‚Doing Inequality‘ - Prozesse sozialer Ungleichheit | Laura Behrmann. Hannah Arendt, das Asylrecht und die Menschenwürde | Rennert | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Rennert Von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Rennert, PräsBVerwG 2017, 31 S., Rückendraht, ISBN 978-3-8487-4346-9 Dieser Titel kann auch zur jederzeit kündbaren Fortsetzung geliefert werden. Informationen zur Reihe * inkl. Sofort lieferbar! Hannah Arendt galt als eine der bedeutendsten politischen Philosophen des 20. Das Werk ist Teil der Reihe Schriften der Juristischen Studiengesellschaft Regensburg e.V., Band 41. Réfugiés et apatrides Administrer lasile en France (1920-1960) Aline Angoustures, Dzovinar Kévonian et Claire Mouradian. Fremdheit und Interkulturalität | Edition Kulturwissenschaft.
... mit Andreas Rauh 1. Warum ein Buch zu diesem Thema? Weil es aus ganz besonderen, überraschenden Perspektiven deutlich macht, wie eine aktuelle Fragestellung schon immer aktuell ist. Für die Humanwissenschaften war und ist die Frage ›Was bedeutet das Fremde für die eigene Kultur? 2. 3. 4. 5. Graduate Migration and Regional Development An International Perspective. ‘Being mobile has become an ubiquitous modus operandi as the highly educated seek to advance, and take advantage of their human capital.
Corcoran and Faggian’s edited volume helps us to understand the causes and consequences of university graduates’ choices to migrate or stay put. The selected contributions – situated in ten OECD countries – cover a wide spectrum of issues, from overeducation and wages to life-course linkages and impacts of the Great Recession. It is an insightful and timely account of the intellectual elite’s sorting and redistribution in developed countries.’ – Brigitte Waldorf, Purdue University, US ‘Graduates are key resources to economic development. "Enlighted" policy makers around the world spend effort and resources to attract and retain them.
However, our understanding of the drivers and impacts of graduate mobility remains limited. ‘Higher-educated graduates are highly spatially mobile and are the major determinant of change of human capital in a region. Migration, Citizenship and Identity. Stephen Castles provides a deeper understanding of recent ‘migration crises’ in this fascinating and highly topical work.
The book links theory and methodology to real-world migration experiences, with a truly global perspective and in-depth analysis of the links between economics, migration and asylum and refugee issues. Key features surrounding this complex and often controversial field are examined through five thematic sections: Migration, Citizenship and Identity will appeal to graduate students, senior undergraduates and lecturers in international migration, globalization, sociology, political science, demography and geography. Government officials, civil society activists, social workers, medical personnel, lawyers and other professional groups whose work is concerned with migrants and refugees will also find much to engage them. New Immigration Destinations: Migrating to Rural and Peripheral Areas (Hardback) Reviews New Immigration Destinations is a timely book that provides a new epistemological framework and theoretical lens for understanding social exclusion among transnational migrants.
Ruth McAreavey, the consummate ethnographer, refocuses our attention on rural and small town destinations as neglected settings for immigrant reception and incorporation. She highlights the lived experiences of immigrants in peripheral areas of Northern Ireland, but provides compelling lessons and a template for research across Europe and rural areas in North America and Oceania. Daniel T. Lichter is the Ferris Family professor in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Professor of Sociology, and the Robert S. This timely and engaging book is an invaluable resource for migration researchers. Mary Gilmartin, Professor of Geography, Maynooth University, Ireland David Brown, Professor of Development Sociology, Cornell University, USA Table of Contents Chapter One: introduction and overview * Brexit * Parteien und Migranten. Wohnungen für Flüchtlinge - Aktuelle sozial- | Eberhard von Einem. Mobility, Migration and Transport - Historical | CG Pooley.
“It seems as though we have never been more on the move. Mobility theorists sketch how our lives are constantly remade by the intertwined movements of bodies, things and information circulating at geographical scales from the local to the global. In this incisive book Colin Pooley questions whether this is really anything new. By forging connections between the scholarly fields of migration, mobility and transport history he brilliantly demonstrates that more links us to than separates us from human movement in the past. Pooley thus challenges historians and mobility scholars alike to re-think their research. The social and ecological dilemmas of contemporary mobility can only be understood in a historical context; writing that history requires closer attention to how everyday and residential travel were entangled with each other and the transport systems that made them possible.
