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Propositions fin 2019 - 2020

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Démocratie directe contre droit international - - Denis Masmejan (EAN13 : 9782889152315), EPFL PRESS - Swiss Scientific publisher. Rowman & Littlefield International. From astute observations of Meghan Markle and the multicultural monarchy, to the spectre of ‘monstrous’ Muslim women, Boulila brilliantly captures the political zeitgeist of the post-race moment with a rigorous and witty analysis that slices into the racism, sexism and Islamophobia that fuels the seductive common-sense political popularism sweeping Europe.

Rowman & Littlefield International

A powerful and eloquent read that lifts the fog so we can see the truth! 11.19 Islamophobia and Radicalisation - Tahir Abbas. Islamophobia and Radicalisation A Vicious Cycle Tahir Abbas Reviews and Awards "This book offers thorough insights into the concept of Islamophobia and the radicalisation of some Muslims in Europe and the UK.

11.19 Islamophobia and Radicalisation - Tahir Abbas

The Limits of Transnationalism, Green. Introduction: The “Transnational Moment” and Its Limits Chapter 1: Fake Wine and Future Cadaver: The Trials of an American in France Chapter 2: Old History, New Historiography Chapter 3: Expatriation: The Obverse of Transnationalism Chapter 4: On States and Exit: Letting People Go . . . with Gritted Teeth Chapter 5: “Au secours”: Individuals Betwixt and Between Conclusion: It’s Not as Easy as It Looks Acknowledgments Bibliography Linda K.

The Limits of Transnationalism, Green

Kerber, University of Iowa “As the legal contours of citizenship are being reshaped by new forms of globalized trade and multi-national families, Green offers a fresh perspective on the history of crossing borders. 10.19 DYNAMIQUES TERRITORIALES, MIGRATOIRES ET (INTER)CULTURELLES CONTEMPORAINES, Abdoul Hameth Ba. Migration - Eine Einführung. 10.19 Alpine Refugees: Immigration at the Core of Europe. Manfred Perlik is a Professor at the Centre for Development and Environment at the University of Bern, Switzerland, and at Laboratoire Pacte at the Université Grenoble-Alpes, France.

10.19 Alpine Refugees: Immigration at the Core of Europe

As an economic geographer, his focus is on urbanization in mountain areas; his recent research deals with questions of spatial justice, social innovation, and new migration into mountain areas. Giulia Galera is a Senior Researcher at Euricse, Italy. Her research activities are focused on the role and potential of social enterprises from an international and comparative perspective, the concept of social enterprise and its legal evolution, and the role of social enterprise in supporting social and work integration pathways for asylum seekers and refugees. Ingrid Machold is a Senior Researcher at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (BAB), Austria. 10.19 Arbeit und Geschlecht im Wandel, ein Buch von Johanna Neuhauser, Johanna Sittel, Nico Weinmann - Campus Verlag. 06.19 European Party Politics in Times of Crisis edited by Swen Hutter. 09.19 Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios - The 'Data for Refugees Challenge' Study.


09.19 Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios - The 'Data for Refugees Challenge' Study

Albert Ali Salah is affiliated with the Computer Engineering Department at Boğaziçi University, Turkey, and with Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He has co-authored over 150 publications on multimodal interfaces, pattern recognition, computer vision, and computer analysis of human behavior. Dr. Salah has received the inaugural EBF European Biometrics Research Award (2006), BUVAK Award of Research Excellence (2014), and the BAGEP Award of the Science Academy (2016). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a member of the ACM. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. 12.19 Flüchtigkeiten - Sozialwissenschaftliche Debatten. 01.20 - Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance, Edited by Tim Krieger, Diana Panke and Michael Pregernig. The globalized era is characterized by a high degree of interconnectedness across borders and continents and this includes human migration.

01.20 - Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance, Edited by Tim Krieger, Diana Panke and Michael Pregernig

Migration flows have led to new governance challenges and, at times, populist political backlashes. A key driver of migration is environmental conflict and this is only likely to increase with the effects of climate change. 10.19 - Transnational Migration and the New Subjects of Work - Transmigrants, Hybrids and Cosmopolitans, By Banu Özkazanç-Pan. In an increasingly globalized world, mobility is a new defining feature of our lives, livelihoods and work experiences.

