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STEAM It Up for Struggling Students. Teaching STEAM to Language Learners. Inquiring Minds: Teaching Science to Language Learners. Digital Research for Today's Learners. Out of This World Learning! Activities, Apps & Resources for Aliens &… Out of This World Learning, Activities & Resources About Aliens & Planets. Halloween Activities, Resources & Apps for Teens. Eek! Monster Apps, Lesson Ideas & Resources. CLIL: Teaching Science to Language Learners.

Digital Research. Recipes & Treats.

Aliens and Planets

15+ Yummy Activities and Resources for Teaching About Food. Shelly Terrell shares tips for this month’s teaching theme: Teaching About Food “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ~ Virginia Woolf One of the best topics to teach as a language teacher is food.

15+ Yummy Activities and Resources for Teaching About Food

Language learners will use vocabulary and phrases related to food during their travels or while hosting guests from other countries. Moreover, teachers can teach math, instructions, health, poverty, culture, etiquette, and more while teaching about food. The activity ideas and resources below will help you have a successful food unit. Activities and Ideas Food Vocabulary Food and Culture Students can learn about various cultures and traditions by studying various cuisines and the food within an area. Have students teach the class a food tradition or custom. Recipes Recipes offer students a way to learn vocabulary in chunks through performing tasks and following instructions. Digital Dialogues About Food. 9 Activities To Get Your Learners Thinking Like Inventors. ESL-Library’s teaching theme for January is Innovation.

9 Activities To Get Your Learners Thinking Like Inventors

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~ Albert Einstein There are those lessons in which our learners come out feeling empowered, as if they have the ability and skills to make a positive impact in the world. These are the lessons in which you leave with an extra jump in your step and it feels great to be a teacher. These are the kind of lessons I live for, the ones in which I feel my students have left with more than knowledge. Idea #1 Advertising this Tool. ISS Video-Lemon Jelly Mashup. STEM Behind Hollywood by Texas Instruments. Scientists and experts who consult on Hollywood films and TV worked alongside leading math and science educators to create free classroom activities for TI-Nspire CX™ handhelds, TI-Nspire™ Teacher and Student Software, and TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad.

STEM Behind Hollywood by Texas Instruments

These activities center around the math and science behind Hollywood themes like zombies, superheroes, space and forensics, and they give students the chance to solve problems just like real-life scientists using the concepts behind their favorite movies and TV shows. TI’s STEM education advocate Her role as one of TV’s most endearing nerds — Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory — is hardly a stretch for TI’s brand ambassador, the Emmy-nominated actress Mayim Bialik.

Preschool Powol Packets. It's been just over a week since I published our first candy cane experiment, and the kids had so much fun with it (and we have so many candy canes!)

Preschool Powol Packets

That I have another one to share! Candy canes are formed into a shepherd's crook shape after the cooking process is complete. Science in 6 seconds: The best of Vine. GE hosted a contest to make super-short science videos for Vine and the results feature some really clever, nifty little clips.

Science in 6 seconds: The best of Vine

The downside: This compilation is more than 4 minutes of 6-second videos. After a little while, the individual clips lose some of their punch. Plus, with just 6 seconds (and no explanatory interstitials) there are inevitably some Vines where what's going on is not going to be clear to everybody. And, unfortunately, GE doesn't seem to take the time to explain. I did want to post this, though, because I'm loving the way some of the entrants used the medium. Life Topics Book: Table of Contents. PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations.

Science Interactives. Science. Ting_Into the HEART of CLIL_Ex 1-3.pdf. The Coolest Science of 2013, in GIFs. 32 Mesmerising GIFs That Will Make You Fall In Love With Science. COOL SCIENCE GIFS. Visual dictionary. SCIENCE images. English Language Learners. Sci-Ku » Popular. You've Got Some Science On You. Sitting around the dinner table the other night, my older son, Owen, who is in 4th grade, announced that he wanted to write a science poem.

You've Got Some Science On You

A haiku, to be specific. (He was feeling inspired, having just finished a short story for school, and been listening to me talk about science all the time.) Within a few minutes, he wrote the following, which I told him I’d post here on the blog for him. cell By Owen Ulrich smallest living thing living, growing, dividing the base of all life The next night, my younger son, Zach, the kindergartener, was also feeling scientifically literary. Popsci. <img src="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD3651" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3652">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3654">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3656">pixel</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3658">.