This book is essential reading for anyone concerned about the future, present and past of human motion.” Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host | Agnieszka Weinar. This book provides a theoretical framing to analyse and examine the interaction between origin and destination in the migrant integration process. Coverage offers a set of concrete conceptual tools, which can be operationalised when measuring integration. This title is the first of two complementary volumes, each of which is designed to stand alone and provide a different approach to the topic. Here, the chapters offer a detailed look at integration across eight key areas: labour, education, language and culture, civic and political participation, housing, social ties, religion, and access to citizenship. Readers are presented with an examination into the globally available knowledge on interactions between emigration/diaspora policies on one hand and integration policies on the other.
Migrants actively belong to two places: the land they left behind and the home they are seeking to build. Transnational Citizenship and Migration: Volume IV (Hardback) Table of Contents Transnational Citizenship and Migration The Library of Contemporary Essays in Governance and Political Theory Edited by Rainer Baubock Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Index. Migrant, Refugee, Smuggler, Saviour | Hurst Publishers. ‘The authors leap around, with vivid reporting from Niger, Libya, the Balkans, Turkey and Egypt, among other places … The book’s key contention—that tighter rules inspire entrepreneurs to create new, more dangerous and criminal smuggling routes—is persuasive.’ — The Economist ‘Migrant, Refugee, Smuggler, Saviour argues that the world needs to understand how networks of traffickers function if it is to get to grips with this migration crisis.
Co-authors Tinti and Reitano … use a mixture of reportage, first-hand accounts from migrants and extensive research to uncover a series of complex transnational industries that exist to help migrants bypass barriers — whether geographic, man-made or political — for a profit.’ — Financial Times ‘This is a fascinating, nuanced and highly necessary account of an underworld that is much discussed but little understood, written by two of the leading experts in the field. I highly recommend it.’ — Patrick Kingsley, Migration Correspondent, The Guardian. LE DROIT DE VOTE DES ÉTRANGERS - Une histoire de quarante ans - Bernard Delemotte. Une histoire de quarante ans Bernard Delemotte LicorneVilles Plurielles HISTOIRE IMMIGRATION, INTERCULTUREL EUROPE France L'auteur retrace les événements qui ont jalonné la demande de droit de vote des étrangers depuis quarante ans en France. Il s'est intéressé tant aux diverses initiatives qu'aux programmes, propositions et blocages.
Son écriture fait vivre, avec les acteurs de ces questions, leurs espoirs, réussites et déceptions. Il invite à comprendre comment cette revendication a été défendue au fil des années avec des objectifs qui ont évolué avec notre société. The Contentious Politics of Refugee and Migrant Protest and Solidarity Movements: Remaking Citizenship from the Margins (Hardback) About the Book Over the past two years, large-scale migratory movements to Europe have gained worldwide attention, and have prompted ever-greater desires to govern and control them. At the same time, we have seen the emergence of political struggles for rights to movement and demands for greater social justice, in both the global ‘north’ and ‘south’. Throughout the world, political mobilizations by refugees, irregularized migrants and solidarity activists have emerged, demanding and enacting the right to move and to stay, struggling for citizenship and human rights, and protesting the violence and deadliness of contemporary border regimes.
This collection brings together articles that explore political mobilizations in several countries and (border) regions, including Brazil, Mexico, the United States, Austria, Germany, Greece and Turkey and ‘the Mediterranean’. This book was originally published as a special issue of Citizenship Studies. Table of Contents 1. About the Editors. The New Diversity of Family Life in Europe - Mobile | Banu Çitlak.