10.19 - Transnational Migration and the New Subjects of Work - Transmigrants, Hybrids and Cosmopolitans, By Banu Özkazanç-Pan

This book is a first in utilising transnational migration studies as a new theoretical framework in management and organization studies. Ozkazanc-Pan presents a much-needed new concept for understanding people, work and organizations in a world on the move while attending to growing inequality associated with work in changing societies. ''This comprehensive and engaging book provides a valuable way in which organization studies can engage with transnational migration studies. Ozkazanc-Pan initiates a valuable theoretical conversation.'' 12.19 - Refugee Imaginaries.

10.19 - Democracy, Diaspora, Territory: Europe and Cross-Border Politics, 1st Edition. Description This volume offers a profoundly new interpretation of the impact of modern diasporas on democracy, challenging the orthodox understanding that ties these two concepts to a bounded form of territory.

10.19 - Democracy, Diaspora, Territory: Europe and Cross-Border Politics, 1st Edition

Considering democracy and diaspora through a deterritorialised lens, it takes the post-Euromaidan Ukraine as a central case study to show how modern diasporas are actively involved in shaping democracy from a distance, and through their political activity are becoming increasingly democratised themselves. An examination of how power-sharing democracies function beyond the territorial state, Democracy, Diaspora, Territory: Europe and Cross-Border Politics compels us to reassess what we mean by democracy and diaspora today, and why we need to focus on the deterritorialised dimensions of these phenomena if we are to adequately address the crises confronting numerous democracies.

Reviews Table of Contents 1. 12.19 - Refugee Dignity in Protracted Exile: Rights, Capabilities and Legal Empowerment, 1st Edition. Description This book investigates how effective human rights and the inherent dignity of refugees can be secured in situations of protracted exile and encampment.

12.19 - Refugee Dignity in Protracted Exile: Rights, Capabilities and Legal Empowerment, 1st Edition

The book deploys an innovative human rights-based capabilities approach to address fundamental questions relating to law, power, governance, responsibility, and accountability in refugee camps. Adopting an original theoretical framework, the author demonstrates that legal empowerment can change the distribution of power in a given refugee situation, facilitating the exercise of individual agency and assisting in the reform of the opportunity structure available to the individual.

Thus, by helping to increase the capability of refugees to participate actively in the decisions that most affect their core rights and interests, participatory approaches to legal empowerment can also assist in securing other capabilities, ultimately ensuring that refugees are able to live dignified lives while in protracted exile. Reviews. 12.19 - Impoverishment and Asylum: Social Policy as Slow Violence, 1st Edition. 12.19 - The Crimmigrant Other: Migration and Penal Power, 1st Edition. 12.19 - The International Organization for Migration: Challenges, Commitments, Complexities, 1st Edition. Description.

12.19 - The International Organization for Migration: Challenges, Commitments, Complexities, 1st Edition

12.19 - Refugia: Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement, 1st Edition. Description This is an unusual book. 12.19 - Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development: 1st Edition. Description The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development provides an interdisciplinary, agenda-setting survey of the fields of migration and development, bringing together over 60 expert contributors from around the world to chart current and future trends in research on this topic.

The links between migration and development can be traced back to the post-war period, if not further, yet it is only in the last 20 years that the 'migration–development nexus' has risen to prominence for academics and policymakers. Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft. uses cookies to store information that enables us to optimize our website and make browsing more comfortable for you. To learn more about the use of cookies, please read our privacy policy.OK Jump to ContentJump to Main Navigation Show Summary Details eBook (PDF) Konfliktfeld Fluchtmigration : Historische und ethnographische Perspektiven. Rassismus im Alltag bei transcript Verlag. 10.19 Motherhood, Education and Migration - Delving into Migrant Mothers’ Involvement in Children’s Education. Racialised Workers and European Older-Age Care - From Care Labour to Care Ethics. International Immigration, Integration and Sustainability in Small Towns and Villages - Socio-Territorial Challenges in Rural and Semi-Rural Europe.

