IBM Knowledge Center - Configuring the NIM master and creating basic installation resources using SMIT. United States.
IBM Knowledge Center - Adding standalone clients to the NIM environment. United States IBM Knowledge Center Site map Marketplace Close.
IBM Knowledge Center - Configuring NIM. United States IBM Knowledge Center Site map Marketplace Close.
Defining a new Network Install Interface on a NIM master. (Chris's AIX Blog) OK, so I had a NIM master with two network interfaces, en0 and en1.
The en0 interface was connected to the network and the en1 interface was connected to the network. When the master was initially configured, we chose en0 as the primary install interface. The master could now install NIM clients on the network, without any additional NIM network configuration. root@nim1 / # ifconfig –a en0: flags=1e080863,480<UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST,GROUPRT,64BIT,CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD(ACTIVE),CHAIN> inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast AIX for System Administrators: ODM. It is a database of system and device configuration information integrated into the OS.
It is intended for storing system informations: software infos (smit menus and commands, installed filesets...) and device infos (device configurations, tcp/ip configs...) For safety reasons the ODM data is stored in binary format. All ODM commands use the ODMDIR environment variable, that is set in file /etc/environment. The default value of ODMDIR is /etc/objrepos. AIX ODM Commands - UnixMantra. ODM is object database Manager Use these commands with EXTREME CAUTION!!!
You should make backup copies of the individual ODM Class files (CuAt, CuDv, CuDvDr, CuDep,and CuVPD), before you attempt to use these commands. First, take a backup of the ODM files by issuing: LOGICAL VOLUME MANAGEMENT. The fundamental concept used by lvm are1.physical volume2.volume group3. physical partition4.logical volume5.logical partitions6. filesystems7. raw devices each individual disk drive is named as physical volume such as hdisk0,hdisk1. one or more pv's can make up a volume group(VG). a pv can belong to maximum of one vg you can't assign a fraction of pv to one VG physical volumes can be assigned to the same VG even though they are of different type such as SCSI or SSA.
The storage space from physical volume is divided into physical partitions(PP's) the size of PP's are identical on all disks belonging to the same VG. Aix system admin: LOGICAL VOLUME MANAGEMENT. Albert van der Sel. From now on, most of the time, we're going to use specific "LVM commands" to show, create, and manage LVM objects.
Let's go to the concept of a "Volume Group" (VG) first. Imagine you have a machine with an OS disk, already taken by the OS, and three free internal disks. Nmon config on aix/linux host - U&S for sysadmins. La herramienta esta diseñada para evaluación de performance de un host AIX o Linux.
La información que que podemos obtener son sobre los siguientes recursos: CPU utilization Memory use Kernel statistics and run queue information Disks I/O rates, transfers, and read/write ratios Free space on file systems Disk adapters Network I/O rates, transfers, and read/write ratios Paging space and paging rates CPU and AIX specification Top processors IBM HTTP Web cache User-defined disk groups Machine details and resources Asynchronous I/O -- AIX only Workload Manager (WLM) -- AIX only IBM TotalStorage® Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS) disks -- AIX only Network File System (NFS) Dynamic LPAR (DLPAR) changes -- only pSeries p5 and OpenPower for either AIX or Linux Tiene dos formas de ejecución, online y batch, este ultimo permite extraer archivos .nmon el cual puede ser analizado mas al detalle con herramienta llamada nmon analyser.
Presionar h para acceder a las opción: config nmon analyser. AIX for System Administrators. Reports selected local and remote system statistics.
The topas command requires the bos.perf.tools and perfagent.tools file sets to be installed on the system. Navigation is possible between the columns with the narrow keys (<-, ->, ...) IBM Knowledge Center - lsuser Command. AIX user and group administration. Adam CormanyPublished on September 15, 2009 Administering users and groups in IBM AIX is an essential part of an administrator's duties. You can manage users and groups in many different ways: You can maintain them through the AIX System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), manually editing the configuration files, or by using command-line commands. This article discusses the configuration files behind users and groups on AIX, as well as command-line tools designed to help manage the users and groups easily.
Learn the files first, then the commands Before going into the commands to create, modify, and maintain users and groups in AIX, it is important that you know what is happening behind the scenes. Look at the some of the files that affect the user itself: How to run a script automatically when AIX version 7 server reboots? AIX for System Administrators. Startup - Shutdown mkitab adds record to the /etc/inittab file (-i: insert the newline anywher in the inittab file) (without the -i parameter, the line wil be appended to the end of the file)lsitab lists record to the /etc/inittab file (lsitab -a -->lists all records of the inittab)chitab adds record to the /etc/inittab file uptime shows the time the server is uplast reboot shows the history when the server has been rebooted who -b info about the last boot /dev/ipldevice it is a hardlink to the device which holds hd5 (check major minor numbers)ipl_varyon -i shows the state of the bootrecord ------------------------------Telinit: The telinit command sets the system at a specific run level.
