FB. Accidental Marketing Success!! By Guest Contributor Kelly Jo Mitchell It’s that time of year…the time when we all look at our successes and failures from 2011 and decide what we did right and what we need to improve on.
I would love to say that my BEST marketing choice of 2011 was a deliberate ingenious idea, but the truth is, it resulted from under-pricing and overbooking my sessions! After booking more senior sessions than I ever imagined, it became apparent that I could not manage to sit down with every client in a timely fashion for their in-person proofing appointment. Our high school has a November 1st yearbook deadline (ridiculous, I know!) , so cramming all those seniors in between July and October is quite a feat! I have a beautiful studio in a great old historic home on Main Street in our charming tourist town. Here’s how it goes… I do the typical sneak peeks a few days after each client’s session.
As I sit here and analyze 2011, I have come to a few valuable conclusions. NDM Services. Ariana Falerni Design. Help your Clients “Picture their Pictures”..
Do you want to boost your sales of wall displays and large prints? Do you wish your clients knew how small an 8×10 REALLY looks on a mantle or above a couch? Have your clients asked you for guidance in creating wall displays for them but you were at a loss? Do you want to spruce up your client galleries with amazing looking wall displays featuring THEIR images? Do you want to mock up a few possible display ideas before and even during in person ordering sessions? Then look no further because the Photographer’s Wall Display Templates are exactly what you need! Wall Display Guides Click here to learn more about this incredibly powerful sales tool for increasing your canvas and large print sales!
Lightroom Plugins Speed up your workflow using the Lightroom plugins for the wall guides that featuring drag and drop image insertion! iPad & Android App! Shoot & Sell, the Photographer's Wall Display Guides iPad & Android tablet app is now available!
Groupon for Photographers: 6 Best Practices. Posted by: Grover Sanschagrin Date: October 13, 2010 | 3 Comments Group buying services like Groupon can greatly expand a photographer’s exposure, but at what price? We take a deeper look, and come up with a list of best practices. (Photo by Brad Mangin) Group buying website Groupon.com says they do everything they can to offer “too good to be true” experiences, and consistently deliver on that claim. This can be both good and bad. Last month, when a photographer in Atlanta, Georgia used the service to promote a discounted offer on her portrait photography services, many people cried foul when it was discovered that her online portfolio contained images taken from the websites of other photographers.
A heated exchange erupted in the Groupon message board, the photographer removed the images in question, and Groupon ended up refunding everyone who had purchased the offer. What is Groupon, and can a photographer use it to gain exposure and make money? 4) Do not give away your digital files. Los Angeles Wedding Magazine. Thank you for your interest! We are currently accepting submissions for weddings, engagements and styled photo shoots.
Whether you are the bride, groom or wedding professional, we would love to hear from you! As much as we would like to feature your story/event, there are some guidelines to follow and keep in mind. So please read the information below before deciding to submit. 1. Take place within Los Angeles County OR be documented/serviced by a Los Angeles County -based professional (for events outside LA county) 2. 3. 4. 5. . * If you are uncertain of the following info, please ask the photographer to submit on your behalf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Example: Photography: Stephanie Williams, thismodernromance.com Location: SLS Beverly Hills, starwoodhotels.com Make Up: Fiore Beauty, fiorebeauty.com Etc. etc, you get our drift… 1. 2. 3. Shipping Boxes, Custom Boxes, Cardboard Shipping Boxes.
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