Auras. How to See the Aura | Explore Meditation. When young children draw pictures of people, they think it quite normal to pick bright colors and scribble over different body parts. They don’t put much thought into it … They grab a pencil or crayon from the pile and scribble where it feels most appropriate. For many people, this lends credibility to their belief that it is common for children to see auras. And what do most teachers and parents do? Tell them to choose more natural colors and reward them for drawing ‘with-in the lines’. We may boast that our children have colorful imaginations, but we may well be missing that seeing aura’s is a natural occurance, and inadvertently doing all we can to dull their psychic sense.
But seeing auras is a skill that we can re-learn. (Though we first need to un-learn the ‘normal’ that has been drummed into us.) Anyone can learn how to see the aura . 1. Physical Aura Viewing Let’s look at physically seeing the aura first. You should start to notice a soft haze around the outline of your hand. Aura - Learn to see your Aura image with your own eyes. What is the Aura ? Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration.The most important property of the Aura seems to be the fact that it contains INFORMATION about the object.Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly.
Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed, but can be changed by our conscious intent. Firefly Pose. Step by Step Squat with your feet a little less than shoulder distance apart. Tilt your pelvis forward and bring your trunk between your legs. Keeping your trunk low, straighten your legs enough to lift your pelvis to about knee height. Bring your left upper arm and shoulder as far as possible underneath the back of your left thigh just above the knee and place your left hand on the floor at the outside edge of your foot, fingers pointing forward.
Repeat these actions on the other side. Lift yourself off the floor by carefully shifting your center of gravity. Press your hands into the floor and slowly begin to rock your weight back, off your feet and onto your hands. With an inhalation, stretch your legs out to the sides as straight as you can, keeping your pelvis high to make your legs parallel to the floor. Press through the bases of your big toes but pull your toes back toward your torso and spread them apart.
Straighten your arms as much as possible. Anatomical Focus Wrists Benefits. Larchmont Village (CFY) Welcome to Golden Bridge Yoga.