Parents - Shelly Sanchez Terrell. Engaging Parents with Technology.
Parents mlearning. Engaging & Informing Parents with Social Media. Raising 'Digital' Kids - Parent Workshop by David Truss - home. 'Parenting in the digital age' on slideshare. Digital Parenting 101: An iTunesU Course For Parents. Digital Parenting iTunesU course Part of having any type of success in a school is to have the support of parents.
While some schools can overcome a lack of parent involvement or support, most depend on the idea that “it takes a village” to raise a child. The same is true of any successful mobile device initiative. I’ve had over 50 talks/discussions/trainings with community members and parents in our district since the launch of the LEAP iPad Initiative in Fall of 2011, and that’s still not enough. We’ve hosted panels of parents discussing their concerns and values with technology use.
Knowledge is a powerful thing and lately, many parents are looking for more and more materials on what to avoid online, what to turn off and restrict, and how to help “stay ahead” of their kids digitally. As parents, our job has never been so important, but at the same time, so challenging. “HOW CAN YOU BE SMILING?!?” Living with Laptops: Digital Citizenship for Parents.
Parenting in a Digital Age, Colchester, May 2014. Tips for Engaging Parents this School Year. It’s that time again for many of us worldwide to start the new school year!
This time of year is very exciting, but also comes with new challenges. One of the most important challenges of the school year is how to engage parents. Larry Ferlazzo, author of Building Parent Engagement in Schools, points out that while many schools involve parents they rarely engage parents. TESOL Webinars. Getting Parents On Board with Technology in the Classroom.
Parent Teacher Conferences, Kindergarten Classroom and Parent Communication. Institute for Educational Leadership. Wednesdays @ 9PM EST Join PTchat Live!
(follow #PTchat live online) Parent Teacher Chat (#PTchat) is a social media professional development conversation that enables parents, family engagement practitioners, teachers and others to develop new and innovative approaches to partnerships. It happens on the social media network Twitter. PT Chat. Partnering with Parents: 12+ Resources for the School Year. Shelly Terrell’s Newsfeed. Parent Involvement or Parent Engagement? Cybraryman Internet Catalogue. Building a connected, transparent learning community & my #140edu talk. New Teacher Academy: How to Work with Parents. Welcome to week four of Edutopia's New Teacher Academy blog series!
I'm excited to be here with you sharing my passion to support and mentor new teachers. I hope that you will come back for the next and last post in the series as we continue to look at five key topics designed to provide resources for new teachers in five key areas. To collaborate in more detail on these and other topics, I invite you to join my weekly New Teacher chat on Twitter, and also to visit my blog Teaching with Soul. Please view this video as I share a few words on our focus for this week. Today's guest contributor is Shelly Sanchez Terrell, a teacher trainer, author and international speaker. Shelly Sanchez Terrell co-founded and organized the acclaimed educational projects Edchat, ELTChat and The Reform Symposium E-Conference. Institute for Educational Leadership.
A Multi-Faceted Approach to Engaging Parents. Educators must be experts in effective communication techniques, especially when it comes to parents and other key stakeholders.
As the times and tools have changed we now have a variety of means to disseminate information in a more efficient and cost-effective fashion. In my experience I have identified 4 key principles that lay a foundation for communicating effectively with parents: transparency, honesty, accessibility, and flexibility. As you will see, these four principles can be applied to the following strategies that are listed below: Image credit: Raising 'Digital' Kids - Parent Workshop by David Truss - home. Gift Coupons for Parents. Need a gift for your parents?
If you're tech-savvy, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Whether they need help setting up their new mobile device or laptop, or are just looking to spend a few tech-free hours with you, we have five coupons that are perfect for them. Here’s how it works. 1. Click on the coupon of your choice. Online Safety Cards for Kids Technology Gifts. Did you buy your child a new piece of technology? Here some downloadable cards to include with their gift. Just CLICK on the card for the gadget you bought, PRINT it out, and WRITE your house rules in the spaces provided. These online safety cards aren’t just for the kids. For each set of rules, you’ll have to make a set of promises, too! After all, online safety is a partnership – and it works better when you’re in it together. A Platform for Good’s #digitalparenting Tweet Chat Recap. April 18, 2014 By Christian Brink Christian is the Project Assistant at the Family Online Safety Institute.
