HSC: All My Own Work. Completing assessment tasks honestly HSC: All My Own Work is a program designed to help HSC students follow the principles and practices of good scholarship. This includes understanding, valuing and using ethical practices when locating and using information as part of their HSC studies. Students who have completed the program will also know about penalties for cheating and how to avoid malpractice when preparing their work for assessment.
To be eligible for the HSC, students must complete HSC: All My Own Work (or its equivalent) before they submit any work for Preliminary (Year 11) or HSC (Year 12) courses, unless they are only entered for Year 11 and Year 12 Life Skills courses. Start the program The program is flexible to deliver and schools will organise when students will study and complete it. There are five modules. Select a module below to start. Each module includes information, scenarios, strategies, recommended resources and a quiz. Delivering the program. IB Extended Essay website. Extended Essay overview. IB Extended Essay guide. Exemplar Extended Essays IB. Authentic examples of student extended essays are available and have been marked using the current criteria.
These essays and examiner’s comments will be uploaded in batches, subject by subject, over the coming months to assist the publishing team to process the large volume of examples. Until all the authentic examples are uploaded, examples of extended essays marked prior to the first 2018 assessment will continue to be provided. Reflective Project Guide. Reflective Project exemplars. The IB Extended Essay - Online Course for IB Students. Extended Essay LibGuides from ICS Inter-Community School Zurich. As the extended essay is an important component of the Diploma Programme, and a substantial piece of work, students need to ensure that they understand the expectations of the task and manage their time and workload effectively.
The following suggestions are given as guidance to help with the process. Students are strongly recommended to: • develop a Researcher’s reflection space as a planning tool. Introduction - Extended Essay - LibGuides at American School of The Hague. Reflective Project Guide for IBCP LibGuide from Deira International School. The reflective project is one of the four compulsory components of the IB Career-related Programme (CP) core.
The reflective project is an in-depth body of work produced over an extended period of time and submitted towards the end of the CP. It is the product of the students’ own initiative and should reflect their personal experience of the CP. The reflective project is intended to promote high-level research, writing and extended communication skills, intellectual discovery and creativity through a variety of different approaches. The reflective project focuses on an ethical dilemma of an issue directly linked to the student’s career‑related study. Extended Essay Quick Starter Guide. Extended Essay Master Guide. Accessit Library Web App. Guide to research.
Research Methods. Navigating Digital Information. Evaluating websites. Online Research. How read and understand a scientific article. Guide to spellling, punctuation and grammar. Skills for Learning : Essay writing. 9 steps to writing a research paper. We encountered a problem.
Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact Customer Service or call us at 1-800-889-0097. We encountered a problem. The books or articles you wish to reference are no longer available in our library. Online Writing Lab. This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue University. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice. Copyright ©1995-2018 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University.
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Study Skills. How to Write a Killer Research Paper (Even If You Hate Writing) Research papers.
Unless you’re a weirdo like me, you probably dread them. When I was in college, depending on the class, I even dreaded these. It’s the sort of project that can leave even the most organized student quaking in their boots, staring at the assignment like they’re Luke Skywalker and it’s the Death Star. You have to pick a broad topic, do some in-depth research, hone in on a research question, and then present your answer to that question in an interesting way. How to Write High-Quality Papers and Essays More Quickly. I’m not gonna lie: writing papers can suck.
Even as someone who basically writes papers for a living these days (like this article), I still viewed every college paper with a tinge of dread. After all, writing a paper isn’t like working math problems or reading a chapter of a book. As frustrating as those activities can be, they always seemed more finite than the monumental task of “writing a paper.” You can’t just open the book and start working: you have to brainstorm, research, outline, draft, edit, and add those pesky citations. Effective citing and referencing. Downloadable referencing guides. Quote, Unquote Online : Harvard referencing. For one author include the author’s family name and date, as above.
For two authors include both family names e.g. Harvard Referencing: an introduction. Guide to referencing. Manage citations & bibliographies in Word. Word automatically generates a bibliography from the sources you used to write your paper.
Each time you add a new citation to your document, Word adds that source so that it appears in the bibliography in the proper format, such as MLA, APA, and Chicago-style. Add a citation after a quote On the References tab , in the Citations & Bibliography group, click the arrow next to Style. Harvard Referencing Generator. How can I set up the Referencing tool in Microsoft Word? - Ask Us. Microsoft Word has a built-in referencing feature that allows you to fill in a form for any resource (book, article, website etc.) so that you can collect all the information you need in a reference.
Plagiarism: Promoting academic integrity. Plagiarism Quiz. 9-10: Master You're a plagiarism expert!
Continue writing originally and bolstering ideas with properly cited sources. Avoiding Plagiarism: Bibliographies.