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Grit Blasting

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DIY Blast Cabinet Kit | Frost Auto Restoration Techniques. Sandblasting Cabinet Plans. Anglo Scot Abrasives. Build Your Own Grit Blasting Cabinet .: Articles. By George Hartman A Little Background Like many people, when I first began my restoration project (my 1956 Ford F250) I discovered that a grit blast cabinet, also called a sand blast cabinet, is a great tool to have around. It cleans many parts faster and better than any other method. If you do a little research on the subject of grit blasting cabinets you will find that there are a number of top-quality units available from various vendors. If you want to blast larger parts, though, you get into the industrial-strength units that are usually beyond the budget of typical restoration or rebuild project. Costs for larger cabinets usually start at over $2,000 and go up to well over $5,000. I found I needed a larger cabinet to handle many parts, but I just couldn’t afford to shell out the kind of money that a commercial unit costs.

Since this was my first time building a grit blasting cabinet it was quite a learning experience. The difference between the grit types was like night and day. DIY Sandblasting - Tutorial. I haven't quite got this one completely figured out yet. Covering every part of the body is a must as the grit rebounds from the panel at much the same speed as it is applied. A thickish long sleeved shirt and welding gloves work fine. The hood I'm using in the photo isn't up to the job - grit does get in there and can make it into your eyes. Various better hoods are available from £20 (search for sandblasting hood). The ones to chose are heavier, have much more material, and drape down to waist level. A respirator (proper fine dust mask in the style of a gas mask) is essential.