Les extrêmes droites en France - Editions Syllepse. Un livre essentiel pour comprendre les méandres d’un courant politique multiforme qui monte à l’assaut du pouvoir. La mécanique raciste - Pierre TEVANIAN. Tout le monde ou presque se dit antiraciste. Pourtant, les discriminations se perpétuent dans des proportions massives, et en toute impunité. La Mécanique raciste met à nu, chiffres à l’appui, cette remarquable contradiction. À rebours des discours complaisants faisant du racisme une simple pathologie individuelle ou un réflexe de « peur de l’autre » naturel et compréhensible, Pierre Tevanian souligne son caractère systémique et son enracinement dans notre culture.
Soucieux de « connaître pour mieux combattre », il prend le racisme au sérieux et analyse ses ressorts logiques, esthétiques et éthiques, comme il est d’usage de le faire pour tout système philosophique – à ceci près qu’il s’agit ici de déconstruire une manière perverse de raisonner, de percevoir l’autre et de se concevoir soi-même. L’objectif de ce livre n’est pas tant de « retourner » des racistes convaincus que de questionner et armer l’antiracisme.
100 ans d'histoire des portugais en France, Marie-Christine Volovitch-Tavares. En ce début de xxie siècle, on évalue à environ 1 million les Portugais et leurs descendants en France, ce qui fait d’eux la première communauté étrangère (en 1914, on n’en comptait qu’un millier). Après les Italiens, les Polonais et les Espagnols, il s’agit de la dernière des grandes immigrations européennes du xxe siècle. Les liens profonds entre les deux pays se nouèrent au cœur de la Première Guerre mondiale, lorsque le Portugal envoya en France des soldats et des travailleurs. Une partie d’entre eux restèrent dans l’Hexagone, bientôt rejoints par leur famille et des compatriotes. La route vers la France était ouverte ; elle ne se refermerait jamais. Plusieurs générations d’exilés firent le chemin à leur suite, tant que dura la dictature portugaise (1926-1974) longtemps dominée par Salazar.
Riche d’archives inédites, ce livre suit pour la première fois les grandes étapes et les multiples facettes d’une histoire séculaire qui raconte une France fraternelle. Au-delà de la crise des migrants : décentrer le regard. Qu’est-ce que la « crise des migrants » en Europe ? Cette expression simple, parée des attributs de l’évidence, s’est imposée dans le débat public depuis 2015. Parfois également nommée « crise des réfugiés », elle fait référence à l’augmentation récente et massive des entrées en Europe de populations en provenance notamment de pays déstabilisés, voire en guerre : Syrie, Afghanistan, Érythrée, etc. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de fournir des clés de compréhension en prenant de la distance par rapport aux représentations communes du phénomène. Pour éclairer l’actualité des mouvements migratoires vers l’Europe, il prend le parti de ne pas traiter seulement des évènements récents et d’élargir le champ géographique au-delà des frontières du Vieux Continent.
Le décentrement par les chiffres contribue à prendre la mesure des faits migratoires tels qu’ils sont : sans en masquer l’importance, mais en en précisant l’ampleur et les caractéristiques. Ils en ont parlé. Robin Alexander: Die Getriebenen. Siedler Verlag (Gebundenes Buch) (mars 2017) Refuge, Transforming a Broken Refugee System by Alexander Betts (mars 2017) The Ethics of Citizenship in the 21st Century | David Thunder (avril 2017) Migrationssoziologie - Eine Einführung | Petra Aigner (avril 2017) Fortress Europe? - Challenges and Failures of | Annette Jünemann (avril 2017) Hochkonjunktur, «Überfremdung» und Föderalismus. Kantonalisierte Schweizer Arbeitsmigrationspolitik am Beispiel Basel-Landschaft 1945–1975 - edoc. Avec l'immigration - François HÉRAN. Black Rights/White Wrongs - Paperback - Charles W. Mills. Eric Fong , Brent Berry - Immigration and the City.
International Migration and International Security: Why Prejudice is a Global Security Threat (Paperback) Gendered Harm and Structural Violence in the British Asylum System (Hardback) Hoffnung Europa - Die EU als Raum und Ziel von Migration | Hrbek / Große Hüttmann | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Handbook on Political Populism | Heinisch / Holtz-Bacha / Mazzoleni | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Peoples and Borders | Calandri / Paoli / Varsori | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.