11.19 Junge Geflüchtete in der Jugendhilfe - Chancen und Herausforderungen der Integration. 10.19 - Die Lebenssituation von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Österreich - Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Zugewanderten. 10.19 - Writing for Love and Money - Paperback - Kate Vieira. 10.19 - Disorderly Borders - Chantal Thomas. Immigration crises faced by the United States today show the interplay between areas of global law and policy that might at first glance seem quite disparate--economic law, human rights and refugee law, and criminal law relating to the trafficking and smuggling of migrants.

This book is largely dedicated to unpacking those dynamics and ultimately argues that reform efforts must be expanded. 10.19 Recent Migrations and Refugees in the MENA Region – Transnational Press London. Recent Migrations and Refugees in the MENA Region Edited by Rania M. 09.19 L'INTERCULTUREL À LA MAISON, Anna Granata, Elena Granata. 09.19 LA PROTECTION DES DROITS DES MIGRANTS - Interactions entre la protection des droits de l'hommes et la protection diplomatique et consulaire, Arafat Abi.

En 2018, respectivement le 10 décembre à Marrakech et le 17 décembre à New York, le Pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières et le Pacte mondial sur les réfugiés ont été adoptés. Premiers accords du genre, ils remplacent la question des migrations au cœur des défis. En effet, à l'heure de la mondialisation, une évidence est d'actualité : l'augmentation des flux migratoires. Et si les Etats tentent souverainement de gérer ces flux, on ne peut oublier que les droits de l'homme sont au-dessus de toutes considérations.

La gestion harmonieuse et efficace des migrations doit donc être globale et prendre en compte à la fois les synergies de développement et la protection des droits des personnes migrantes. 09.19 PIERRE ANDRÉ TAGUIEFF, L'ANTIRACISME EN DÉBAT, Manuel Diatkine. Pour comprendre comment l'antiracisme s'est transformé depuis quatre décennies, ce livre suit l'itinéraire intellectuel et politique de Taguieff, depuis ses origines, à la gauche de l'échiquier politique, jusqu'à nos jours.

Cet intellectuel érudit a suivi une évolution singulière parmi les chercheurs engagés contre les racismes et les haines. Taguieff a influencé le débat public, sans doute plus que bien des auteurs plus connus (...). Historien des idées racistes en philosophie, il est à la fois in analyste et un acteur de ce débat. Son évolution nous plonge au cœur de la discussion française sur le racisme et l'antisémitisme.

Emigrer en quete de dignite : Tunisiens entre desillusions et espoirs. 09.19 The Border - Paperback - Martin A. Schain. In our globalized world, borders are back with a vengeance. New data shows a massive increase of walls and barriers between countries after 2001. 2020 Neue urbane Ordnungen der Migration. Criminalization of Migration, The. “While much has been written on crimmigration in various jurisdictions, such literature in the Canadian context remains limited. Expulser les sans-papiers d'Europe. Etats répressifs et nécessité du maintien en démocratie.

Les expulsions massives de sans-papiers montrent le principe de commandement – l’art d’ordonner et de se faire obéir – à l’épreuve du faible et de l’Autre. En même temps, elles sont un moment de l’histoire des démocraties libérales qui invite à repenser la sociologie historique du gouvernement autoritaire de l’immigration clandestine au sein de l’Union européenne (UE). Cet essai est une analyse radicale de la construction de l’État, cette réalité politique qui s’est au cours du temps imposée à l’ensemble des sociétés modernes.

De la subjectivation de ce dispositif de contrôle de la société ont émergé des figures spécifiques d’étirement et de rétrécissement, d’expansion coloniale et de nationalismes xénophobes. Étrangers, immigrés : l'intégration à (re)penser: Savoirs, politiques et acteurs. 05.20 Migration und Alter. 2020 Die mediale Umwelt der Migration: Kulturelle Aushandlungen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.