Yesterday, A Platform for Good along with online privacy expert, Fred Lane, hosted a tweet chat discussing digital parenting and what it takes to raise good digital citizens. The turnout was fantastic! We were joined by parents, educators, experts, industry, nonprofits, and everyone inbetween. E-Safety Parent's Assembly. Shared notebook: Shared. Teach Parents Tech. After a Year Teaching High School, Tony Danza Says We Owe Educators an Apology - Education. Don't be surprised if the nation's teachers start a fan club for actor Tony Danza.
Unlike the countless policy makers and talking heads who offer up suggestions for improving education without ever teaching a day in their lives, during the 2009-2010 school year the actor ditched Hollywood for a gig teaching tenth grade English at Northeast High School in Philadelphia. Now Danza's written a book, I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had, about the experience. What's Danza apologizing for? He readily admits that he wasn't the best student in school, and since he'd earned a degree in history education, he wanted to make a difference. Burlington High School Principal's Blog: Communication With Burlington High School. As we approach the last days of summers and our students are just a few days away from returning, I thought it a good time to remind everyone that a major goal for us at BHS is our communication with community members.
As we work at continuing to improve our communication with staff, students, families, and members of the greater BHS community I wanted to share some of the ways that you can stay on top of what is going on at BHS and also communicate with us if you need to.Email/Phone: My email is and phone number is 781.273.7662 - please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.. All other staff emails and phone numbers can be found through our staff directory. The K12 learning management system. Pearson to provide Ning Mini for free to educators.
Ly Blog: A Letter to Parents from Celly Cofounder Russell Okamoto. Privacy. Summary: We will NEVER share any of your personal information with anyone.It’s your choice to post content and make it public.
You are solely responsible for the content you post.We cookie your browser (this is standard practice)We may log your activity on our site (this is standard practice)When you post, direct message, friend somebody, etc, your personally identifiable information (email, phone number) are kept completely private. What This Privacy Policy Covers This privacy policy pertains to the use of Celly and the website located at By using our Service, you are consenting to our processing of your information as set forth in this privacy policy.This privacy policy describes how Celly and any related companies treat personal information that it collects and receives as you use our service (from our social networking website, including via SMS). Children Under the Age of 13 Children under 13 are not permitted to use Celly. Children between the Ages of 13-18 General Information. Remind101.
Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. Internet Safety. 26 Internet safety talking points. Docs – Google Docs. Mytechclass - Parent Letter. Parent Technology Letter. Southeast Elementary. Making Google Classroom Calendar Public for Parents – TeachingForward. Teachers in my district LOVE Google Classroom, but wish there was a way for parents to view assignments to help keep students on-track at home. When Google Classroom launched the integration of Calendar last fall, every class that teachers create automatically has a corresponding Google Calendar which helps students to keep track of their assignments by due date. Make Your Own iPhone or Android App, Infinite Monkey App Maker Free. Drive - Cloud Storage & File Backup for Photos, Docs & More. Digital Communication for Teachers. Using Technology to Effectively Communicate Why Should Teachers and Parents Communicate?
Good two-way communication between families and schools is necessary for your students' success. Not surprisingly, research shows that the more parents and teachers share relevant information with each other about a student, the better equipped both will be to help that student achieve academically. Use Social Media to Communicate With Parents. EducationWorld is pleased to feature a variety of book excerpts in collaboration with Stenhouse Publishers.
The following excerpt comes from Attention Grabbing Skills for Involving Parents in their Children’s Learning, by Jane Baskwill (Pembroke Publishers, 2013; distributed in the U.S. by Stenhouse Publishers). The book retails for $22 and is available on the Stenhouse Web site. Using Technology to Enable Parent Teacher Communication. Co-authored by Lakshmi, a Mobicip blogger who is just as passionately opinionated about the juxtaposition of technology, parenting and education.