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Listening Resources & Tools

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Storynory - Free Audio Stories for Kids. Storynory - Free Audio Stories for Kids. Now You've Got My Attention! Integrating Listening Tools & Apps. Audio Projects for Digital Learners. Digital Dialogues: Speaking Activities, Web Tools & Apps (All Ages)

Listening Web Tools

Listening Apps & Mobile Activities. Music Tools & Apps. Podcasts & Audio Projects. Using sound to stimulate creativity - Mike Harrison. Sound activities for the ELT classroom by Mike Harrison. Recording (33min) Mike Harrison Sound activities for the ELT classroom Youtube trailer @harrisonmike Sound is a very powerful stimulus as it can evoke such strong feelings and emotions.

Sound activities for the ELT classroom by Mike Harrison

Bio Mike Harrison Mike Harrison is an ESOL teacher based in London where he has been teaching for the last 4 years. Listening for learning. This post is in response to Nathan Hall’s invitation to take part in an ELT Research Blog Carnival.

Listening for learning

The first topic is ‘listening’. In a recent post, the Secret DOS asks, along with many other questions, if there is any more to language learning than memorisation, regurgitation and evaluation. I’d say there is. What that more is, though, may depend on who’s doing the learning and on what and why they want to learn. An essential element, however, must be that learners develop an understanding of how the language is used in different contexts and for different purposes by reading and listening to what and how things are written or said in that language.

But how do we cover all the many possible contexts learners will want to participate in? « Tune Into English. Lyrics Training. I haven't posted anything in a while so you all might be well familiar with the website I'm going to recommend today!

Lyrics Training

Lyrics Training is a perfect site for both teachers and students who can practise listening while enjoying their favourite songs. And it's not just karaoke! First, there as many as seven different languages to choose from, which means it's not only for EFL/ ESL students. Once you decide on a song, you'll also be told what kind of, in this case, English that song is sung in - British, Canadian, Australian etc. The next stage is choosing the level - beginner, intermediate or expert (not recommended as you'll have to fill up all the words!) Using Lyrics Training for Language Learning. Reach the Hard to Reach. Listen and Write - Dictation. Search results for listen. Many people learn English so that they can listen to and understand some of their favourite singers, but today's activity takes your English a step further.

Search results for listen

Using a website called 'The Next Big Sound' you are going to listen to new musicians and try to guess which ones will become popular. This site is a combination between new music site and a game. To play the game, create a record label, listen to new music and choose the ten bands or singers that you think will become most popular, you can then follow them each day to find out how popular they are as other people listen to their music and select and rate them.

You can also change your mind and drop one of your ten bands and select a new band. It's all up to you. Task: The OpenTok Platform - Features. Scalable platform From start-up to established enterprise, our platform scales to meet your needs.

The OpenTok Platform - Features

Advanced features Our industry-leading suite of features is second to none. Simple implementation Our comprehensive API makes it easy to deliver world-class communication experiences powered by WebRTC. New to OpenTok:Archiving & Playback. Archiving & Playback makes it easy to record, save, and retrieve OpenTok sessions. Google Chrome: The Peanut Gallery Experiment  Resa-ist - Vocaroo. Vocaroo is a simple audio recording service that can be used by both teachers and students.

resa-ist - Vocaroo

It allows you to record your voice, play it back to listen, and then provides you with a web link or the code to embed an icon into a webpage or blog. EDTEC 470 - Adding Recordings to Your Page with Vocaroo. San Diego State University • Spring 2013 One thing that works against using web-based resources with younger learners is the fact that most of the web is written at a reading level of 8th grade or higher.

EDTEC 470 - Adding Recordings to Your Page with Vocaroo

You can make those resources accessible to early readers by supplementing them with audio that you record yourself. A free site called Vocaroo lets you do just that. Mini-Project. Listening. Aug August 24, 2010 | 3 Comments I must confess one of the skills that I neglect is listening.


However, it should be one of the most important ones. Awesome Audio Stories and more! Listening. English Listening Exercises - Online Lessons for ESL Students. Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study) Practice Listening to Naturally-spoken English (For ESL/EFL)

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For English as a Second Language. Elllo index. Creating audio-visual monologues. Flipz TV is a really useful piece of free software for creating entertaining audio-visual materials.

Creating audio-visual monologues

The software enables you to record your own audio monologues and lip-sync them with a choice of animated talking heads. It then turns them into small Flash files which can be run in a web browser. These can be put on the Internet, run form your computer desktop, or the Flash files can even be delivered to mobile phones. Here’s an example that I created using a Sonnet (130) by William Shakespeare. Elllo index. Listening. Listening & Speaking Start Reading for Children (1) Simple present tense, 50-word passages for children to start reading and listeningStart Reading for Children (2) 50-word passages for kids to improve English through reading and listeningStart Reading for Children (3) 100-word passages to improve children's reading and listeningEnglish Level 1 Simple present tense, 50 words per passage with audio and exercises for English beginnersEnglish Level 2 Short passages with audio and exercises for English beginnersEnglish Level 3 Short essays for English beginners to improve reading and listeningEnglish Level 4 More short essays for beginners to improve reading and listeningEnglish Level 5 200-word essays for English beginners to transition to intermediate levelEnglish Level 6 250-word essays for English beginners to transition to intermediate level American Songs Conversations Free ESL Software Online Radio News BBC World News BBC's international radio.


Online Videos Conversation Questions. Dictation. Do you want to improve your English listening skills? What about your spelling, writing, and typing skills? Dictations can help in many ways. They even help you learn new vocabulary in context. These EnglishClub dictations come in three different levels. Try the short dictations first and work your way up. English Dictation - Learn English Free. Listen and Write - Dictation. Socialising 4: Active listening. Perhaps the most important skill connected with socialising is to ‘shut up and listen’.

In practice, it can be very difficult to resist the temptation to turn every conversation into a conversation about what we consider the most interesting thing in the world, i.e. ourselves. The most skilful active listeners include nurses, social workers, psychotherapists and counsellors, so this lesson focuses especially on the techniques studied and used by these professionals. Topic: Socialising and active listening Level: Intermediate (B2) and above Aims: To raise awareness of the importance of active listening skills, and some situations where they are especially important.To teach some language and techniques for active listening, including effective use of body language.To provide practice and feedback of the situation of actively listening to a friend or colleague talking about a difficult experience.

Plan components Lesson plan: download Worksheets: download. ACTIVE LISTENING (for grades 3-6) Learning Outcome Students will practice active listening by paraphrasing what they hear. Materials Needed Agenda written on chalkboard or chart paper Active Listening Checklist (see below) This lesson calls for a role play that you have arranged in advance with a student. Gathering: Active Listening - Communication Skills Training from MindTools. Hear What People are Really Saying Learn how to hear the whole message by using active listening techniques. Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others.

For instance: We listen to obtain information. Given all this listening we do, you would think we'd be good at it! Turn it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you aren't hearing the whole message either. Clearly, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. Teaching with Listening Tools and Apps-Shelly Terrell. Search Results: sound.