</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3660">quantserve</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3662">. </span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3664">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3666">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3668">pixel</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3670">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3672">p</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3674">-</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3676">cafODhhaQOlCs</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD3678">. GE Emoji Science. 2015STEMFairBooklet-final.pdf. The Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements. QR Code Periodic Table with Symbols. Foldables. Sink or Float? Purpose To make and test predictions about sinking and floating and then classify objects according to whether they sink or float.

Sink or Float?

Context In this activity students will determine whether various objects sink or float in water. Whether an object sinks or float in a liquid depends mainly on two factors: density and buoyancy. However, at this level, students do not need to explain why objects sink or float. This lesson will also provide practice categorizing a variety of objects according to observable characteristics. Planning Ahead. Sink or Float. BBC Scotland Education - See You See Me - Are You Eco Friendly? Phillip Cox - Books on the iBookstore. Free Resources. Close If you are trying to view the videos from inside a school or university, your IT admin may need to enable streaming on your network.

Free Resources

Please see the Internet Filtering section of our Technical Requirements page. DVDs AND OTHER COPIES Videos on this page are not available on DVD at this time due to licensing restrictions on the footage. Subscribers to NBC Learn may download videos and play them back without an internet connection. Still have questions?

The Science of the Olympic Winter Games videos are only available to visitors inside the United States due to licensing restrictions on the Olympics footage used in the videos. The Science of the Olympic Winter Games is not available on DVD at this time due to licensing restrictions on on Olympic footage. Scavenger Hunt: "Going Buggy" Worksheet. Science - Section 2. Create An Interactive, Label-Based Image Quiz! Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for sharing this resource!

Create An Interactive, Label-Based Image Quiz!

ImageQuiz is a fantastic new website that lets users create image-based quizzes with ease. Just upload your image, choose a title, and begin tagging the locations of the labels. Tagging works by drawing on the image to define what the quiz should test people on, and then labeling each of those tags. It is very easy to use and has a basic, simple interface and best of all – no signup required! This means you can get students to create their own quizzes without worrying about them having to create accounts and then forgetting the passwords… For example, below is a screenshot of a quiz someone created about the parts of a bicycle. As you can see, it even keeps score, so you can use it as an assessment in the classroom if you would like.

Happy quizzing, y’all! Like this: Summer Projects to Keep Your Homeschooler Active - Following, is a guest blog post from reader Ken–Summer Projects to Keep Your Homeschooler Active. During the summer, children tend to give caution to the wind and spend their time doing anything other than educational activities. Just because the summer is upon us, it doesn’t mean we can slack and postpone learning.

There are many activities that a homeschooling student, or any student for that matter, can do throughout the summer that doesn’t feel like education. These experiments can be a great source of entertainment as they use a variety of skills in order to complete each one. 1. 2. 3. Summer for a child is a time of entertainment and fun. Author Bio: Ken holds a Master’s in Business leadership from Upper Iowa University and multiple bachelor degrees from Grand View College. Content and Language Integrated Learning: Blend Language Learning with Science. Interactive Learning Tool. Tramline Virtual Field Trips. Magic Tricks.

Leanne, Rita, Gregory, Jane and Shelly have contributed a number of fun magic tricks that are easy to do and have really wonderful results. So jump in and learn how to astound your friends! Tips and hints to help you become a successful magician: Practice in front of a mirror so you can see the trick as your audience will. Practice lots! Practice the "patter" as well as the trick. Magic Tricks ELT thing. The Inspired Classroom. As you are going to discover, I adore foldables. Many of my postings will show the foldables I use in my classroom. Here is my model for plant parts.

To create it, a regular sheet of copy paper (or in the case of my model, cardstock) is folded in half, hotdog (or lengthwise) style. Cut marks are made every 2 3/4 inches, but don't cut it yet, as it will make drawing the flower more difficult. Using these marks, draw a flower in the top section, making it large enough to fill the space. Inside, using the cuts as a guide, my students and I fill out the information needed for each plant part, in particular the job of the part. Once the foldable is ready, students use them to study from and to self test. Browse Interactives.

Mystery Science: Lessons for elementary teachers. Science at Science Games. Free Online Textbooks, Flashcards, Practice, Real World Examples, Simulations.