widely available in the U.S., as more public and commercial laboratories are offering testing services. As a well-established provider of nursing care in New Jersey will discuss what you need to know about COVID-19 testing: How do I know if I need to get tested?
Most infected individuals have mild illness and can safely recover at home without medical care. COVID-19: How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a newly discovered infectious disease that is characterized by a moderate respiratory illness. Although the average person can recover without special treatment, older adults and individuals with underlying medical issues are at a higher risk of developing severe disease. Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, and as a result, the best way to prevent getting sick is to avoid exposure to the virus. As a provider of nursing care in New Jersey, we will share tips on how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from illness: Keep up-to-date on the latest news Stay informed on the latest news surrounding the coronavirus disease through reliable sources like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Lessen Your Loved One’s Risks of Falling With These Tips. In a survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of seniors ages 65 and older, suffer a fall every year. Accidents among the elderly account for 2.8 million injuries and 27,000 deaths — many are inflicted with head trauma, hip fractures, and lacerations caused by these falls. Given that falls are the leading cause of injury and death among the elderly, you may be concerned about your parent, grandparent or other family members. Outdoor Fall Activities for Seniors. Old age confines a lot of seniors to their living quarters, especially if they have conditions that limit their mobility.
This can get very tedious, especially if goes on for days on end. Simple Ways to Show Your Grandparents You Care. Life as a senior can be tough, especially when living alone. Don’t let this be your grandparents’ situation. Show them that you care deeply for them. Cheer them up with simple gestures. Why Should You Get a Flu Shot? September’s here as well as the flu season. Seniors aged 65 and up are more susceptible to getting flu than their younger counterparts. One common type of flu this flu season is influenza. Skin Care: Summer Edition.
The skin as we grow older becomes thinner and are more prone to different bacterial infections. The Harms of Self-Medication and Self-Diagnosis. Self-medication and self-diagnosis have been a recent issue and/or problem since it can cause a lot of problems. Getting into Home Care. Summer Fun for Everyone! Creating Fun Memories with your Elders. Getting older can be lonely, especially when you are living alone or even with a professional provider of senior care in New Jersey. Despite the busy schedule, family members should reach out to their elders once in a while to check up on them and spend some quality time to ease their boredom and loneliness. Staying Comfortable and Safe At Home. A lot of seniors are now living independently in the comfort of their homes. Managing Your Grandparents’ Medications (Part Two) Managing Your Grandparents’ Medications (Part One) Making Allergy Season More Bearable for the Elderly. It is unfortunate, but allergies do not discriminate between the young and the old at all.
Be Aware of Your Allergy Triggers. It’s springtime once again. Unfortunately, along with some of the nicest foliage during the year comes an onslaught of allergens. Understanding the Basics of Pain Management in Seniors. Helping Your Aging Loved Ones Prepare for a Doctor’s Visit. Common Reasons Behind Your Aging Family Members’ Dizziness and Loss of Balance. Serenity Senior Care. Difficult Senior Behavior: Dealing with Elderly Loved Ones’ Resistance to Care.
Fun Winter Activities for Your Senior Loved Ones. Serenity Senior Care. Preparing Your Elderly Loved Ones for Winter. Bloomfield, New Jersey. Things You Must Have a Physician Check if Your Aging Loved One Had a Fall. Ways to Fall-Proof Your Elderly Loved Ones’ Homes. How Can You Make Bathrooms Safe for the Elderly? Serenity Senior Care. Why Should Your Senior Loved Ones Get Flu Shots? Benefits of Companionship for Your Senior Loved Ones. Staying Safe: Steps to Take for Your Loved Ones with Dementia.