HP-UX Tips. UnixMantra. COMANDOS B SICOS DEL ADMINISTRADOR DE SISTEMAS DE UNIX. 1. Mail Command Examples in Unix / Linux Tutorial. The Mail command in unix or linux system is used to send emails to the users, to read the received emails, to delete the emails etc. Mail command will come in handy especially when writing automated scripts. For example, you have written an automated script for taking weekly backup of oracle database.
How to know the status of backup, whether it is succeeded or not? In this case, sending an email from the automated script at the end of the backup will be helpful in knowing the status. The syntax of mail command is: How to: Change User’s bash profile under Linux / UNIX. ByVivek GiteonAugust 24, 2007 last updated August 24, 2007 inBASH Shell, CentOS, Debian / Ubuntu, FreeBSD, Linux, RedHat and Friends, Solaris-Unix, Suse, Ubuntu Linux, UNIX, Windows Q. Como saber la WWN de una HBA en un host AIX - U&S for sysadmins. AIX COMMAND GUIDE - U&S for sysadmins. Guía de comandos útiles de AIX a la hora de trabajar sobre el sistema operativo. Contiene información sobre comandos para trabajar sobre dispositivos, respaldos, manejo de software instalado, área de intercambio, monitoreo y otros.
Dispositivos volver al tope AIX Boot Boot gráfico se realiza en el Web-based System Manager accesando al HMC. Practical Guide to AIX "Filesystems" - UnixMantra. Phantom Websphere: Essential boot information in AIX. AIX for System Administrators. AIX: AIX commands. 15 EMC PowerPath Powermt Command Examples – Display, Check, Remove, Config, Restore. If your server has two HBA cards connected to EMC SAN storage device, you can implement load-balancing, and fail-over on the HBA cards using the EMC PowerPath software. Powermt management utility helps you manage I/O paths from the server to the EMC storage device. In this article, let us discuss how to use powermt command with practical examples. 1. powermt display – Display High Level HBA I/O Paths powermt display command (without any arguments), displays the available HBAs and their current status.
The following examples, shows that there are 2 HBAs connected to the server, both the HBAs are in active condition with 2 I/O path’s each. qla2xxx indicates that it is using the Q-Logic HBA card. Trucos y atajos para UNIX. Tratamiento masivo de datos con AWK, alternativa parcial a ACL o SAS. GNU awk es una herramienta muy útil para modificar archivos, buscar y transformar datos y, en general, realizar cualquier tipo de tratamiento masivo de ficheros. AWK paso a paso... y sin usar el ratón. Autor: Javier Peces, BULMACopyright pertenece al autor Introducción Me pide Bernat que le ayude a hacer una faena rápida.
AIX Health Check - Translate hardware address to physical location. This is how to translate a hardware address to a physical location: The command lscfg shows the hardware addresses of all hardware. Instalación IBM/AIX - Deister KB. How to Resolve Duplicate PVID on Clariion Disk (SAN) in AIX? - Toolbox for IT Groups. We have an AIX 6.1 box which has a Clariion SAN Disk attached to it. We wanted to 'present' the disk to its cloned server but we're having problems while doing the process. WHenever we try to command cfgmgr, there would always be a duplicated PVID. AIX Commands Support Tips. AIX File Structure Volume Logical Tips. IBM Knowledge Center. Cannot extend vg - but why ? UnixMantra. Como saber la WWN de una HBA en un host AIX - U&S for sysadmins. IBM Knowledge Center.
Como saber la WWN de una HBA en un host AIX - U&S for sysadmins. IBM Knowledge Center. Volumenes de storage. Redbook aix 7.1 administration. How do the properties and WWPN/WWNN of a virtual fibre channel adapter on AIX 6.1 with VIOS 2.1 using NPIV look like? - AIX & System P Community. Curso Básico de UNIX - Reseña de comandos. Unix for the DBA « Oracle DBA - Tips and Techniques. Managing AIX logs. IBM Knowledge Center. IBM Certification Guide AIX V4.3 System Administration. AIX for System Administrators. Usando bash y cron para automatizar la copia de seguridad de una base de datos.