#30GoalsEdu: Goal 4 Revisit an Idea. Ideas are often thought of and forgotten in a blink of an eye.
Our heads are filled with them and yet there is so little time to put them all into practice. That is one of the reasons why I left this one idea aside for while. Learners though love watching TV series in class, so I thought why not pursue this goal and see what would happen if I used it for a whole semester! Would they be more motivated? Would they like the one I chose? The biggest challenge is developing tasks that don’t kill the natural desire and curiosity that keeps one engaged with a TV series, that is, the story itself. So I chose THE MIDDLE after a long search and review reading. A family that could pretty much be yours. ;) Back in April, I watched the live transmition of Jan Blake plenary “They don’t care about the vocabulary, they care about the characters.” and that has sticked to my mind every since. Episode 1. Goal 3: Personal Theme Song : English Advantage. 30 Goals Challenge - Goal 3. I have participated in the 30 Goals Challenge hosted by Shelly Sanchez Terrell before.
You can read all about it at her website Teacher Reboot Camp. In the past, I have only got through about half of the goals. I am going to try and make it all the way through this time. ALL4EFL. ALL4EFL. Goal 3: What’s Your Personal Theme Song? #30GoalsEdu. I was talking about this with Shelly Terrell the other day – and we both agreed that we have special songs for ever kind of moment in our lives…but I will try to keep it short here!
One of the songs that amazed me when I first heard it! I thought, they know me, they know my life – Paradise by Coldplay: This one by the Stereophonics reminds me that there is always tomorrow to do new things and dream about, never despair or give up – and find my way home. I get excited very easily, be it about a new idea, project, even the mention of simple things like cake! And because I use Wooohooo! The last one is a bit nostalgic and a bit funny too, come to think of it.
(7) 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. My personal theme songs #30GoalsEdu · anitajankovic. Datenglish: My Personal Theme Song for 30 Goals Challenge. Goal Nº 3: What's Your Personal Theme Song?
“Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson Music plays an important role in my life, and how it affects my daily life. Someone said : "My life is a great movie, filled with songs, smiles and tears. " I'm curious about how music affects the brain. "The researchers found that music powerfully influenced the emotional ratings of the faces. How to avoid burnout – #30 Goals Edu – Goal Two. Here is my contribution towards goal two in this year’s 30 goal educational challenge by Shelly Terrell. Goal three is to find a theme song also, so I’m going to add a theme song to each goal as my colleague Vicky Loras has done. Surfing is the best way to avoid burnout Burnout can be defined as ” A psychological term that refers to long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in work.”
Wikipedia. This is an ever-present phenomena in the teaching profession, as ‘over-caring’ or over-doing a job that’s more like a vocation is quite common. Goal: What’s Your Personal Theme Song? Posted by Shelly Terrell on Saturday, January 9th 2010 Part of the Goals 2010 Challenge Series, Goal 8 and part of the Cool Sites Series Congratulations!
You just completed a week of goals. Can you believe how much you’ve accomplished in the New Year so far?! For the next goal, I want us to keep ourselves motivated for the week ahead. 30 Goals Challenge - 3. Choose your personal theme song. Goal number three of Shelly Terrell's fourth cycle of her 30 Goals Challenge is to choose a personal theme song.
Shelly began her own blogpost on this with a quote about music, and I'd like to do the same: “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato. The type of music I enjoy would surely be unrecognisable to Plato, but the sentiment behind his words still resonates strongly with me. Music has always been a huge part of my life. My Personal Theme Song for the 4th Cycle of the #30Goals Challenge. Jul Two years ago at a plenary talk JJ Wilson told that we enter the class with everything we put in our luggage.
Looking at my past I completely agree with him. Through the years we pack a suitcase adding little pebbles every time we repack. The suitcase we are given at our birth is not completely empty, there are already things from our parents, grandparents, siblings, places they were born, lived and educated. Then we start adding our little pebbles. Teacher Burn-Out & Personal Theme Songs: Interview with @VickyLoras #30GoalsEDU. What’s Your Personal Theme Song? #30GoalsEdu. Posted by Shelly Terrell on Thursday, July 4th 2013 Goal 3: What’s Your Personal Theme Song of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators.
Click the link to find out more about the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. ~ Aldous Huxley. Finding inspiration and encouragement. Trying a new adventure this summer....I am taking Shelly Terrill's 30 Day Challenge.
There is a wealth of helpful ideas here and I want to take these and run to my school's faculty. Boy could we use some of these stress busters!!!! Plus I wanted to meet new people and learn some new skills. So Many Colors In The Rainbow. Join the Parade “Your son marches to the beat of a different drummer, but don’t worry, we’ll have him joining the parade by the end of the term.”
These are the opening sentiments to Harry Chapin’s 1978 folk song Flowers Are Red. Here’s the video of him performing in 1981. I like this version because he offers the background to why he wrote the song. (The actual song begins at 1:51) Here is a link to the lyrics as well. What Does Our Palette Look Like? Teaching is an art (and yes, a science).