Blackwater Ditches Xe for Yet Another New Name Academi: Seeks contracts in Iraq | We the People. Wall Street Journal By NATHAN HODGE Despite new ownership, a new board and new management, security contractor Xe Services LLC could never shake a troublesome nickname: the company formerly known as Blackwater. Now, it’s the company formerly known as Xe. The Blackwater/Nisoor Square Massacre “Unprovoked” Baghdad Bloodbath Leaves 17 Civilians dead on September 16, 2007 Blackwater takes issue with the “unprovoked allegations: Please note: “SAF Attack on COM Team” State Dept. The Blackwater guards’ account of the incident differed from that set forth in an Iraqi government account.
Continue reading Like this: Like Loading... Blackwater in Iraq runs over woman: Video. Newly-released videos show the US private contractor in Iraq, formerly known as Blackwater, running over a woman with a car, smashing into Iraqi cars to move them out of the way and firing a rifle into traffic in 2006. The videos were released by Harper's Magazine. The videos are included in a piece by Charles Glass titled "The Warrior Class" that looks at the rise of private security contractors. Glass had been shown the videos by a former Blackwater employee. Glass described one of the videos dated April 2006 that shows a woman being hit by a Blackwater vehicle.
"A woman in a black full-length burqa began to cross the street. The vehicle struck the woman and knocked her unconscious body into the gutter," Glass wrote. "The cars slowed for a moment, but did not stop, nor did they even determine whether the victim was dead or alive. Glass also said that the tape he was shown ended with the inscription, "In support of security, peace, freedom and democracy everywhere. " Academi Formerly Xe Formerly Blackwater USA Formerly Blackwater Worldwide-Video of Criminality.
“The Warrior Class”: Blackwater videos in Harper's Magazine show brutality on display. Videos Show Blackwater Mercenaries Running Over a Woman and Smashing Into Cars in Iraq [NSFW] An alarming set of five videos showing a U.S. security contractor formerly known as Blackwater (the company has since changed its name to Academi) performing malicious acts on Iraqi roads are making the internet rounds. The footage that dates back to 2006 was published online by Harper’s Magazine as part of a special feature in this month's edition titled "The Warrior Class: A golden age for the freelance soldier". The article by journalist Charles Glass is about the growth of private military and security contractors in the aftermath of September 11. Inside he describes some of the scenes seen in the video footage and which show Blackwater mercenaries in SUVs and military vehicles running over a woman without turning back, shooting into traffic and crashing into cars in Iraq.
We'll have to warn you that some of the scenes in the videos that follow below are graphic. Blackwater/Academi Mercs in Syria? Join Our: Twitter - YouTube - Podcasts Rate this Thread Absolute BS Crap Reasonable Nice Amazing Related Threads News Disclaimer / Copyright Info - Privacy Policy - Terms Of Use Mail Webmaster with questions or comments about this site. Blackwater/Academi Terrorising Iraqi's | GRAPHIC CONTENT** Chicago: My kind of (NATO) town. Hong Kong, China - Lock down. A ring-of-steel. An ocean of Chicago cops. The Secret Service. The National Guard. Security perimeters. Steel fencing. Concrete barriers. Last but not least, the LRAD (long-range acoustic device) - a sound cannon more lethal than Metallica on a bad night, bound to "ensure a consistent message is delivered to large crowds", according to the Chicago Police Department.
What's that? No: it's NATO taking over Chicago for its 25th summit. Unthinkably thinkable Not immune to the dire extrapolations of "low intensity conflict", the Obama administration shifted the G8 summit - which is preceding NATO's - from Chicago to the isolated Camp David. The Chicago summit will amplify the "Strategic Concept" NATO adopted at the Lisbon summit in November 2010. It's crucial to identify the backstage players. Talk about a Western-centric corporate/military/energy symbiosis. Yet, added Lord Levene, "we must be prepared to think the unthinkable".
Let me bomb you with my values. The Obama administration awarded Academi (formerly Black Water) a $250 million contract... DO YOU SEE? Concept of Piezoelectric Effect Explained | LS Planning. Controversial Contractors Paid $2.4M By Canadian Forces. The Canadian Forces spent $2.4 million last year on training at a facility run by Xe Services, the U.S. private security company formerly known as Blackwater. The company and its training facility were used to teach precision shooting and defensive driving, as well as VIP escort requirements and close quarter combat techniques, according to documents tabled Monday in the House of Commons. It appears the training provided by Xe instructors was for precision shooting and defensive driving. The documents note much of the training in VIP escorting and close quarter combat was done by CF instructors and standards personnel.
Special forces members also had precision shooting and defensive driving training at the facility, although for operational security reasons the government wouldn't say how many trained there. The Department of National Defence made 14 call-ups in 2011 against a standing offer arrangement with Xe, for a total of $567,729, the documents say. Facility used since 1997.